Guns vs God - Guns are winning

That a hilarious argument. Armies beat Hitler not crazy gun totin republicans.
You fail to address the questions in the OP. They werent complicated.
I was responding to your drivel prior post, taint. That’s the one where you stupidly wondered if we had not evolved since 1776. That took guns. Guns are not inherently evil. So no evolution is needed.

You posed no sensible question in the OP. You did try to insulate yourself from being castigated for your usual imbecility by falsely placing the thread in the wrong forum, however. You pussy.
I was responding to your drivel prior post, taint. That’s the one where you stupidly wondered if we had not evolved since 1776. That took guns. Guns are not inherently evil. So no evolution is needed.
Its still a stupid post. My Taid fought Hitler. Never owned a gun or wanted one. After he beat Hitler he handed his gun back and went home to live his life without ever firing a gun again.
Hitler desnt live in modern day texas either.
Its on all of my TV chanbels so its my business.


I'm glad you agree with my assessment of the British government.


Its still a stupid post. My Taid fought Hitler. Never owned a gun or wanted one. After he beat Hitler he handed his gun back and went home to live his life without ever firing a gun again.
Hitler desnt live in modern day texas either.
Yes. Your OP was a stupid post. And lots of guys fought Hitler. And it did take guns to do that. And lots of folks never wanted to touch a gun again. Good. That’s also their right.

None of that has anything to do with Texas or anyplace else where tragedies happened like what just happened in Texas. You’re still simply a scumbag. Taint, there isn’t an honest bone in your libtarded fatass body.
.Would God expect you to take learning from this ? He is showing you the way but you are not paying attention.

And exactly what is the way God is showing us Tommy?

Say I'm too lazy, could you just tell me what you think is the way God has shown us?

Twice you asked for clarification. Both times he responded by avoiding the simple question. (very neo-liberal of him) He sure talks a lot, though.
Twice you asked for clarification. Both times he responded by avoiding the simple question. (very neo-liberal of him) He sure talks a lot, though.

No. I think you may be too stupid or scared to take instruction on this.
Yep he doesn't have the guts to just say he is anti-gun/freedom.
He's a foreigner who comes on here & tries to lecture us on gun rights & how we're cowards because we're not afraid of our guns.
BTW- you are paying him a compliment by calling him any kind of liberal. He's actually just another programmed progressive "deep thinker" whose idea of liberalism is where everyone has the right to do exactly what they are told by people like him.
He's as illiberal as they come
Yep he doesn't have the guts to just say he is anti-gun/freedom.
He's a foreigner who comes on here & tries to lecture us on gun rights & how we're cowards because we're not afraid of our guns.
BTW- you are paying him a compliment by calling him any kind of liberal. He's actually just another programmed progressive "deep thinker" whose idea of liberalism is where everyone has the right to do exactly what they are told by people like him.
He's as illiberal as they come
Ok, I see what you are saying and accept your correction. I really don't know the guy that well, and I guess the definition of "liberal" has been utterly destroyed these past two or three decades. Even "progressive" is too generic for me. Whatever AOC, Ilhan Omar, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Don Lemon, Beta ORourke, and a cast of thousands of other leftist "luminaries" are these days it is hard to describe by a label. But I know Jack Kennedy would vomit with all the filth they stand for.
The slaughter of innocent little children must give some to reflect on their faith. I know some people who gave up on religion after Dunblane.

America does nothing after any of these atrocities. There are examples of countries where these things dont happen.Would God expect you to take learning from this ?

He is showing you the way but you are not paying attention.
Yep he doesn't have the guts to just say he is anti-gun/freedom.
He's a foreigner who comes on here & tries to lecture us on gun rights & how we're cowards because we're not afraid of our guns.
BTW- you are paying him a compliment by calling him any kind of liberal. He's actually just another programmed progressive "deep thinker" whose idea of liberalism is where everyone has the right to do exactly what they are told by people like him.
He's as illiberal as they come
Makes you wonder what length these Nazis would go to in order to disarm Americans
Makes you wonder what length these Nazis would go to in order to disarm Americans
Yes, it has to be part of their "grand plan" or "final solution" with mega-moguls in all facets of commerce, education and media doing their bidding. I keep thinking their leader is real, but looks like Simon Bar Sinister from the show Underdog who often spells out the necessary steps needed and finishes it with "...and I will rule the world!" : )
Maybe this isnt 1776 ?
Why have you not evolved since then. There is a better way.
The faithful to reflect??? Did the faithful remove God from our school children??? You have bad aim pal.

If gun ownership is the problem, then this behavior would have been the norm since the beginning of this country. Schools would have always been targets. Yet, most here can say that our parents never spent one minute worrying about our safety when they sent us off to school. In rural areas like mine, guns were brought into the schools for safety and hunting classes. Rifles on gun racks, in pick ups, in the parking lot, during hunting season, and no one thought about mowing people down in class.
This seed isn't being sown by the right to own guns.
When we kicked God out of our schools, guess who waltzed right in to fill the void. Stop teaching 5 year olds they can be whatever sex they want. Instead, teach them to love their neighbor. Teach them how to write, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" in their hearts, in crayon, then in pencil, then in pen. Print it on their diplomas so they take it with them.

Now we need to train and arm teachers and staff to protect their students against crazy, because crazy is the problem. And ironically, it is a problem that we are cultivating and grooming in the very place the repercussions are being felt.

We know how to protect our judges. How many shootings are there inside courthouses these days? It is time for the same protection for our children. Monitored Enter and Exits right through the machines. Beep. Stop right there.
How many billions do we spend on everything and everyone else? Now it is time to use our money to protect our own children. Start with your city council...
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If gun ownership is the problem, then this behavior would have been the norm since the beginning of this country. Schools would have always been targets. Yet, many here can say that our parents never spent one minute worrying about our safety when they sent us off to school. In rural areas like mine, guns were brought into the schools for safety and hunting classes. Rifles on gun racks, in pick ups, in the parking lot, during hunting season, and no one thought about mowing people down in class.
This seed isn't being sown by the right to own guns.
When we kicked God out of our schools, guess who waltzed right in to fill the void. Stop teaching 5 year olds they can be whatever sex they want. Instead, teach them how to write, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" in their hearts, in crayon, then in pencil, then in pen. Print it on their diplomas so they take it with them.

Now we need to train and arm teachers and staff to protect their students against crazy, because crazy is the problem. And ironically, it is a problem that we are cultivating and grooming in the very place the repercussions are being felt.

We know how to protect our judges. How many shootings are there inside courthouses these days? It is time for the same protection for our children? Monitored Enter and Exits right through the machines. Beep. Stop right there.
How many billions do we spend on everything and everyone else? Now it is time to use our money to protect our own children. Start with your city council...
All these issues are prevalent in Europe as well. Schools dont get shot up every week. Its guns.
They are prevalent now, not since the advent of guns. But by the torpedoing of our children's minds by ignorant sex warping deviants like yourself...
Reagan closed down all the mental instiytutions. Thatcher did it over here as well. Every town in the uk has a group of crazy fuckers wandering about doing the best they can. But ours dont have accsss to guns. Yours do..
You try and make this a dopey political issue and its a lot ssimpler. Its guns.
Do keep in mind that when a gun gets a living nightmare, a gun might also be the thing that brings the nightmare to its end.

God bless you always!!!


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