H2O vs. CO2 Yet another observation the AGW Cult will ignore

Water vapor is a more powerful GHG that CO2. H2O is Mike Tyson and CO2 is Woody Allen

The "theory" of Manmade Global Climate Warming Change is that the relatively recent CO2 increase from 280 to 420PPM will cause an extinction level event rivaled by the dinosaur killing asteroid. "

But..."Water vapor is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas. It’s responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat." Steamy Relationships: How Atmospheric Water Vapor Amplifies Earth's Greenhouse Effect – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

If H2O is more powerful where are the studies showing H2O back in 1850? What are they today? Does an additional 100PPM H2O raise temperature more that CO2
Wow, you think you are being clever?

Here's the reality. You have to get water up to 212 F to get it to gaseous form. Obviously, it turns into vapor at lower temps, but the increase in water vapor in the atmosphere is effected by other greenhouse gases, not the other way around.



Wow, you think you are being clever?

Here's the reality. You have to get water up to 212 F to get it to gaseous form. Obviously, it turns into vapor at lower temps, but the increase in water vapor in the atmosphere is effected by other greenhouse gases, not the other way around.

Cloud are 212F? Are you sure? I'm talking about on planet Earth
Wow, you think you are being clever?

Here's the reality. You have to get water up to 212 F to get it to gaseous form. Obviously, it turns into vapor at lower temps, but the increase in water vapor in the atmosphere is effected by other greenhouse gases, not the other way around.

So water vapor is NOT a GHG? Are you sure?? Did Xi tell you to say that? Is American H2O more dangerous than Chinese H2O because per capital, er, or something...Science! Settled!!
Wow, you think you are being clever?

Here's the reality. You have to get water up to 212 F to get it to gaseous form. Obviously, it turns into vapor at lower temps, but the increase in water vapor in the atmosphere is effected by other greenhouse gases, not the other way around.
Joe, the boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which its vapor pressure exceeds ambient pressure so that vapor can form below its surface. At all temperatures above freezing (in normal pressure regimes) vapor constantly escapes a liquid's surface. Molecules below the surface are bound in all directions to other molecules. At the surface, they lack any bounds above them and can obtain enough kinetic energy via normal Brownian motion to escape the other bounds and fly off into the air.
To a parrot, only parroting counts, there is no thinking....

Funny, none of your taxpayer funded climate "scientists" can answer the question

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME...

Nothing for your beaked birdbrain to parrot on that one - LOL!!
What question ? You’re just babbling.
How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME...
I answered that question for you here:

Needless to say, you ignored my answer. And you were reading the thread, so you saw my response.

I predicted you'd pretend to have not seen the answer, and then you'd keep repeating the same dishonest question. Gutless trolls are predictable that way.
Where's the "evidence" that increasing CO2 form 280 to 400PPM raises temperature, at all, much less 1.5C?
These crazy things called "thermometers" provide the evidence.

That 280 ppm to 400 ppm increase has already caused a 1.1C increase. Logarithmically, fhat's half a doubling, so that makes observed TCS to be 2.2C. ECS is always somewhat bigger than TCS, so 3.0 looks spot on, given the direct evidence.

Given the directly observed evidence, you claiming that ECS isn't observable marks you as a delusional loony. That's why nobody pays attention to you.
Why did Michael Mann’s team at Penn State deliberately manipulate the temperature data t show an abrupt spike in their infamous hockey stick graph?
They didn't. Your cult just made that up. Being that you're kind of stupid even by conservative standards (and that's saying something), you fell for it hard.

Generally, "Your side is just lying again" will be the answer to any of your faked questions.
So you mean the Vostok ice cores showing CO2 trailing temperature for 450,000 consecutive years mean CO2 is also a product of global warming too, right?
That's not correct. It shows CO2 trailing temps only for a little while. After that, the two move together.

This is basic stuff, and you faceplant at it every time. Given the degree of your ignorance, you shouldn't be bothering the adults.
I answered that question for you here:

Needless to say, you ignored my answer. And you were reading the thread, so you saw my response.

I predicted you'd pretend to have not seen the answer, and then you'd keep repeating the same dishonest question. Gutless trolls are predictable that way.

Your answer is a pile of garbage summed up with YOU HAVE NO CLUE...

