Guns are to blame for the school shooting

The U.S. is the only 1st world nation with an out of control gun violence problem.

The U.S. is the only country in the world with Republicans.

You do the math.

So do you want to kill them, or put them in re-education camps?
if we have to blame someone, we're all to blame.

these days no one wants to compromise or they're branded a sellout. we've normalized the extreme so much there can no longer be that hallowed "middle ground"

common ground.

but we all know it's there. we all agree on base things and the differences are in how we get there is all. not what we want. but we've literally gotten to the point where we will hate someone for simply disagreeing with our obvious wisdom.

we've allowed hate to guide us and anger to justify it. until we change that and work on our overall base culture, no laws, no demands, no "evolution" will change us because that isn't what we want. well today anyway.

until we can get back to simple respect for each other, the rest is just sideshow bob in action.

If the Republicans want to arm and train teachers and other school personnel with a national program,

why don't they introduce and pass and pay for such legislation?

Ask them.

WTF? You people never quit do you?

You asked me a question and I gave you direction snowflake. Don't cry to me.

You admitted you have no idea. Good for you.
Other countries listen to music, watch violent movies and play violent video games. They don't have mass shootings using military style assault weapons in their schools. Hmmmm, what could be the difference?

Our schools are gun-free zones.

BTW, no one has ever used an assault weapon in a school in the US.

Look at Norway, and Paris. How many people were killed there? In Paris, the terrorists did use assault weapons.
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Other countries listen to music, watch violent movies and play violent video games. They don't have mass shootings using military style assault weapons in their schools. Hmmmm, what could be the difference?
Strange. No military style assault weapon has been used in anyone's school. Do you mean the big, bad, scary semi-automatic rifle?

I sure wish you clowns would learn what an assault weapon truly is.

I sometimes wonder what you people use for thinking.

Tell Me, what does every country except the United States have that they hold on to with great devotion?

I'll tell you. It is traditionally called 'culture'. Germany has one, hell even Slovakia has an old culture. If that culture is degraded, then the people will start not caring about each other, traditions, or even life. Right now, many of these 'cultures' don't glorify violence. Sure they watch it, but they hold on tightly to their 'traditions'.

Now, what is going on in the United States? We are destroying our culture and traditions. We no longer teach our children how to cope with life's stresses. We no longer teach them that it is okay to want something, but that it is NOT okay to just expect your wants handed to you. We do not teach our children that it is unacceptable to act out, attack, or otherwise hate those who won't give them what they want.

We used to teach children that if you wanted something, but couldn't get it right now, that they could still have it. If they had patience, motivation to achieve what they want, and worked hard for it.

In essence, it is a complete lack of thinking skills to make some wild ass claim that other nations don't shoot people with guns simply because they don't have the guns ready to hand. If they did, they still wouldn't do it.

Because they have centuries of a culture that does not do that kind of thing and no one group trying to destroy that culture.
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal.

So, if guns were illegal, no children would be killed? Deranged people with violent intentions and a desire to kill would simply stop and keep it to themselves and not seek out some alternate method? Guns have been legal in this country since its inception right up to the 1990's when these shootings started to become a noticeable problem. They were never any big problem ALL THAT TIME but NOW they are the problem?

Just tell the government to come and take all our arms BY FORCE, disarm the entire populace so that only the criminals who never follow laws anyway still have them, and all the killings will stop? You've made an excellent example of Black and White Reasoning! Congratulations!

This is what public education has done for us: IN EVERY CASE in history a population has been disarmed, the consequences have been disastrous, and give people one inch and here we are with yet a new wave of imbeciles ready to hand away their rights that once gone, they would NEVER get back, ready to do the easy thing and BLAME THE MEANS rather the cause of the intentions!
you know what's interesting: when a father dies, the child is called an orphan. when a husband dies, the wife's a widow. but what do you call the mother of a dead child? i guess that's too fucking awful to have a name!
To be clear, the children are dead because guns are legal and not dead because:

1. Of the media and Hollywood glorifying violence 24/7. It's not bad enough it is glorified in movies, the press then has to post the face of the shooter for the whole world to see with 24/7 coverage.
2. The music industry making billions off gang rap songs about cop banging.
3. The amoral vacuum in schools where everything is taught except a moral code of some sort to follow and making sure the "G" word is never used and no Bibles can be seen openly used in schools.
4. Mental health issues being swept under the rug pretending they don't exist.
5. Gun laws in place that fail, like the shooter in Texas.
6.. Former President Obama running guns across the border to drug cartels instead of securing the border so that gangs and guns can't make it back into the States. Apparently it is better to have Mexican gangsters have guns than law abiding citizens.
7. The posters here that support open borders and preventing illegals from being detained and sent back to their country when they break the laws.
8. The left's fight to not allow proper school security needed in this day and age. It is apparently better to have kids walk in and shoot up a school so that such events can be used to try and ban guns across the country.
9. The second amendment. Yes, the Constitution sucks.
10. The disintegration of the family unit and the morals within it.

Just to be clear.

In jails they ban guns for obvious reasons. Maybe society in the US is so far morally gone that it's time to just build a wall around us and hire a warden to oversee them.

using your logic, all of the people killed in vehicle accidents on our streets and highways are killed because cars, trucks, and buses are legal. all of the people killed by drugs are killed because prescription drugs are legal, your logic fails, sorry.
you know what's interesting: when a father dies, the child is called an orphan. when a husband dies, the wife's a widow. but what do you call the mother of a dead child? i guess that's too fucking awful to have a name!

You do realize that doesn't make sense don't you?

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