HAHAHA. Chuck Todd attacks trump for using "VULGARITIES"

So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
Everybody says it. Do you really think calling some SoB a SoB is such a big deal?

No....I have never heard a president say it in a campaign rally....NEVER! But in his defense...he is a Pig.
Chucks a pig? SoB yes, sure, but a pig? Oh, I get it, a prig!
Chuck got Minuchin swallowing hard today when he asked him, " Why did
Trump tell his rabid audience not to criticize ruthless dictator Kim Yong Un but blasts and belittled a member of Congress?"

He stuttered, stammered and bloviated. I'm almost have to feel sorry for these guys that come on news shows trying to defend this president but then I think... it was their choice work for this lunatic president.
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
Everybody says it. Do you really think calling some SoB a SoB is such a big deal?

No....I have never heard a president say it in a campaign rally....NEVER! But in his defense...he is a Pig.
Chucks a pig? SoB yes, sure, but a pig? Oh, I get it, a prig!
Chuck Todd is the host of the longest running show in television history and you don't get that type of job unless you're great at your job.

More dumbass bullshit from Doofus.
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
Everybody says it. Do you really think calling some SoB a SoB is such a big deal?
Thatta girl. This is what you signed up for when you sold your soul to the devil and hopped on board the Trump train. Being painted into a corner trying to defend him and have no reasonable answer.
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.
Grow up! Act like a man and stop bitching like a snowflake girlieman.
It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.
But Bill (blowjob, nuke technology selling, sexual predator rapist) Clinton makes you proud, right?
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
Or maybe he'll think it's ok to get a blow job from the neighbor's daughter because you leftists said it was no big deal when Bill Clinton did it.

Deflect Much?
Don't like being called out for your hypocrisy?
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
/----/ Kids went home and thought getting a Lewinsky was OK since the POTUS got one in the Oval Office too. No fake outrage out of your pie hole.
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
/----/ Kids went home and thought getting a Lewinsky was OK since the POTUS got one in the Oval Office too. No fake outrage out of your pie hole.

The guy who just paid off a porn star to keep her quiet is now teaching our kids obscenities....

What next....Trump University for Hookers?
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?

Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."
Cuck, I mean Chuck is a veritable then-skinned prig.

And TRump is a big fat orange pig.....so.....

...and Hillary is a big fat loser. She is still not the President nor will she ever be. Never ever.
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?
/----/ Kids went home and thought getting a Lewinsky was OK since the POTUS got one in the Oval Office too. No fake outrage out of your pie hole.

The guy who just paid off a porn star to keep her quiet is now teaching our kids obscenities....

What next....Trump University for Hookers?

You're attitude of "moral superiority" is amusing. All that coming from the same mindset that supports buggery and other homosexual acts, same-sex marriage, sex out of wedlock, "freedom from religion", and murder through abortion.

Honestly dude: You don't have a leg to stand on.
And Evangelist say...."I didn't hear anything..."
Crazy how you can call us bitter clingers, deplorables and worse but somehow are surprised when we don’t feel the need to step in and defend you a-holes from being called names.
And Evangelist say...."I didn't hear anything..."

Exactly! To them Trump is a Porn again Christian.

Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

Trump's speech was disgusting. It showed narcissism, maniacal behavior, bullying, and the profanity was disgusting. For him to talk about anyone being dumb is funny as he is the dumbest President we have ever had. Maybe he shouldn't criticize Ronald Reagan. Reagan had GDP growth of 3.5-4.9%.
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.
Grow up! Act like a man and stop bitching like a snowflake girlieman.

When is Trump going to act like a man? Ronald Reagan was the exact apposite and he was very successful.
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?

Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.

If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

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