Hagel Takes-On McCain!!!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010

"The confirmation hearing of former Sen. Chuck Hagel to take on the role of Secretary of Defense — already sure to be testy — heated up with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) pointedly asking Hagel to justify his stance on the Iraq War.

McCain, an ardent supporter of the Iraq War from the start, began his questioning of Hagel by asking about the latter’s past statements regarding the so-called “surge” of forces into Iraq in 2007. Hagel, by then a vocal critic of the war, came out strongly against adding additional troops to the conflict soon after the policy’s announcement — just like President Obama, Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had — calling it “the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam.”

Hagel didn’t back away from previous statements, saying “Senator, I stand by them, because I made them.” When McCain continued to push Hagel, refusing to allow him to offer a nuanced response to the question of the surge, the Nebraska Republican shot back, noting that the surge tactic took place in the wider context of the most “dangerous decision since Vietnam.”


"C'mon, Fly-Boy.....take a swing at me!!"
The words "I stand by them" when said by a politician are similar to the words "I take responsibility", they mean exactly the opposite. If Hagel stood by his statements he would have defended them instead of stide stepping the issue. The guy wants to be Secretary/Defense but he voted against the Troop Surge because of political reasons. He'd be the perfect Obama S.D. I guess.
And Hagel was horrible in this hearing...

Still think Obamalama did it this way because he is not one that is very popular with either side.. and while people hoot and holler over this rejection, he'll quickly nominate another and that one will just slip thru
McCain jumped the shark years ago. Sold his soul and just got a pantload of bitterness in return.

This is the guy who missed a benghazi briefing in order to hold a press conference to complain about the lack of benghazi information.
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Hagel refused to admit the surge in Iraq was successful. What an asshole.

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