H.R. 6666

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
The Trace Act, they're calling it. A hundred billion dollars in the first year followed by whatever they want after that.

So, they're coming to knock on your door to ask you who you're hangin around. Makin a list. Checkin it twice. lol.

Has it passed?
The Trace Act, they're calling it. A hundred billion dollars in the first year followed by whatever they want after that.

So, they're coming to knock on your door to ask you who you're hangin around. Makin a list. Checkin it twice. lol.

Good, thorough tracing and tracking is what helped some countries nip this (relatively) in the bud.
This bill would fund more personnel and equipment to do that.
So WHAT is your problem?
Has it passed?

So far I've got 1st, 4th, 5th, and probably 8th and 9th amendment violations.
Has it passed?

What kind of stupid question is that?

Are of the view that the electorate shouldn't concern themselves with legislation until after it passes? We have to pass the bill so we can see what's in it kind of thing?

Get real. lol.
I was asking because I was curious; you don't have to bite my head off.

But I see from the link in your OP that it has not passed either chamber yet.
The Trace Act, they're calling it. A hundred billion dollars in the first year followed by whatever they want after that.

So, they're coming to knock on your door to ask you who you're hangin around. Makin a list. Checkin it twice. lol.

Just remember the tried and true congressional answer when they come knocking. "I'm sorry Senator, I don't have a clear recollection of those events at this time." :auiqs.jpg:
Introduced by NJ Bobby Rush (D), co-sponsored by 45 others, 44 of which are Dems, one R out of NJ.
They're coming to take me away ha-haaa. they're coming to take me away ho ho hee hee ha haa, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those nice young men In their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away ha haaa...

And my cell phone contacts, too.

I read it. It is for funding more tracking and tracing. Since some of these people ARE SICK AND AT HOME QUARANTINED, it allows paying some of those funds for workers who have to make a house visit. If they knock on the door and you don't want them to come in, tell 'em to shove off.

Is someone's mind working overtime? There is nothing in this bill saying people are obligated to cooperate.

<iframe src="Oh God Smh GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY" width="480" height="334" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
There is nothing in this bill saying people are obligated to cooperate.

Yeah, but they're using your cell phone data. Including location and movement data. So you don't even have the opportunity for consent. Particularly your contacts.

It's called the "Trace" Act.
Every day things are becoming more and more like North Korea. How is it that almost no one is talking about this here on USMB? It is absolutely mind blowing to me that there are so many agendas like this one that no one is talking about, because they're too busy regurgitating msm garbage that's ONLY about keeping fear of this BS plannedemic alive, and distracting people from what is really going on in this world.


Meanwhile in California, those receiving state assistance benefits are already under fire. They have until June 1 to comply with testing or risk losing their benefits. A positive test can lead to temporary foster care of their healthy children. *

EDIT: There is a possibility this could be a hoax letter people have received in the mail. Pulling the original image for now until there is validity to the image.
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