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GWB's "Decision Points" leads the book sales chart

Merry Christmas, Mr. Bush: 'Decision Points' is a big seller - USATODAY.com

Apparently there's quite a few out there who are interested in reading President Bush's account of his presidency.

Which really surprises me, seeing as how we've been told that most of the country thought he was an idiot...

or....was that just the left driven media makin shit up again?

1.75 million copies in 6 weeks...not bad for a monkey, huh?

WC Fields said there is a sucker born every minute, and judging from Bush book sales he was correct!!


History is likely to judge Bush most harshly for two things in particular: Launching a war against a country that had not attacked us, and approving the use of cruel and inhumane interrogation techniques.

And that's why the two most essential lies -- among the many -- in his new memoir are that he had a legitimate reason to invade Iraq, and that he had a legitimate reason to torture detainees.

Neither is remotely true. But Bush must figure that if he keeps making the case for himself -- particularly if it goes largely unrebutted by the traditional media, as it has thus far -- then perhaps he can blunt history's verdict.

The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir

Really chaps your ignorant ass that Bush is outselling the fatass first lady or the lop-eared douchebag-in-chief in book sales...HEHE. Choke it down bitch.
I keep reading, hoping that one time I will see free thought instead of talking points I hear on Morning Joe.

Talking points? Can you refute my post? Do you not agree that our government writes legislation that is unwholesomely skewed (and overtly lobbied for) toward corporations and the wealthy to the detriment of the rest of us? Do you not agree that those with the most money have the loudest voice? Do you not see the parallels between Bush's plans to go to war with Iraq (which were in place well before 9-11 which he used as his "in") and the "security" corporations that popped up overnight with their hands out awaiting those no-bid contracts? Really?

BTW, what is morning joe?

All you know about (cost plus)"no bid contracts" you learned from watching and reading left wing media. Consequently and apparently, you don't know very much about them. Profits in no bid US gov contracts, are based on some fraction of the corporation's experiential history, never their full experienced percentage. If Halliburton/KBR usually earned 14% on large projects of that type they could easily be limited to just 7% on the one you refer to. And no bid cost plus contracts are not just subject to audits, audits are mandatory and an integral part of the process. Any overcharges which occur will be deducted i the final reconciliation which always takes place.

And the work that was awarded in Iraq (and the ME) went to KBR because it was the only American company capable of handling it in that magnitude, The next best option was to use a French company. Furthermore KBR was "good to go" and fully equipped to do work in the ME.

They would've been ahead to stay out of it considering the llimits on profit and the headaches of the contingent audits involved, not to mention the political risks and the false accusations from their enemies on the left who care not a whit about anything but to find another chink in a Republican president's public character.

Quite to the contrary of your assertions, KBR's taking the Iraq project was an act of patriotism and the accusations of venality from the left nothing but projection, Obama continues to use them and the same type contracts because he found that actally "being there" is very different from being a candidate slinging mud at one's political opponents. He knew, though, there would be sheep to repeat his accusations while ignoring his actions because that's the way the game is played.
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I wonder if his book could be used as evidence against him and Cheney if they are ever hauled into the World Court for crimes against humanity and genocide. :cool:

You're normally not a nut job. but that is just friggin dumb.

genocide means we are trying to stomp out an entire race. Like the Nazi tried with the gypsy

Bush is an educated man that was in the middle of a historical time. It's easy for us to armchair QB all his desision b/c we only get a part of the info. Everyone does the best they can with what they have, and when info is limited, or changed as it's passed,,, well you sometimes have to hope for the best.

Iraq will hopefully be a better place in the long run. If Saddam was allowed to keep going as he was, there's no telling what issues may have arrived.

What an odd example, all things considered.
I wonder if his book could be used as evidence against him and Cheney if they are ever hauled into the World Court for crimes against humanity and genocide. :cool:

You're normally not a nut job. but that is just friggin dumb.

genocide means we are trying to stomp out an entire race. Like the Nazi tried with the gypsy

Bush is an educated man that was in the middle of a historical time. It's easy for us to armchair QB all his desision b/c we only get a part of the info. Everyone does the best they can with what they have, and when info is limited, or changed as it's passed,,, well you sometimes have to hope for the best.

Iraq will hopefully be a better place in the long run. If Saddam was allowed to keep going as he was, there's no telling what issues may have arrived.

If you stand idly by and let genocide happen, are you culpable?

There were 1.4 million Christians in Iraq. Since we have been in charge, the population dropped to 4 hundred thousand. A population that drops by 2/3 can probably be considered "genocide".
I keep reading, hoping that one time I will see free thought instead of talking points I hear on Morning Joe.

