H/H Poll on Twitter Files: Not a "Nothingburger"

Itā€™s much worse than most know, yet nothing will be done. Thus guaranteeing more of the same.

Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter​

From FBI to DNI the DNI to "OGA," the full thread on Twitter and its intelligence partners​

Matt Taibbi

8 hr ago

Twitter avatar for @mtaibbi
Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi
5:20 PM āˆ™ Dec 24, 2022

  1. After weeks of ā€œTwitter Filesā€ reports, the FBI issued a statement Wednesday.
    It didnā€™t refute allegations. Instead, it decried ā€œconspiracy theoristsā€ publishing ā€œmisinformation,ā€ whose ā€œsole aimā€ is to ā€œdiscredit the agency.ā€

3. They must think us unambitious, if our ā€œsole aimā€ is to discredit the FBI. After all, a whole range of government agencies discredit themselves in the #TwitterFiles. Why stop with one?
4. The files show the FBI acting as doorman to a vast program of social media surveillance and censorship, encompassing agencies across the federal government ā€“ from the State Department to the Pentagon to the CIA.
5. The operation is far bigger than the reported 80 members of the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), which also facilitates requests from a wide array of smaller actors - from local cops to media to state government.
6. Thousands upon thousands of official ā€œreportsā€ flowed through the FITF and the FBIā€™s San Francisco field office.
7. On June 29th, 2020, San Francisco FBI agent Elvis Chan wrote to pair of Twitter execs asking if he could invite an ā€œOGAā€ to an upcoming NGO-sponsored conference:

8. OGA, or ā€œOther Government Organization,ā€ is often a euphemism for CIA, and according to multiple former intelligence officials and contractors.
9. Chuckles one: ā€œThey use it to seem mysterious to outsiders.ā€
10. ā€œOther Government Agency (the place where I worked for 27 years),ā€ says retired CIA officer Ray McGovern.
11. It was an open secret at Twitter that one of its executives was ex-CIA, which is why Chan referred to that executiveā€™s ā€œformer employer.ā€
  1. The first Twitter executive abandons all pretense to stealth and emails that the employee ā€œused to work for the CIA, so that is Elvisā€™s question.ā€

  1. Senior legal executive Stacia Cardille, who had good op-sec by Twitter standards, replies, ā€œI knowā€ and ā€œI thought my silence was understood.ā€

  1. Cardille then passes on conference details to recently-hired ex-FBI lawyer Jim Baker.

  2. ā€œI invited the FBI and the CIA virtually will attend too,ā€ Cardille says to Baker, casually adding: ā€œNo need for you to attend.ā€

16 . The government was in constant contact not just with Twitter but with virtually every major tech firm.
  1. These included Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, even Pinterest, and many others.

Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter
Imagine being this addicted to unimportant, superficial woo woo shit like social media. What unfulfilled lives these losers must lead.

This isn't exactly behavior worthy of respect.

You forgot to add, ā€œbut if Twitter and the FBI silenced lefties before an election, weā€™d burn down cities nationwide.ā€

I wouldn't say anything of the sort, you dumb prick. Fuck off.

I liked in that interview, when Whitney and James, compared it to the George Floyd debacle.

What if such an incestuous relationship had existed between the Minneapolis Police, and Big Tech? What if they had suppressed that George Floyd video? How would the left have felt then?


Do they really believe such an incestuous relationship between the state and big tech has no power to shape events and culture?

I liked in that interview, when Whitney and James, compared it to the George Floyd debacle.

What if such an incestuous relationship had existed between the Minneapolis Police, and Big Tech? What if they had suppressed that George Floyd video? How would the left have felt then?


Do they really believe such an incestuous relationship between the state and big tech has no power to shape events and culture?

Apparently it depends on who is being silenced and impacted by this incestuous relationship. The leftists in big tech, D Party, and federal agencies apparently believe subverting the First Amendment is perfectly okay as long as it damages Trump and Republicans.

This is most hypocritical and unconstitutional of them. Hypocritical because they went ballistic over the thoroughly debunked Russiagate story, believing Trump colluded with Russia to steal an election.

Has any senator or congressman called for an investigation of the FBI and other federal agencies involved in this clearly illegal act?

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