Gypsy and Tramp my rosellas


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
We don't talk a lot of birds in this forum and yes I know I'm weird because I don't want to share my stories and photos.

For some reason tonight I thought of this bright and beautiful gift from the Lord of these birds that I had many years ago. I called them Gypsy and Tramp. Easterns.

For some strange reason I thought of my Gypsy. And I have been courted by so many birds. Sigh they are wonderous and absolute great companions.

This is what he looked like. (Tramp because they are always better looking than the females)

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When I saw them for the first time it was like one of those minutes where you go "there is a God" because nothing but the hand of God could make something so beautiful.
I've rehabbed and released (as well as put down or not been able to save) hundreds and hundreds of wild birds and could never understand people who could look at a bird, see that incredible beauty and then slam the poor thing in a cage.

A lifetime behind bars, solitary confinement, taking away that one thing that makes them what they are - free flight.

That and the horror of exotic bird trade, wild capture, so many dead birds for each one that arrives in the US alive.

More are captive bred now. I suppose there's some cold and cruel comfort in them never knowing what they were really meant to be.

Nope. Not for me.
I've rehabbed and released (as well as put down or not been able to save) hundreds and hundreds of wild birds and could never understand people who could look at a bird, see that incredible beauty and then slam the poor thing in a cage.

A lifetime behind bars, solitary confinement, taking away that one thing that makes them what they are - free flight.

That and the horror of exotic bird trade, wild capture, so many dead birds for each one that arrives in the US alive.

More are captive bred now. I suppose there's some cold and cruel comfort in them never knowing what they were really meant to be.

Nope. Not for me.

Oh you shouldn't look at home bred like that. I'd trust me. I have a lot of scars on my arms from wild caughts. Brutal days but were worth the pain to help.

I worked with Mark Hagen via PJ's #1 after I retired from the music business.And if you want the data for me to prove it be more than happy to give it to you.

Considering I worked with a couple of the first bred he'll remember me. I used to hand feed babies. I didn't know birds could be that awesome. Zenas was freaking amazing. Max and Tutu were to die for.

My Phoenix was also so amazing. Amazon. Yellow nape. When I had to leave Toronto because my husband had gotten a transfer to Saturn, we kicked into high gear and had enough of a network plan that she could go into a breeding program.

Coolest thing years later, I'm at the Sportsman's show and I walk into this one small quadrant to check out the birds. And there she was. She puked for me. I loved her so.

What you have to remember is that these breeding programs are keeping many from going extinct.

But that's for a whole other deal in the environment forum.
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Luddly what you have to understand as an adult is that you have a budgie as a child it makes you love and care about where the birds come from. And to care about a bird.

If I never had a goldfish and whoopsies sort of killed him from over feeding BUT made my parents stand in the back yard in a very solemn ceremony all in black after my dad dug his grave I wouldn't care what I care now.

The whole "be wild be free" yes I'm down for the count. But here's when you get passionate. You have a moluccan on your arm?

You learn the majesty of the beast. And you fight harder and more fiercely than ever before to save their habitat.
OMG Just gorgeous.

I'm not much of a bird person but I know beauty when I see it.

I know they will bring you hours of delight. Just super.
I like finches and have had two pairs over the years. They died sad deaths. So now when we go to the pet store I make a beeline for the birds and whistle to them and they perk up.
I have a 26 year old Cockatiel. She lives in a large cage, but seems a happy bird. She is out as much as in and is just part of the family.
I like finches and have had two pairs over the years. They died sad deaths. So now when we go to the pet store I make a beeline for the birds and whistle to them and they perk up.

There are so many finches that are drop dead gorgeous. I have a tendency to love the plain.

Javas are a fave of mine. Now for those who don't know birds. Here is the visual.

One of my favorite companions over the years (companion because I have never looked at any of them as "my pet") was this really plain canary who came into the house and we named him Billy Ray. Oh he was a roller. His voice was so insanely beautiful.

The day he passed the whole house became silent. My my. My dogs knew. My cats knew. My birds knew. Because at sunset he would sing his best.

And then there was no more song.
One of my favorite companions over the years (companion because I have never looked at any of them as "my pet") was this really plain canary who came into the house and we named him Billy Ray. Oh he was a roller. His voice was so insanely beautiful.

The day he passed the whole house became silent. My my. My dogs knew. My cats knew. My birds knew. Because at sunset he would sing his best.

And then there was no more song.

Our bird is our best watch dog. The Dingo depends on her to alert the house of strangers approaching. Dogs have a superb sense of smell, but birds have incredible eyesight. The bird sees people long before the dog has a clue.
Now I can't get this song out of my head LOL...

