HAHAHA. Chuck Todd attacks trump for using "VULGARITIES"

So the good Christians are cheering a bully? Someone who uses vulgarity and insults ?
No that can'
Be true.

I wager he drops the F Bomb at one of his rallies before the end of the year. Franklin and Jerry Jr. will of course have their TV sound down...
You mean like Joe Biden telling Obama on an open mic "This is a big fucking deal"!? That kind of vulgarity. You're a hypocrite, dude.
I condemn all...But at least liberals don't.go around preaching about morals, values, family and then sit there cheering for the biggest bully and the stinkiest mouth of them all.
Um, what's the thread about, stupid? Chuck Todd isn't a liberal preaching about moral values?
Name calling me conservative ? Just like the scum you call president.
Trust me, calling you "stupid" is being nice.
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?

Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.

If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

In his vulgar language....he was technically contributing to the delinguency of any minor that was in attendance or watched on TV. Slugs are like that....
Trump said bitch, you loons actually make children spread vulgarity. Quit whining you could care less about the children. Oh, and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, so get over it.View attachment 182062
I have a funny feeling those are bogus.

Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!
Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!

So when is he firing DeVos...like he fired Sessions....oooppppss.
I have no problem with a President who fires those he doesn't think is doing the job correctly. It's what we do in the Private Sector and it's what's seldom done in the Public Sector which is why the Public Sector is such a cluster fuck!
Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!

Hahahaha yah, remembering the (by Trumpy) so called judge, and Trumpy's own words against that chick from HP Fiona or something. Yep, the only thing worse than Hillary would be the Putin backed Trumpybear.
I think Todd's right that having fubared the truth on Iraq and WOMD, the media is at a watershed moment. The Alt-R always had and always will have their own separate reality (e.g. there is no difference in meeting with David Duke than Farrakhan. Both are bigots, but the similarity ends there. LOL) Todd may not really see the gravitas, though.

The MSM still wants to take people like Bill Kristol seriously. Kristol may have some relevance as a policy wonk among wonks, but he is no Jean Kilpatrick in conservative credibility. And the MSM media covered Hillary toxic emails and Foundation, but Trump's contacts with the Russians going back decades did not get a Woodward and Bernstein treatment.

Todd's right that the media gained credibility with main street (and not Alt-R street) with Vietnam and Watergate. I don't know they are up to the task today.

When the President of the United States Calls You a ‘Son of a Bitch’
Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!

Hahahaha yah, remembering the (by Trumpy) so called judge, and Trumpy's own words against that chick from HP Fiona or something. Yep, the only thing worse than Hillary would be the Putin backed Trumpybear.

So Carly Fiorina is some "chick"? Gotta love you progressive liberals! Scratch the surface and you all seem to be closet Charlie Roses and Harvey Weinsteins!
I think Todd's right that having fubared the truth on Iraq and WOMD, the media is at a watershed moment. The Alt-R always had and always will have their own separate reality (e.g. there is no difference in meeting with David Duke than Farrakhan. Both are bigots, but the similarity ends there. LOL) Todd may not really see the gravitas, though.

The MSM still wants to take people like Bill Kristol seriously. Kristol may have some relevance as a policy wonk among wonks, but he is no Jean Kilpatrick in conservative credibility. And the MSM media covered Hillary toxic emails and Foundation, but Trump's contacts with the Russians going back decades did not get a Woodward and Bernstein treatment.

Todd's right that the media gained credibility with main street (and not Alt-R street) with Vietnam and Watergate. I don't know they are up to the task today.

When the President of the United States Calls You a ‘Son of a Bitch’

Did you seriously just claim that the main stream media went after Hillary Clinton on her emails and Foundation but ignored Trump's Russian "collusion"? Really, Bendog? You REALLY want to make that claim?
Trump has gotten a nonstop "Bernstein and Woodward" treatment since the moment he became the GOP nominee! How many main stream media "journalists" do you think have been examining every nook and cranny of Trump for the better part of a year and a half now? Don't make me laugh...
Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!

Hahahaha yah, remembering the (by Trumpy) so called judge, and Trumpy's own words against that chick from HP Fiona or something. Yep, the only thing worse than Hillary would be the Putin backed Trumpybear.

So Carly Fiorina is some "chick"? Gotta love you progressive liberals! Scratch the surface and you all seem to be closet Charlie Roses and Harvey Weinsteins!

So then you remember the incidents where Donnie insulted her looks then?

How about the Judge? Remember that one? I'll understand if you don't, I mean he has had so many........
Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!

Hahahaha yah, remembering the (by Trumpy) so called judge, and Trumpy's own words against that chick from HP Fiona or something. Yep, the only thing worse than Hillary would be the Putin backed Trumpybear.

So Carly Fiorina is some "chick"? Gotta love you progressive liberals! Scratch the surface and you all seem to be closet Charlie Roses and Harvey Weinsteins!

So then you remember the incidents where Donnie insulted her looks then?

How about the Judge? Remember that one? I'll understand if you don't, I mean he has had so many........
With respect, I think the thread misses the issue. Trump is a racist and misogynist. (We'll see the usual challenges from Trumpbots "prove it.") But as W's point guy on evangelicals, Michael Gerson put it:
As Michael Gerson wrote in The Atlantic’s April cover story, “Here is the uncomfortable reality: I do not believe that most evangelicals are racist. But every strong Trump supporter has decided that racism is not a moral disqualification in the president of the United States. And that is something more than a political compromise. It is a revelation of moral priorities.” A maj of evangelicals don't see women in the ministry, but racists and misogynists? I don't see that.

