I think that elephant is a whale. We could do things that would reduce the magnitude of mass gun violence but we can not eliminated it because Americans want to buy guns and the 2nd amendment protects that right.I also think its difficult when one side sees dead children as collateral damage.
I agree that it looks like a huge undertaking but times have changed since your constiitution was written and unless you want to live in compounds something needs to b done.
How do you eat an elephant ? One piece at a time.
We could ban assault style weapons. We did in 1994 for ten years. After its ban, mass shootings were down in the decade that followed, in comparison to the decade before the ban. We still had mass shootings and the ban had little effect on gun violence in the country.
We can also spend many billions of dollars making schools, auditoriums, and other places where people gather more safe. However we would still have mass shooting and doing so would have only minimal effect on gun violence.
Lastly, we can put a lot more money into mental health. However, there are several problems with this in regard to stopping mass shootings. First, being most mass murders are not mentally ill in the clinical sense that would require hospitalization. Those problems range from social isolation, low self esteem, and depression to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However, if all mass murders where being treated, most would still be walking the streets and able to get guns. What would be needed is mental health counseling for most of the country, which is not going to happen.