Talking points? Can you refute my post? Do you not agree that our government writes legislation that is unwholesomely skewed (and overtly lobbied for) toward corporations and the wealthy to the detriment of the rest of us? Do you not agree that those with the most money have the loudest voice? Do you not see the parallels between Bush's plans to go to war with Iraq (which were in place well before 9-11 which he used as his "in") and the "security" corporations that popped up overnight with their hands out awaiting those no-bid contracts? Really?

BTW, what is morning joe?

"Morning Joe" is the MSNBC morning show....

Interestingly enough, even though MSNBC is "far left propaganda", Joe Scarborough is a former Conservative Republican Congressman....
I have prepared thousands of cases for trial over the last 30 years. We see bogus, manufactured and false evidence all the time.
But first of all you have to have a case. Your charges are groundless. I was not a supporter of Bush or the war but there were no crimes committed.
Hussein was charged and convicted. Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Somalia and their leaders would be a good place for you to try and get charges against their leaders.
That is where the crimes against humanity and genocide are happening and your side sits and does nothing.

People are buying that book because they want to know why thousands of Americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life and why our country's treasury was depleted.

Iraq was the "Republican" war.

They stood by as the Christian population in Iraq dropped from 1.4 million to 4 hundred thousand. Many of those maimed and murdered.

They stood by as the gays were systematically rounded up and tortured and killed (although many right wingers might see that as a "silver lining".)

They stood by as women were forced to live under Sharia law and have gone from "western" garb to "burkas". There is now a Valium epidemic in Iraq because women are in such despair, having lost their jobs and futures, they drug themselves senseless.

They stood by as the Iraqi's wrote Islam into the constitution as the "national religion" and proclaimed, "by constitution" that all legislation is based on "Islam". They said Iraqis have a right to have their own government. Well, they had it and we destroyed it without them even asking for our help.

They stood by as billions of US dollars simply "disappeared".

They stood by as soldiers were electrocuted by shoddy buildings paid for with "no bid" contracts to the "friends" of the Republican administration.

They blocked every investigation Democrats attempted to look into these terrible circumstances.

If Iraq wanted our help they would have proclaimed "America Appreciation Day", instead, they chant "Death to America". Is this our "success"? Hated by people who want us destroyed for what we did to their country?

How dare you say, "Your side sits and does nothing". Republicans are responsible for this terrible debacle. The entire party should be charged with "crimes against humanity and against this country". Republicans need to quit hiding behind, "But Democrats didn't like Saddam either". Democrats didn't trick the country into invasion. That was ALL Republicans. And now they lie they didn't. Figures.

Republicans are responsible for Iran, Syria, Libya?:cuckoo:
Read my post again.
I opposed the Iraq war. My father, retired Marine officer opposed the Iraq war.
But keep ranting as it was interesting read.

I was not a supporter of Bush or the war but there were no crimes committed.

Hmm, let's see. We had to wait to bomb Iraq because there were inspectors in Iraq that we said weren't there.

We invaded a sovereign nation that never attacked us and had nothing to do with 9/11.

We chased the Iraqi army back to Iraq after they invaded Kuwait and placed the country under sanctions.

Is there anyone in this country so foolish that they could possibly believe that our intelligence agencies kept no "eye" in Iraq after Kuwait? That our intel agencies totally ignored a country we had bombed only a few years earlier? That they knew absolutely NOTHING about Iraq's military capabilities?

No one could possibly believe this. In another 10 years and you see people from the intelligence community retiring or as papers are declassified, you will see a flurry of books from agents who as so angry at being lied about. Bush was NOT given "false information", he CREATED false information. There can't be any other possible explanation. Our intelligence community are not a bunch of imbeciles and you can bet they are insulted and angry to be made to look like incompetents and liars by the Republicans.

And the last I heard, outing a covert CIA agent was considered "treason", definitely a "criminal" offense.
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I think Bush did a horrible job in office-but bought (and have read) the book, because I think it's important to see insight into any presidency. With that said it's full of a lot BS (as every politicians book is), but is a pretty decent read nonetheless.
Did a better job than the current idiot in the WH so far.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Bush: 'Decision Points' is a big seller - USATODAY.com

Apparently there's quite a few out there who are interested in reading President Bush's account of his presidency.

Which really surprises me, seeing as how we've been told that most of the country thought he was an idiot...

or....was that just the left driven media makin shit up again?

1.75 million copies in 6 weeks...not bad for a monkey, huh?

WC Fields said there is a sucker born every minute, and judging from Bush book sales he was correct!!


