Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget

We should get what we pay for....their obedience.
"Obedience?" Tell me you're joking.

Of course!

All other countries should let the U.S. pick out all the hottest women from their countries too for arranged marriages! The U.S. also should be allowed to bury our trash in their countries as well, especially nuclear waste.

We don't do arranged marriages, those primitive cultures you defend do that stupid shit. As for trash, why not, these people owe us money.....pay or we use you like a hefty bag.


You must be a one blind fucker, because there are arranged marriages in the U.S. every day... and not just by Muslims.
Hell yes!

Cut that Spending!

We can save about $4 Billion by cutting the EPA budget in half.

We can save 15 times that much by cutting the DOD budget by a measly 10%
So let the rest of the world catch up to the US in military strength.

First, 10% will not get the rest of the world even close. (see below)

Second, our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The Army alone made a 2.8 trillion dollar fake adjustment to their books to give the appearance of the books being balanced, in just one quarter last year. If any other agency under the Fed Govt had such things going on would you just advocate just throwing more money at them?

How about we hold the DOD accountable just like people want to do with the rest of the government. Is that too much to ask?

A wholly misleading chart. How many of those other seven nations have the security of the entire world thrust upon their shoulders?

I would agree to a 10% cut in the military as long as you agree that we should fully and permanently pull out of NATO and any responsibility for Western Europe.

Nothing was thrust upon the US, we gladly took it as our way of trying to control the world.

We do not need to leave NATO but I am all for pulling all our troops out of Europe. Station them along the southern border and there is no need for a stupid fucking wall.

The wall is gonna be awesome, but putting troops on the border, im for that. I can just imagine the heart attacks of your progressive friends if that was ever done.....OMG the leftwing hysteria, would be hilarious.........
Merry Christmas America.

Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget

Calling it “a big step in the right direction,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday night announced a historic reduction in the U.N. biennial operating budget.

Haley said the plan calls for a $285 million cut for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked."
Snowflakes lol
I hope the UN moves to China since it is thr next power. Trump is isolating thr US.

yeah good call, because the Chinese would allow it like we do.....NOT!
We should get what we pay for....their obedience.
"Obedience?" Tell me you're joking.

Of course!

All other countries should let the U.S. pick out all the hottest women from their countries too for arranged marriages! The U.S. also should be allowed to bury our trash in their countries as well, especially nuclear waste.

We don't do arranged marriages, those primitive cultures you defend do that stupid shit. As for trash, why not, these people owe us money.....pay or we use you like a hefty bag.


You must be a one blind fucker, because there are arranged marriages in the U.S. every day... and not just by Muslims.

right----by fucking masons
I love it.

Other rich nations need to pay their fair share.

$284 million? That’s like your best half telling you they saved 30 cents and expecting you to be impressed.

Everyone human being crawled and walked before they ran.

It’s going to take some time to get spending down.

Libs Love other people’s money are fucking crack addicts.

Yea fine, it using that excample, crack heads don’t get botique services to quit using unless they are rich. That shit stops cold turkey. The UN have taken advantage of Americans long enough. We don’t need them here, they serve no purpose and really, there is no way to justify not throwing money in the trash. This 284 million isn’t even a drop in the bucket when you look at the whole budget. It’s even more insignificant when you look at what a drag the UN being here is. Security costs, unpaired restraint and hotel bills, un paied tickets as well as the upkeep of the facilities around the building. So was this impressive? Not at all. Praising this is like praising your kid for getting his math grade up to an F from and F-.
We should get what we pay for....their obedience.
"Obedience?" Tell me you're joking.

Of course!

All other countries should let the U.S. pick out all the hottest women from their countries too for arranged marriages! The U.S. also should be allowed to bury our trash in their countries as well, especially nuclear waste.

We don't do arranged marriages, those primitive cultures you defend do that stupid shit. As for trash, why not, these people owe us money.....pay or we use you like a hefty bag.


You must be a one blind fucker, because there are arranged marriages in the U.S. every day... and not just by Muslims.

omfg, you're one of those people...you find one....and say, see it happens, no 99% do not do arranged marriages.....so stfu
Let him tell it to Lil Rocket Man

Trump seems to be leading us to a UN exit and his supporters love it (just read this thread)

Hold the UN accountable for their shitty actions is hardly the same as an UN exit.

