Haitians are now thinking America is Vietnam 1967. “It Aint Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs”


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho

“It Aint Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs” – Numerous Haitian Americans Confirm Cat Eating in TikTok Comment Sections​

Put a toe tapper next to your dogs kennel

But Joe Biden and Kamala Harris said it ain't so.

“It Aint Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs” – Numerous Haitian Americans Confirm Cat Eating in TikTok Comment Sections​

Put a toe tapper next to your dogs kennel

The ignorance of Democrats is beyond belief. Haitians are going to bring Haiti and all of it's "traditions" with them. Keep a close eye on your pets, they'll either eat them or sacrifice them in a voodoo ritual.
The ignorance of Democrats is beyond belief. Haitians are going to bring Haiti and all of it's "traditions" with them. Keep a close eye on your pets, they'll either eat them or sacrifice them in a voodoo ritual.

Right there is how stupid (and dangerous) they [Democrats] are.
These are people who will eat anything. The poverty in Haiti, because of the crime, is crushing. It's the same with many criminal alien ghettos. In Haiti they will eat cats and dogs because of the many street cats and dogs. In other cultures they eat rats. In New York the criminal aliens living on the streets capture and grill rats.

Of course democrats say that's not happening either.
In 1804, Haitians committed the only truly racial genocide in recorded Human History.

After over-throwing the Colonial French, Haitians went through the Country killing every single White Person they could find.

Men, Women, Children, Toddlers, Infants, Pregnant women..... All were murdered. Sometimes, hideously.

Even Half-Whites (Mulattoes), Quarter-Whites and sometimes, even light-skinned Blacks.


I don't care a whole lot about what happened over 200 years ago in revenge-killings for being enslaved. But, you need to look at who and what these people are. Primitives. I live in South Florida and I see a LOT of them. Really a lot of them.

But one thing -- They are usually hard-working, honest and decent people once they get here. American Blacks hate them because they're much more successful than Native Born Blacks. And darker-skinned. True dat.

But they are very primitive people until the 2nd generation or so.

I met one Haitian woman one time that wasn't. She was actually quite attractive. Maybe even beautiful. And classy. I got the feeling she was a family member of one of the power-elite that escaped the country during one of its many blood-bath 'revolutions' (to see which gang of criminals would run things). She wouldn't talk. I could almost see the pain in her eyes. And sadness.

Other than that...... Just be aware. You're talking people that are about early Bronze Age in development. If that. A thousand generations of DNA says so.

“It Aint Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs” – Numerous Haitian Americans Confirm Cat Eating in TikTok Comment Sections​

Put a toe tapper next to your dogs kennel

lol dude this is such a joke. All of these anecdotes refer to Haitians eating them IN HAITI. The cherry picking is pretty absurd. What’s even more absurd is that this false claim Trump is pedaling involves Haitians eating someone else’s pets. None of the crap in that article says anything about STEALING pets.

“It Aint Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs” – Numerous Haitian Americans Confirm Cat Eating in TikTok Comment Sections​

Put a toe tapper next to your dogs kennel

Haitians are NOT eating cats and dogs.

“It Aint Just Cats, They Also Eat Dogs” – Numerous Haitian Americans Confirm Cat Eating in TikTok Comment Sections​

Put a toe tapper next to your dogs kennel

Enough already. Everybody knows by now that it's time to hate the Haitians. Like the two minutes of hate from George Orwell.

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