[ame=]Cher - Gypsys Tramps And Thieves - YouTube[/ame]
One of my favorite companions over the years (companion because I have never looked at any of them as "my pet") was this really plain canary who came into the house and we named him Billy Ray. Oh he was a roller. His voice was so insanely beautiful.

The day he passed the whole house became silent. My my. My dogs knew. My cats knew. My birds knew. Because at sunset he would sing his best.

And then there was no more song.

What a sad and heartbreaking thing - one bird, alone, unable to fly free, singing for a life he is desperate for but will never have.
What a sad and heartbreaking thing - one bird, alone, unable to fly free, singing for a life he is desperate for but will never have.

What you engage in, Puddly Pillowbite, is "transference." You are attributing to a bird the emotions that substitute for thought within yourself.

As far as I can tell, my bird is perfectly happy in her warm home, with plenty to eat and complete safety.
What a sad and heartbreaking thing - one bird, alone, unable to fly free, singing for a life he is desperate for but will never have.

What you engage in, Puddly Pillowbite, is "transference." You are attributing to a bird the emotions that substitute for thought within yourself.

As far as I can tell, my bird is perfectly happy in her warm home, with plenty to eat and complete safety.

Tell yourself whatever you need to but the fact is, birds are intelligent animals forced to live unnatural lives. That is hardly the definition of "love".

And the real "transference" here is your name calling because you're afraid of your own sexual preferences.
Tell yourself whatever you need to but the fact is, birds are intelligent animals forced to live unnatural lives. That is hardly the definition of "love".

And the real "transference" here is your name calling because you're afraid of your own sexual preferences.

You're a very strange and confused little troll, Puddly.

Are you in PETA? Do you murder people's pets to "save them" from captivity?
Tell yourself whatever you need to but the fact is, birds are intelligent animals forced to live unnatural lives. That is hardly the definition of "love".

And the real "transference" here is your name calling because you're afraid of your own sexual preferences.

You're a very strange and confused little troll, Puddly.

Are you in PETA? Do you murder people's pets to "save them" from captivity?

You're a coward. You've kept a wild animal in solitary confinement even though he/she has committed no crime. You've taken away everything that nature meant for that animal to be. You can't take responsibility for your own cruelty so you hide behind your own sexual confusion and make empty accusations.

Bet you call yourself a christian, don't you.

That's what "christians" do. Out of one side of your mouth, you praise the idol you worship while, at the very same time, you happily torture the animals you believe he created.
You're a coward.



You've kept a wild animal in solitary confinement even though he/she has committed no crime.

She isn't a wild animal.

She is a bird who was raised by a breeder and hand feed from the time she hatched. She was raised in safety and well fed.

There is nothing even remotely "wild" about her.

You've taken away everything that nature meant for that animal to be. You can't take responsibility for your own cruelty so you hide behind your own sexual confusion and make empty accusations.

You are an idiot.

Nature is cruel and capricious. In the wild, a Cockatiel in Austrailia may live 5 years. In America, they won't last winter.

As with most leftists, you think in cartoon images, lacking the capacity to reason.

Bet you call yourself a christian, don't you.

That's what "christians" do. Out of one side of your mouth, you praise the idol you worship while, at the very same time, you happily torture the animals you believe he created.

And like most who are small of mind, you are a bigot to boot.

Are you in PETA? Do you murder people's pets to "free" them?
One of my favorite companions over the years (companion because I have never looked at any of them as "my pet") was this really plain canary who came into the house and we named him Billy Ray. Oh he was a roller. His voice was so insanely beautiful.

The day he passed the whole house became silent. My my. My dogs knew. My cats knew. My birds knew. Because at sunset he would sing his best.

And then there was no more song.

What a sad and heartbreaking thing - one bird, alone, unable to fly free, singing for a life he is desperate for but will never have.


All I can say is how sad you must be. You see misery everywhere.
You're a coward.



You've kept a wild animal in solitary confinement even though he/she has committed no crime.
She isn't a wild animal.

She is a bird who was raised by a breeder and hand feed from the time she hatched. She was raised in safety and well fed.

There is nothing even remotely "wild" about her.

You've taken away everything that nature meant for that animal to be. You can't take responsibility for your own cruelty so you hide behind your own sexual confusion and make empty accusations.
You are an idiot.

Nature is cruel and capricious. In the wild, a Cockatiel in Austrailia may live 5 years. In America, they won't last winter.

As with most leftists, you think in cartoon images, lacking the capacity to reason.

Bet you call yourself a christian, don't you.

That's what "christians" do. Out of one side of your mouth, you praise the idol you worship while, at the very same time, you happily torture the animals you believe he created.
And like most who are small of mind, you are a bigot to boot.

Are you in PETA? Do you murder people's pets to "free" them?

Puddly's bird education came straight from; and tools/Jasmineandsnoop1_zps000df42d.jpg

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