H/H Poll on Twitter Files: Not a "Nothingburger"

Well here you go, liberals: read it and weep. Americans know what Twitter was up to, they don't condone it and they want it investigated. By 74/26, poll respondents want former Twitter employees prosecuted if they facilitated govt censorship in the platform.

They also don't want your "offensive posts" suspended on Twitter, like the vaccines don't work as well as promised; marriage should be between a man and a woman; and there are only two sexes.

In short, America has seen your attempted fascistic media takeover and wants none of it. All the details in the article, plus a link to the poll itself:

Harvard Harris is not a legitimate poll. It has been constantly wrong.
Well here you go, liberals: read it and weep. Americans know what Twitter was up to, they don't condone it and they want it investigated. By 74/26, poll respondents want former Twitter employees prosecuted if they facilitated govt censorship in the platform.

They also don't want your "offensive posts" suspended on Twitter, like the vaccines don't work as well as promised; marriage should be between a man and a woman; and there are only two sexes.

In short, America has seen your attempted fascistic media takeover and wants none of it. All the details in the article, plus a link to the poll itself:

Imagine being this addicted to unimportant, superficial woo woo shit like social media. What unfulfilled lives these losers must lead.

This isn't exactly behavior worthy of respect.
Imagine being this addicted to unimportant, superficial woo woo shit like social media. What unfulfilled lives these losers must lead.

This isn't exactly behavior worthy of respect.

"behavior"--when did Leftists become such Puritanical scolds?
Nothing but right wing garbage. Musk is a right wing piece of garbage. He has no credibility.
Before he bought Twitter you lefties loved him. Now because he’s exposed election tampering and collusion with government agencies to impact an election, you call him right wing garbage. Amazing!

We’re watching our nation descend into an authoritarian Hell but you’re cool with it, as long as the D Party wins. You don’t realize if this continues and goes unchecked, we as a nation are certain to implode.

Merry Christmas!

If Government Officials Want To Prevent Rebellion They Should Stop Committing Treason

By Brandon Smith
December 24, 2022
Most recently, we have seen the exposure of the Twitter Files by Elon Musk, which contain hard evidence of collusion (direct communications) between government agencies and Big Tech companies to silence the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens.

Multiple agencies have been exposed this year in a conspiracy with the old Twitter management (and undoubtedly all other large social media platforms) to censor and ban targeted individuals or groups that discuss information that is contrary to the establishment narrative. Whether it is info on Jan 6th, or info on the covid pandemic or vaccines, or info on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the FBI, DHS, the DNC, etc were all engaging in a joint effort to erase dissent and hide the facts according to internal documents and communications with Twitter staff.

The FBI in particular has even been caught PAYING Twitter staff millions of dollars to process their requests (censor people). This is proven TREASON, a violation of several elements of the Bill of Rights, and the FBI should be eliminated for it. Not reprimanded, but eliminated.

The FBI’s response to being caught was predictable. They state:

“The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public. It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency.”

Translation: We are your “protectors”, therefore we can do whatever we want. Anyone that calls us out on our corrupt operations is crazy and a liar regardless of evidence. Discrediting the agency puts the public at risk. We are too big to fail.

The corporate media will come up with numerous spin devices to try to dilute the Twitter revelations, but they will fail. There is no way around it – The US government has been working with Big Tech companies to control free debate and silence citizens. The FBI has chosen a clear political side. They have gone to war against Americans that support constitutional liberty. This is illegal and if punishment is not dealt to the officials involved then eventually punishment will be enacted by members of the American public.
If Government Officials Want To Prevent Rebellion They Should Stop Committing Treason - LewRockwell
Imagine being this addicted to unimportant, superficial woo woo shit like social media. What unfulfilled lives these losers must lead.

This isn't exactly behavior worthy of respect.
You forgot to add, “but if Twitter and the FBI silenced lefties before an election, we’d burn down cities nationwide.”
Before he bought Twitter you lefties loved him. Now because he’s exposed election tampering and collusion with government agencies to impact an election, you call him right wing garbage. Amazing!

