HAHAHA. Chuck Todd attacks trump for using "VULGARITIES"

So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?

Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.

If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.
Oh look!
Another leftard advocating those they don’t agree with have their children taken from them!
Fascist much???
I never like Cuck Todd.
His show is a soapbox for Republicans.
During the campaign, he couldn't even say Hillary's name without adding an "untrustworthy, dishonest or unlikeable". He even called Trump authentic.

It got so bad that when he came on TV, I would turn the channel.
Sounds so utterly dreadful for you, you poor snowflake.
History is not going to be kind to Trump. Nobody is going to be nominating him for any most admired or respected lists. He's an embarrassment to this country. I know you lot don't have a problem with that, but some of us actually have standards.

History is NOT going to be kind to the main witch....

the Clinton witch,,,,there are other scummy witches too out there... losers all

but the Hillary witch is not going to be pardoned.

Do you see the thread title?
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.

If you want to call Trump uncouth or crude...fine...that's your opinion...but when you call him "uneducated" that's asinine. Donald Trump attended The Wharton School...right up there with Harvard Business School as one of the countries best business schools and graduated with a degree in economics.

Your lack of knowledge about some of our Presidents is appalling to be quite blunt. Washington was NOT a well educated man. He had basically what was an elementary education and then learned surveying at the age of 17. That's the extent of his education! Lincoln also had almost no formal education. He basically learned from reading books on his own. Both of these men were great because of who they WERE...not because of their formal education.
So the good Christians are cheering a bully? Someone who uses vulgarity and insults ?
No that can'
Be true.

I wager he drops the F Bomb at one of his rallies before the end of the year. Franklin and Jerry Jr. will of course have their TV sound down...
You mean like Joe Biden telling Obama on an open mic "This is a big fucking deal"!? That kind of vulgarity. You're a hypocrite, dude.
I condemn all...But at least liberals don't.go around preaching about morals, values, family and then sit there cheering for the biggest bully and the stinkiest mouth of them all.
Trump is the republican party. Kids from a bunch of women, multiple bankruptcies, appearing in pornos, con jobs like "trump university".

Republican and evangelical "values".
So the good Christians are cheering a bully? Someone who uses vulgarity and insults ?
No that can'
Be true.

I wager he drops the F Bomb at one of his rallies before the end of the year. Franklin and Jerry Jr. will of course have their TV sound down...
You mean like Joe Biden telling Obama on an open mic "This is a big fucking deal"!? That kind of vulgarity. You're a hypocrite, dude.
I condemn all...But at least liberals don't.go around preaching about morals, values, family and then sit there cheering for the biggest bully and the stinkiest mouth of them all.
Are you proudly wearing your pussy hat during your spewage tonight?
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.

If you want to call Trump uncouth or crude...fine...that's your opinion...but when you call him "uneducated" that's asinine. Donald Trump attended The Wharton School...right up there with Harvard Business School as one of the countries best business schools and graduated with a degree in economics.

Your lack of knowledge about some of our Presidents is appalling to be quite blunt. Washington was NOT a well educated man. He had basically what was an elementary education and then learned surveying at the age of 17. That's the extent of his education! Lincoln also had almost no formal education. He basically learned from reading books on his own. Both of these men were great because of who they WERE...not because of their formal education.

And I'll say it again: If I were attempting to guess his level of education based on his grammar, vocabulary and comportment, I'd guess he was running late for vo-tech.
So the good Christians are cheering a bully? Someone who uses vulgarity and insults ?
No that can'
Be true.

I wager he drops the F Bomb at one of his rallies before the end of the year. Franklin and Jerry Jr. will of course have their TV sound down...
You mean like Joe Biden telling Obama on an open mic "This is a big fucking deal"!? That kind of vulgarity. You're a hypocrite, dude.
I condemn all...But at least liberals don't.go around preaching about morals, values, family and then sit there cheering for the biggest bully and the stinkiest mouth of them all.
Um, what's the thread about, stupid? Chuck Todd isn't a liberal preaching about moral values?
Can I point out that the title of this thread is all wrong... Chuck Todd did not attack the President, actually he did the opposite.

The President did say a vulgar comment about him and the said he would not speak ill of the president. He said it is a rule in his house.

Sorry lads, but Chuck Todd comes across a lot classier than the President here... Thanks for sharing...
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

Trump's speech was disgusting. It showed narcissism, maniacal behavior, bullying, and the profanity was disgusting. For him to talk about anyone being dumb is funny as he is the dumbest President we have ever had. Maybe he shouldn't criticize Ronald Reagan. Reagan had GDP growth of 3.5-4.9%.