It is Co2, but when Co2 cannot explain it, well, then, you are anti semitic and Mamooo hates you

Land near the pole theory explains all of climate change. Co2 explains NOTHING.
They didn't. Your cult just made that up. Being that you're kind of stupid even by conservative standards (and that's saying something), you fell for it hard.

Generally, "Your side is just lying again" will be the answer to any of your faked questions.

Hahaha you poor delusional leftist tool.
That's not correct. It shows CO2 trailing temps only for a little while. After that, the two move together.

This is basic stuff, and you faceplant at it every time. Given the degree of your ignorance, you shouldn't be bothering the adults.

No, they don't!

CO2 lags by 1,000 year on average on BOTH INCREASE AND DECREASE

According to your Failed AGW Theory CO2 rising should NEVER result in falling temperature but it falls 100% of the timer after CO2 peaks. Every single CO2 peaks results in falling temperatures

Congratulations! Your Theory has a 100% Fail Rate!

CO2 lags by 1,000 year on average on BOTH INCREASE AND DECREASE

No, that's not correct. You're just too freakin' stupid to read a graph.

Orbital factors kick off a little warming.

That makes the oceans warmer, so they can hold CO2, so they release more CO2.

That causes the more warming, so more CO2, more warming, more CO2, more warming ... the two move together. CO2 is a forcing and a feedback.

YOur inability to grasp the science does not make the science wrong. It just makes you an imbecile.

According to your Failed AGW Theory CO2 rising should NEVER result in falling temperature
No, it doesn't say that. You're just a sad cult perv who gets off on lying. That's why you spend your days trolling in a SafeSpace.
Your answer is a pile of garbage summed up with YOU HAVE NO CLUE...

Run, cult boi, run!

Don't worry. Given your history, everyone expected you to cry and run, so you're not disappointing anyone. And you earned a whole lot of cult brownie points by humiliating yourself on behalf of the cult.

It is Co2, but when Co2 cannot explain it, well, then, you are anti semitic
No, you're antisemite filth because you hate Jews. Then, like the bitch you are, you go full metal Nazi and declare that you don't hate Jews, you hate Zionists. You're still antisemite filth.

Land near the pole theory explains all of climate change.
That's right, kook, Greenland moving a few miles totally changed the climate.

Sweet Jeebus, even by denier standards, you're a dim one.
Run, cult boi, run!

Don't worry. Given your history, everyone expected you to cry and run, so you're not disappointing anyone. And you earned a whole lot of cult brownie points by humiliating yourself on behalf of the cult.

No, you're antisemite filth because you hate Jews. Then, like the bitch you are, you go full metal Nazi and declare that you don't hate Jews, you hate Zionists. You're still antisemite filth.

That's right, kook, Greenland moving a few miles totally changed the climate.

Sweet Jeebus, even by denier standards, you're a dim one.


Greenland froze while North America thawed, and according to you... that had nothing to do with plate movement.


North America = moving SW... away from Pole

Greenland = moving NW ... towards the Pole

Your side cannot even attempt to refute the truth, that on Earth today

ALL land 600 miles or closer to an Earth pole is buried under ice age glacier, and ALL land further than 600 miles is NOT.

We have ice age glacier outside the Arctic Circle in Greenland, but trees and Moose inside the Arctic Circle in Alaska = WHY?


Why did Greenland suddenly grow an ice age? It moved past that point which triggers the Earth Glacier Manufacturing System, or, more precisely, where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the summer, and hence starts to stack.

North America still has Ellesmere Island in ice age, but it is now an island, so no continuous path to Chicago exists anymore....

Your side has EVERYTHING WRONG and cannot define ICE AGE properly...
No, that's not correct. You're just too freakin' stupid to read a graph.

Orbital factors kick off a little warming.

That makes the oceans warmer, so they can hold CO2, so they release more CO2.

That causes the more warming, so more CO2, more warming, more CO2, more warming ... the two move together. CO2 is a forcing and a feedback.

YOur inability to grasp the science does not make the science wrong. It just makes you an imbecile.

No, it doesn't say that. You're just a sad cult perv who gets off on lying. That's why you spend your days trolling in a SafeSpace.

Show us one time on the graph when CO2 peaks and temperature subsequently rises. Remember time moves right to left here


410,000 CO2 peaks, temps FALL for the next 60,000 years; temps then start to rise and drag CO2 with them

325,000 CO2 peaks, temps PLUMMET for 75,000 years...etc.

The Chart is NOT the warmers friend

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