History is likely to judge Bush most harshly for two things in particular: Launching a war against a country that had not attacked us, and approving the use of cruel and inhumane interrogation techniques.

And that's why the two most essential lies -- among the many -- in his new memoir are that he had a legitimate reason to invade Iraq, and that he had a legitimate reason to torture detainees.

Neither is remotely true. But Bush must figure that if he keeps making the case for himself -- particularly if it goes largely unrebutted by the traditional media, as it has thus far -- then perhaps he can blunt history's verdict.

The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir
True, look at all the suckers who voted for the socialist obama, the single biggest threat to this country since 911.
i wonder if his book could be used as evidence against him and cheney if they are ever hauled into the world court for crimes against humanity and genocide. :cool:

i have prepared thousands of cases for trial over the last 30 years. We see bogus, manufactured and false evidence all the time.
But first of all you have to have a case. Your charges are groundless. I was not a supporter of bush or the war but there were no crimes committed.
Hussein was charged and convicted. Syria, libya, yemen, iran, sudan, somalia and their leaders would be a good place for you to try and get charges against their leaders.
That is where the crimes against humanity and genocide are happening and your side sits and does nothing.

people are buying that book because they want to know why thousands of americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life and why our country's treasury was depleted.

Iraq was the "republican" war.

They stood by as the christian population in iraq dropped from 1.4 million to 4 hundred thousand. Many of those maimed and murdered.

They stood by as the gays were systematically rounded up and tortured and killed (although many right wingers might see that as a "silver lining".)

they stood by as women were forced to live under sharia law and have gone from "western" garb to "burkas". There is now a valium epidemic in iraq because women are in such despair, having lost their jobs and futures, they drug themselves senseless.

They stood by as the iraqi's wrote islam into the constitution as the "national religion" and proclaimed, "by constitution" that all legislation is based on "islam". They said iraqis have a right to have their own government. Well, they had it and we destroyed it without them even asking for our help.

They stood by as billions of us dollars simply "disappeared".

They stood by as soldiers were electrocuted by shoddy buildings paid for with "no bid" contracts to the "friends" of the republican administration.

They blocked every investigation democrats attempted to look into these terrible circumstances.

If iraq wanted our help they would have proclaimed "america appreciation day", instead, they chant "death to america". Is this our "success"? Hated by people who want us destroyed for what we did to their country?

How dare you say, "your side sits and does nothing". Republicans are responsible for this terrible debacle. The entire party should be charged with "crimes against humanity and against this country". Republicans need to quit hiding behind, "but democrats didn't like saddam either". Democrats didn't trick the country into invasion. That was all republicans. And now they lie they didn't. Figures.
i have prepared thousands of cases for trial over the last 30 years. We see bogus, manufactured and false evidence all the time.
But first of all you have to have a case. Your charges are groundless. I was not a supporter of bush or the war but there were no crimes committed.
Hussein was charged and convicted. Syria, libya, yemen, iran, sudan, somalia and their leaders would be a good place for you to try and get charges against their leaders.
That is where the crimes against humanity and genocide are happening and your side sits and does nothing.

people are buying that book because they want to know why thousands of americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life and why our country's treasury was depleted.

Iraq was the "republican" war.

They stood by as the christian population in iraq dropped from 1.4 million to 4 hundred thousand. Many of those maimed and murdered.

They stood by as the gays were systematically rounded up and tortured and killed (although many right wingers might see that as a "silver lining".)

they stood by as women were forced to live under sharia law and have gone from "western" garb to "burkas". There is now a valium epidemic in iraq because women are in such despair, having lost their jobs and futures, they drug themselves senseless.

They stood by as the iraqi's wrote islam into the constitution as the "national religion" and proclaimed, "by constitution" that all legislation is based on "islam". They said iraqis have a right to have their own government. Well, they had it and we destroyed it without them even asking for our help.

They stood by as billions of us dollars simply "disappeared".

They stood by as soldiers were electrocuted by shoddy buildings paid for with "no bid" contracts to the "friends" of the republican administration.

They blocked every investigation democrats attempted to look into these terrible circumstances.

If iraq wanted our help they would have proclaimed "america appreciation day", instead, they chant "death to america". Is this our "success"? Hated by people who want us destroyed for what we did to their country?

How dare you say, "your side sits and does nothing". Republicans are responsible for this terrible debacle. The entire party should be charged with "crimes against humanity and against this country". Republicans need to quit hiding behind, "but democrats didn't like saddam either". Democrats didn't trick the country into invasion. That was all republicans. And now they lie they didn't. Figures.