We’re watching our nation descend into an authoritarian Hell but you’re cool with it, as long as the D Party wins. You don’t realize if this continues and goes unchecked, we as a nation are certain to implode.

Merry Christmas!

If Government Officials Want To Prevent Rebellion They Should Stop Committing Treason

By Brandon Smith
December 24, 2022
Most recently, we have seen the exposure of the Twitter Files by Elon Musk, which contain hard evidence of collusion (direct communications) between government agencies and Big Tech companies to silence the 1st Amendment rights of American citizens.

Multiple agencies have been exposed this year in a conspiracy with the old Twitter management (and undoubtedly all other large social media platforms) to censor and ban targeted individuals or groups that discuss information that is contrary to the establishment narrative. Whether it is info on Jan 6th, or info on the covid pandemic or vaccines, or info on Hunter Biden’s laptop, the FBI, DHS, the DNC, etc were all engaging in a joint effort to erase dissent and hide the facts according to internal documents and communications with Twitter staff.

The FBI in particular has even been caught PAYING Twitter staff millions of dollars to process their requests (censor people). This is proven TREASON, a violation of several elements of the Bill of Rights, and the FBI should be eliminated for it. Not reprimanded, but eliminated.

The FBI’s response to being caught was predictable. They state:

“The men and women of the FBI work every day to protect the American public. It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency.”

Translation: We are your “protectors”, therefore we can do whatever we want. Anyone that calls us out on our corrupt operations is crazy and a liar regardless of evidence. Discrediting the agency puts the public at risk. We are too big to fail.

The corporate media will come up with numerous spin devices to try to dilute the Twitter revelations, but they will fail. There is no way around it – The US government has been working with Big Tech companies to control free debate and silence citizens. The FBI has chosen a clear political side. They have gone to war against Americans that support constitutional liberty. This is illegal and if punishment is not dealt to the officials involved then eventually punishment will be enacted by members of the American public.
If Government Officials Want To Prevent Rebellion They Should Stop Committing Treason - LewRockwell

I'm sorry to say it but too many of our fellow citizens are beyond redemption as far as clear, rational thinking goes.

I watched these people cover their faces with curtain material to stop a "deadly respiratory virus" and then screech at others for not doing so. A real eye-opener. Even now, they're defending the indefensible vaccines.

It seems they will do anything--anything--their betters tell them.
I could not confirm that status of the FDA approval of the human testing of the Neuralink project, this is a Dec. 1st release;

View attachment 741759

There is this though, from last July, so it still stands as a PR testament, which the political right is largely ignoring. And the left? Well, we have seen on this site, that they have mostly lost their backbone and their brains since the election of Trump;

I really liked the term, I believe they used, "narrative rehabilitation," ??? It might have been something similar, if that was not it. Which was to make a hero of one of these WEF/WHO stooges, to the right/alt right MAGA crowd folks, and then, continue with the forth industrial revolution/Great Reset apace, as though nobody really has any opposition to it.

It is just a more sophisticated psychological operation/version of the Q-crap they pulled, to make anyone that questions official narratives, or point out the trafficking of woman and children, look like a kook.

I began to be leery of this whole twitter files, when, like the Panama Papers, or the Wikileaks during the election of 2016, or even the Snowden revelations, the establishment always seems to move the story of the event, to center controversy upon the actual leaks, not to focusing what is IN the data.

Have any of the MAGA folks, or real conservative that don't like Biden, actually posted a single thread about what is in those Hunter laptop files? :dunno:

I haven't seen one. Even in this discussion, James, who is usually quite well informed, really didn't know much about the best place, to find out what IS the best public source to find out what is on that laptop. Does anyone really know the primary source? Most of what I have seen usually comes out of 4chan.

If anyone wanted to take the time? Here it is, all of what is available to the public;

But I don't expect conservatives to care, read it, or post threads about it. The "story," will be about the suppression of this information, and the threads will continue to be about the suppression of this information.

i was hopin' that was from the onion Mr B......:oops: ~S~
I'm sorry to say it but too many of our fellow citizens are beyond redemption as far as clear, rational thinking goes.