Only Mormons voted for Trump in larger % than did evangelicals. A maj of white women voted for him.

How can that be with such a loathsome person? I mean I think Obama's focus on teaching moments about race and failure to address exactly what Michael Brown was about, and the MSM embrace of BLM put off a lot of social liberals, including me. Hillary might well have been a better toxic tool for Putin than nerve gas. But they came out and voted for HIM. Staying home, I get. Voting libertarian, I did that.

But 63 million Americans somehow felt so aggrieved by society that they voted for him. Of course Biden should have run, but I don't see Biden beating him now. Oprah could, but I think she's listening to her God who isn't buying in.
I have no problem with a President who fires those he doesn't think is doing the job correctly. It's what we do in the Private Sector and it's what's seldom done in the Public Sector which is why the Public Sector is such a cluster fuck!
Most people can only hang with Donald Trump maybe a year tops.
He works the crap out of them.
Hahaha. TrumpyBear proves his pettiness every single day. His worshipers adulation of his petty vulgarities is what I find most amusing about his so called presidency. Well, that and his face. How could you elect a piece of shit with a face like that? I mean look at it!

So called Presidency? Can't even bring yourself to admit that he beat Hillary...can you, Boo? I'm sorry but he's the President and will be for the rest of his term.

Trump's face now offends you? LOL...you're well on your way to becoming the "snow flake" poster child of this board, Boo!

Hahahaha yah, remembering the (by Trumpy) so called judge, and Trumpy's own words against that chick from HP Fiona or something. Yep, the only thing worse than Hillary would be the Putin backed Trumpybear.

So Carly Fiorina is some "chick"? Gotta love you progressive liberals! Scratch the surface and you all seem to be closet Charlie Roses and Harvey Weinsteins!

So then you remember the incidents where Donnie insulted her looks then?

How about the Judge? Remember that one? I'll understand if you don't, I mean he has had so many........
With respect, I think the thread misses the issue. Trump is a racist and misogynist. (We'll see the usual challenges from Trumpbots "prove it.") But as W's point guy on evangelicals, Michael Gerson put it:
As Michael Gerson wrote in The Atlantic’s April cover story, “Here is the uncomfortable reality: I do not believe that most evangelicals are racist. But every strong Trump supporter has decided that racism is not a moral disqualification in the president of the United States. And that is something more than a political compromise. It is a revelation of moral priorities.” A maj of evangelicals don't see women in the ministry, but racists and misogynists? I don't see that.

Only Mormons voted for Trump in larger % than did evangelicals. A maj of white women voted for him.

How can that be with such a loathsome person? I mean I think Obama's focus on teaching moments about race and failure to address exactly what Michael Brown was about, and the MSM embrace of BLM put off a lot of social liberals, including me. Hillary might well have been a better toxic tool for Putin than nerve gas. But they came out and voted for HIM. Staying home, I get. Voting libertarian, I did that.

But 63 million Americans somehow felt so aggrieved by society that they voted for him. Of course Biden should have run, but I don't see Biden beating him now. Oprah could, but I think she's listening to her God who isn't buying in.
What do you base your claim on that Trump is a racist and a misogynist? Might I remind you that the same liberal icons who accused Trump of just that...people like Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer then turned out to be far bigger abusers of women than Trump EVER was?

63 million people looked at a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and chose Trump. That had nothing to do with being "aggrieved" by society! They made a rational choice between two candidates. Hillary Clinton was one of the more unattractive candidates ever to run for the office! Between her obvious belief that our laws don't apply to her and her incompetence as Secretary of State...why would anyone want her to be President?
As for Obama's "teachable moments"? Do you NOT realize that he opened his mouth before the facts were known in almost every single one of those moments...proclaiming that things were such and such when in fact they weren't that at all! Michael Brown was a perfect example of that as was his criticism of the Cambridge Police department over their treatment of Louis Gates. He had to walk the majority of those teachable moments back because he didn't have the all of the facts before reaching a conclusion.
Trump is effective at MAGA and libbie feelings driven snowflakes want to Make America Kind Again
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?

Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.

If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

No, we said it first. You leftists are SOBs. Ignorant SOBs to boot because you don't know the difference between "ought to" and "will be."
So you are at a rally with your six year old and TRump throws a SOB out there. The kids goes home and thinks...the POTUS said it so it is okay if I say it. You are okay with that?

Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.

If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

In his vulgar language....he was technically contributing to the delinguency of any minor that was in attendance or watched on TV. Slugs are like that....

That coming from a member of the secular humanist progressive communist democrat party, who supports buggery, same-sex marriage, and other forms of perversion?

Your fake outrage is humorous. :21:
Yes. I'm ok with that. Not only am I ok with that, I heartily endorse what he said.

If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

In his vulgar language....he was technically contributing to the delinguency of any minor that was in attendance or watched on TV. Slugs are like that....
Trump said bitch, you loons actually make children spread vulgarity. Quit whining you could care less about the children. Oh, and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, so get over it.View attachment 182062
I have a funny feeling those are bogus.

Could we get it taken down as fake news?
If you have any kids, they ought to be taken away. You and Trump supporters are the SOBs.

In his vulgar language....he was technically contributing to the delinguency of any minor that was in attendance or watched on TV. Slugs are like that....
Trump said bitch, you loons actually make children spread vulgarity. Quit whining you could care less about the children. Oh, and Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, so get over it.View attachment 182062
I have a funny feeling those are bogus.

Could we get it taken down as fake news?

I doubt it. We have s Fake President that hadn't been taken down yet.

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