Idiot? That's it? :lol:
Why would you want to read a giant printed lie about all of the lies that administration told to the American people and the world? Seems like a waste of time to me...

The whole admintstration absolutely should stand trial for war crimes. They they and all of their "defen$e" contract buddies - every CEO and every exectutive should be forced to pay back the American people the billions of dollars bilked out of our treasury and borrowed from China... with interest.
As soon as obama and his thugs stop their socialist march through our freedoms.
So, what would you recommend, rather than a first hand account of history?

You might want to start with "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein. It has a section with a well researched & sourced account of the lead-up and implementation of the Iraq debacle.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Shock-Doctrine-Rise-Disaster-Capitalism/dp/0805079831]Amazon.com: The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (9780805079838): Naomi Klein: Books[/ame]

Actually, whether or not Klein's research is credible is debateable.

She has made a living pandering to the farthest tip of the academic left. She has never worked doing anything outside writing propaganda, and has never served government in any capacity.

However her POV would certainly be of value in contrast to Bush's first hand account.

Niether can be said to be terribly objective.
People are buying that book because they want to know why thousands of Americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life and why our country's treasury was depleted.

Iraq was the "Republican" war.

They stood by as the Christian population in Iraq dropped from 1.4 million to 4 hundred thousand. Many of those maimed and murdered.

They stood by as the gays were systematically rounded up and tortured and killed (although many right wingers might see that as a "silver lining".)

They stood by as women were forced to live under Sharia law and have gone from "western" garb to "burkas". There is now a Valium epidemic in Iraq because women are in such despair, having lost their jobs and futures, they drug themselves senseless.

They stood by as the Iraqi's wrote Islam into the constitution as the "national religion" and proclaimed, "by constitution" that all legislation is based on "Islam". They said Iraqis have a right to have their own government. Well, they had it and we destroyed it without them even asking for our help.

They stood by as billions of US dollars simply "disappeared".

They stood by as soldiers were electrocuted by shoddy buildings paid for with "no bid" contracts to the "friends" of the Republican administration.

They blocked every investigation Democrats attempted to look into these terrible circumstances.

If Iraq wanted our help they would have proclaimed "America Appreciation Day", instead, they chant "Death to America". Is this our "success"? Hated by people who want us destroyed for what we did to their country?

How dare you say, "Your side sits and does nothing". Republicans are responsible for this terrible debacle. The entire party should be charged with "crimes against humanity and against this country". Republicans need to quit hiding behind, "But Democrats didn't like Saddam either". Democrats didn't trick the country into invasion. That was ALL Republicans. And now they lie they didn't. Figures.

Republicans are responsible for Iran, Syria, Libya?:cuckoo:
Read my post again.
I opposed the Iraq war. My father, retired Marine officer opposed the Iraq war.
But keep ranting as it was interesting read.

I was not a supporter of Bush or the war but there were no crimes committed.

Hmm, let's see. We had to wait to bomb Iraq because there were inspectors in Iraq that we said weren't there.

We invaded a sovereign nation that never attacked us and had nothing to do with 9/11.

We chased the Iraqi army back to Iraq after they invaded Kuwait and placed the country under sanctions.

Is there anyone in this country so foolish that they could possibly believe that our intelligence agencies kept no "eye" in Iraq after Kuwait? That our intel agencies totally ignored a country we had bombed only a few years earlier? That they knew absolutely NOTHING about Iraq's military capabilities?

No one could possibly believe this. In another 10 years and you see people from the intelligence community retiring or as papers are declassified, you will see a flurry of books from agents who as so angry at being lied about. Bush was NOT given "false information", he CREATED false information. There can't be any other possible explanation. Our intelligence community are not a bunch of imbeciles and you can bet they are insulted and angry to be made to look like incompetents and liars by the Republicans.

And the last I heard, outing a covert CIA agent was considered "treason", definitely a "criminal" offense.

We have agents in other nations as we post.
Intelligence a bad thing?
Plame was a known agent. What they did was wrong but it wasn't treason.
The new Hollywood movie is out about her. Go see it as it is very good.
And very similar to YOUR version, the Hollywood one.
And the last I heard, outing a covert CIA agent was considered "treason", definitely a "criminal" offense.
Why wasn't Richard Armitage, the individual who released Plame's name and employment, charged?
Maybe it was because she wasn't a covert agent, and her status did not technically fit those legal parameters?

All that other stuff you said that I didn't bother to clutter the page with was just the left's interpretation of events, with a purpose of no higher aim than to criminalize a Republican president and his policies.
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