The speech was great and the crowd was on fire!

I am sure that Jim Jones fired up his people as well. It was straight out of Nazi Germany. Fanatics.
Godwins Law
Can I point out that the title of this thread is all wrong... Chuck Todd did not attack the President, actually he did the opposite.

The President did say a vulgar comment about him and the said he would not speak ill of the president. He said it is a rule in his house.

Sorry lads, but Chuck Todd comes across a lot classier than the President here... Thanks for sharing...
We’re still waiting after 14 months to find even one moment when Trump was “ classy.”
Can I point out that the title of this thread is all wrong... Chuck Todd did not attack the President, actually he did the opposite.

The President did say a vulgar comment about him and the said he would not speak ill of the president. He said it is a rule in his house.

Sorry lads, but Chuck Todd comes across a lot classier than the President here... Thanks for sharing...
Your in love with chuck todd
Can I point out that the title of this thread is all wrong... Chuck Todd did not attack the President, actually he did the opposite.

The President did say a vulgar comment about him and the said he would not speak ill of the president. He said it is a rule in his house.

Sorry lads, but Chuck Todd comes across a lot classier than the President here... Thanks for sharing...
We’re still waiting after 14 months to find even one moment when Trump was “ classy.”
Well he didn't abandon his kids from his multiple wives and stopped appearing in pornos.
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.

If you want to call Trump uncouth or crude...fine...that's your opinion...but when you call him "uneducated" that's asinine. Donald Trump attended The Wharton School...right up there with Harvard Business School as one of the countries best business schools and graduated with a degree in economics.

Your lack of knowledge about some of our Presidents is appalling to be quite blunt. Washington was NOT a well educated man. He had basically what was an elementary education and then learned surveying at the age of 17. That's the extent of his education! Lincoln also had almost no formal education. He basically learned from reading books on his own. Both of these men were great because of who they WERE...not because of their formal education.

Trump is NOT educated. He does not read anything, hence he does not know anything. There are lots of intellectually lazy people that graduate from college. You have some sort of pathetic envy thing about formal education going on for this imbecile.

I'm well aware that Lincoln and Washington did not have impressive formal educations, but they were both gentlemen who didn't denigrate others in public. And nobody disputes the quality of Lincoln's mind, the same definitely can't be said for the idiot Trump. You're a Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to worship wealthy Repugs like Trump, no matter how uncouth or juvenile they act.
Last edited:
Pathetic germalists are desperate to find something on trump. "Son-of-a-bitch" is now a terrible thing to say!! And Big T keeps on winning.

Todd Says Explaining Trump's Vulgarity Is 'Challenge'

march 11 2018 NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd responded to President Donald Trump's profane comment Saturday night at a rally in Pennsylvania, calling the "Meet the Press" moderator a "sleeping son of a b----."

"I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president," Todd told News4. "I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president."
Todd added that he has difficulty explaining Trump's language to his children, saying, "It creates a challenge to all parents when he uses vulgarities like that."

It's a joke to you, but I'm ashamed Trump is our President. I think of all the great men like Lincoln and Washington who have occupied that office, and to see an uncouth, crude uneducated man like Trump holding that office is very depressing. He has brought disgrace to this great country, whether an unsophisticated Repug knuckle-dragger like you wants to acknowledge it or not.

But all you see is "us vs them", "Dems vs Repubs". Which is why you are a fool.

If you want to call Trump uncouth or crude...fine...that's your opinion...but when you call him "uneducated" that's asinine. Donald Trump attended The Wharton School...right up there with Harvard Business School as one of the countries best business schools and graduated with a degree in economics.

Your lack of knowledge about some of our Presidents is appalling to be quite blunt. Washington was NOT a well educated man. He had basically what was an elementary education and then learned surveying at the age of 17. That's the extent of his education! Lincoln also had almost no formal education. He basically learned from reading books on his own. Both of these men were great because of who they WERE...not because of their formal education.

Trump is NOT educated. He does not read anything, hence he does not know anything. There are lots of intellectually lazy people that graduate from college. You have some sort of pathetic envy thing about formal education going on for this imbecile.

I'm well aware that Lincoln and Washington did not have impressive formal educations, but they were both gentleman who didn't denigrate others in public. And nobody disputes the quality of Lincoln's mind, the same definitely can't be said for the idiot Trump. You're a Repug peasant and it's your peasant duty to worship wealthy Repugs like Trump, no matter how uncouth or juvenile they act.
Cry much?

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