I watched these people cover their faces with curtain material to stop a "deadly respiratory virus" and then screech at others for not doing so. A real eye-opener. Even now, they're defending the indefensible vaccines.

It seems they will do anything--anything--their betters tell them.
It is mind blowing how the left has so easily fallen in line with authoritarian government. They use to, at least some of them, oppose big government and big business authoritarian actions and corruption. At the very least, many were skeptical. No longer. I suspect their fear and hatred for Trump has something to do with this dramatic change.
You forgot to add, “but if Twitter and the FBI silenced lefties before an election, we’d burn down cities nationwide.”
don’t you recall they did just that after 2016…the demafasict blamed tweeter snd facebook for russian disinformation and claimed that’s why trump won.
don’t you recall they did just that after 2016…the demafasict blamed tweeter snd facebook for russian disinformation and claimed that’s why trump won.
Yes but clearly that was propaganda. Russian involvement in that election was meaningless. It was reported they spent a whopping $50k on FB ads.

Its impossible the compare that with what big tech and big government did to impact the election of 2020.

At any rate, I suspect Musk’s releasing this damning information has a hidden agenda. You don’t become a billionaire by biting the hand that feeds you.
Yes but clearly that was propaganda. Russian involvement in that election was meaningless. It was reported they spent a whopping $50k on FB ads.

Its impossible the compare that with what big tech and big government did to impact the election of 2020.

At any rate, I suspect Musk’s releasing this damning information has a hidden agenda. You don’t become a billionaire by biting the hand that feeds you.
yep it was propaganda and lies as part of the russian hoax, which lead to mass riots…leftist attacks on facebook and tweeter…which ultimately lead to them being able to use the companies as state actors to censor speech harmful to their party
I wouldn't say anything of the sort, you dumb prick. Fuck off.
It’s much worse than most know, yet nothing will be done. Thus guaranteeing more of the same.

Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter​

From FBI to DNI the DNI to "OGA," the full thread on Twitter and its intelligence partners​

Matt Taibbi

8 hr ago

Twitter avatar for @mtaibbi
Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi

5:20 PM ∙ Dec 24, 2022


  1. After weeks of “Twitter Files” reports, the FBI issued a statement Wednesday.
    It didn’t refute allegations. Instead, it decried “conspiracy theorists” publishing “misinformation,” whose “sole aim” is to “discredit the agency.”

3. They must think us unambitious, if our “sole aim” is to discredit the FBI. After all, a whole range of government agencies discredit themselves in the #TwitterFiles. Why stop with one?
4. The files show the FBI acting as doorman to a vast program of social media surveillance and censorship, encompassing agencies across the federal government – from the State Department to the Pentagon to the CIA.
5. The operation is far bigger than the reported 80 members of the Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), which also facilitates requests from a wide array of smaller actors - from local cops to media to state government.
6. Thousands upon thousands of official “reports” flowed through the FITF and the FBI’s San Francisco field office.
7. On June 29th, 2020, San Francisco FBI agent Elvis Chan wrote to pair of Twitter execs asking if he could invite an “OGA” to an upcoming NGO-sponsored conference:

8. OGA, or “Other Government Organization,” is often a euphemism for CIA, and according to multiple former intelligence officials and contractors.
9. Chuckles one: “They use it to seem mysterious to outsiders.”
10. “Other Government Agency (the place where I worked for 27 years),” says retired CIA officer Ray McGovern.
11. It was an open secret at Twitter that one of its executives was ex-CIA, which is why Chan referred to that executive’s “former employer.”
  1. The first Twitter executive abandons all pretense to stealth and emails that the employee “used to work for the CIA, so that is Elvis’s question.”

  1. Senior legal executive Stacia Cardille, who had good op-sec by Twitter standards, replies, “I know” and “I thought my silence was understood.”

  1. Cardille then passes on conference details to recently-hired ex-FBI lawyer Jim Baker.

  2. “I invited the FBI and the CIA virtually will attend too,” Cardille says to Baker, casually adding: “No need for you to attend.”

16 . The government was in constant contact not just with Twitter but with virtually every major tech firm.
  1. These included Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, even Pinterest, and many others.

Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter

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