My point stands. Your side has been putting political pressure on him for a more aggressive foreign policy since BEFORE he was in office.

So....voting against something the US did was a "shitty action" ?

Given the number of nations that condemned us......Looks like Trump engaged in a shitty action

Or maybe they are just pandering to the violent arab mob.

All of them?

Except for Togo and Honduras?

Conform and be successful. Isn't that your motto?

Some coalition your boy Trump is building

Togo will come in handy when we need them
We can save 15 times that much by cutting the DOD budget by a measly 10%
So let the rest of the world catch up to the US in military strength.

First, 10% will not get the rest of the world even close. (see below)

Second, our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The Army alone made a 2.8 trillion dollar fake adjustment to their books to give the appearance of the books being balanced, in just one quarter last year. If any other agency under the Fed Govt had such things going on would you just advocate just throwing more money at them?

How about we hold the DOD accountable just like people want to do with the rest of the government. Is that too much to ask?

A wholly misleading chart. How many of those other seven nations have the security of the entire world thrust upon their shoulders?

I would agree to a 10% cut in the military as long as you agree that we should fully and permanently pull out of NATO and any responsibility for Western Europe.

Nothing was thrust upon the US, we gladly took it as our way of trying to control the world.

We do not need to leave NATO but I am all for pulling all our troops out of Europe. Station them along the southern border and there is no need for a stupid fucking wall.

The wall is gonna be awesome, but putting troops on the border, im for that. I can just imagine the heart attacks of your progressive friends if that was ever done.....OMG the leftwing hysteria, would be hilarious.........

If Mexico was full of white conservatives, liberals would have that border sealed airtight.
Hold the UN accountable for their shitty actions is hardly the same as an UN exit.

My point stands. Your side has been putting political pressure on him for a more aggressive foreign policy since BEFORE he was in office.

So....voting against something the US did was a "shitty action" ?

Given the number of nations that condemned us......Looks like Trump engaged in a shitty action

Or maybe they are just pandering to the violent arab mob.

All of them?

Except for Togo and Honduras?

Conform and be successful. Isn't that your motto?

Some coalition your boy Trump is building

Togo will come in handy when we need them
They need us as "they" live next door to the enemy, we don't.
And the world laughs at the US and already knew the world would have to simply wait until Lying Trump was out and things could get back to normal.

I find it quite pathetic that Lying Donald and his flying monkey Nikki Goebbels believe this is some 'permanent' thing. They'll have their tantrum as will the slugs that support Drumpf and then an adult will be elected and America's image will begin to be rebuilt.

There is nothing more pathetic than someone claiming to be an adult that throws a tantrum like a child and thinks anyone else gives a shit. Why 'reduce' spending orange turd? Just give yourself and your following of ignorant bugwits a good reason to circle jerk and pull the US out of the UN. When you are gone we'll rejoin and the orange turd's legacy will be a blip of bile on the radar and soon forgotten.

But oh how Nikki Goebbels likes to sound 'powerful'. It's just a sad comedy to the rest of the world.
Your comparing our U.N. ambassador to Joseph Gobbeles? What a dick.
Ironic considering he defends the jew hating countries under the guise of helping the poor poor Palestinians (AKA Arabs)
. He must hate jews and he must hate the US for standing up for whats right.
Hell yes!

Cut that Spending!

We can save about $4 Billion by cutting the EPA budget in half.

We can save 15 times that much by cutting the DOD budget by a measly 10%
So let the rest of the world catch up to the US in military strength.

First, 10% will not get the rest of the world even close. (see below)

Second, our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The Army alone made a 2.8 trillion dollar fake adjustment to their books to give the appearance of the books being balanced, in just one quarter last year. If any other agency under the Fed Govt had such things going on would you just advocate just throwing more money at them?

How about we hold the DOD accountable just like people want to do with the rest of the government. Is that too much to ask?

United States is fucking awesome !

America, fuck yeah!
We should get what we pay for....their obedience.
"Obedience?" Tell me you're joking.

Of course!

All other countries should let the U.S. pick out all the hottest women from their countries too for arranged marriages! The U.S. also should be allowed to bury our trash in their countries as well, especially nuclear waste.

We don't do arranged marriages, those primitive cultures you defend do that stupid shit. As for trash, why not, these people owe us money.....pay or we use you like a hefty bag.


You must be a one blind fucker, because there are arranged marriages in the U.S. every day... and not just by Muslims.

omfg, you're one of those people...you find one....and say, see it happens, no 99% do not do arranged marriages.....so stfu

One of those? You said they don't happen. You're wrong. You are VERY wrong.

Human trafficking IS a problem in the U.S.
"Obedience?" Tell me you're joking.

Of course!

All other countries should let the U.S. pick out all the hottest women from their countries too for arranged marriages! The U.S. also should be allowed to bury our trash in their countries as well, especially nuclear waste.

We don't do arranged marriages, those primitive cultures you defend do that stupid shit. As for trash, why not, these people owe us money.....pay or we use you like a hefty bag.


You must be a one blind fucker, because there are arranged marriages in the U.S. every day... and not just by Muslims.

omfg, you're one of those people...you find one....and say, see it happens, no 99% do not do arranged marriages.....so stfu

One of those? You said they don't happen. You're wrong. You are VERY wrong.

Human trafficking IS a problem in the U.S.
yes, but that's not what we were talking about, smart ass.
Ironic it was your occupy wallstreet people in Oakland stopping a meeting to deal with that very problem.
what is you solution when you catch them? picking up litter? rehab?
We can save 15 times that much by cutting the DOD budget by a measly 10%
So let the rest of the world catch up to the US in military strength.

First, 10% will not get the rest of the world even close. (see below)

Second, our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The Army alone made a 2.8 trillion dollar fake adjustment to their books to give the appearance of the books being balanced, in just one quarter last year. If any other agency under the Fed Govt had such things going on would you just advocate just throwing more money at them?

How about we hold the DOD accountable just like people want to do with the rest of the government. Is that too much to ask?

A wholly misleading chart. How many of those other seven nations have the security of the entire world thrust upon their shoulders?

I would agree to a 10% cut in the military as long as you agree that we should fully and permanently pull out of NATO and any responsibility for Western Europe.

Nothing was thrust upon the US, we gladly took it as our way of trying to control the world.

We do not need to leave NATO but I am all for pulling all our troops out of Europe. Station them along the southern border and there is no need for a stupid fucking wall.

The wall is gonna be awesome, but putting troops on the border, im for that. I can just imagine the heart attacks of your progressive friends if that was ever done.....OMG the leftwing hysteria, would be hilarious.........

I care little about the hysteria from the wings, be them right or left. You are no different than the left wing wackos in my book
So let the rest of the world catch up to the US in military strength.

First, 10% will not get the rest of the world even close. (see below)

Second, our military is not underfunded, it is misused and mismanaged. The Army alone made a 2.8 trillion dollar fake adjustment to their books to give the appearance of the books being balanced, in just one quarter last year. If any other agency under the Fed Govt had such things going on would you just advocate just throwing more money at them?

How about we hold the DOD accountable just like people want to do with the rest of the government. Is that too much to ask?

A wholly misleading chart. How many of those other seven nations have the security of the entire world thrust upon their shoulders?

I would agree to a 10% cut in the military as long as you agree that we should fully and permanently pull out of NATO and any responsibility for Western Europe.

Nothing was thrust upon the US, we gladly took it as our way of trying to control the world.

We do not need to leave NATO but I am all for pulling all our troops out of Europe. Station them along the southern border and there is no need for a stupid fucking wall.

The wall is gonna be awesome, but putting troops on the border, im for that. I can just imagine the heart attacks of your progressive friends if that was ever done.....OMG the leftwing hysteria, would be hilarious.........

I care little about the hysteria from the wings, be them right or left. You are no different than the left wing wackos in my book
you are a leftwing wacko....One of those starkey I'm independent people, that always side with the left 90% of the time.
The wars stopped by the UN never make the news.

They will now.

Let Trump go to war without UN support

Lets see how far he goes. He won't have a seat on the UN Security Council anymore

Trump doesn't want war. It is your side of the aisle howling for blood.

Also, there is no mechanism for the UN to deprive the US of a seat. Any attempted change could be vetoed by US.

Let him tell it to Lil Rocket Man

Trump seems to be leading us to a UN exit and his supporters love it (just read this thread)
I've wanted a UN exit for 30 years.......I mean the UN is a joke.....

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