Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget

Conform and be successful. Isn't that your motto?

Some coalition your boy Trump is building

Togo will come in handy when we need them

So, RW, where is the Knesset? And the Israeli Prime Ministers office?

After you figure that one out, tell me what is the purpose of pretending they are not there?

Tell Israel not to worry

Togo has their back

The nations that can't tell the truth about where Israel's government is based?

If they are too craven to admit where the Knesset is, you really think they will have the courage to actually have some one's back?

They are afraid of what their "citizens" who are Muslim will do, if they tell the Truth.

Yet, Trump is supposedly the problem.

Trump's action here, reveals the Truth, that they are fucked. But they do not have the courage to face up to that.
Thete are reasons that Bill Clinton, George W Bush & Obama did not move our embassy.

Trump is too stupid to get it.

His announcement accomnplished nothing good except get him bitch slapped at the UN.

Except that the UN was revealed to be utterly powerless to stop him, he still did what he said he was going to do, and the UN flapped it's useless jaws.

The UN is the one's paying a price, because he is cutting their budget.

You think the muslims are going to make it up? Or the feckless Europeans? LOL!
So no real solutions from liberals, just whining about a 5% Budget cut at the UN.

You guys are sooooo predictable.

This 5% cut in the UN budget will end up allowing millions of children to die....right?:badgrin:

What about the CHILDREN?!

Well, if nothing else the money saved will almost cover Trump's golfing trips for this year.
you mean at his own clubs, with his own money......sad thing is they wouldn't get close to covering Obamas
You fucking moron, President obama paid for his own lodging, etc while on vacation.

Trump charges you for golf cart rental when the Secret Service has to follow his fat ass around his courses.

Some coalition your boy Trump is building

Togo will come in handy when we need them

So, RW, where is the Knesset? And the Israeli Prime Ministers office?

After you figure that one out, tell me what is the purpose of pretending they are not there?

Tell Israel not to worry

Togo has their back

The nations that can't tell the truth about where Israel's government is based?

If they are too craven to admit where the Knesset is, you really think they will have the courage to actually have some one's back?

They are afraid of what their "citizens" who are Muslim will do, if they tell the Truth.

Yet, Trump is supposedly the problem.

Trump's action here, reveals the Truth, that they are fucked. But they do not have the courage to face up to that.
Thete are reasons that Bill Clinton, George W Bush & Obama did not move our embassy.

Trump is too stupid to get it.

His announcement accomnplished nothing good except get him bitch slapped at the UN.

really, well do tell us then

So, here you were defending your orange buddy without knowing the history of the situation. Figures.
So, RW, where is the Knesset? And the Israeli Prime Ministers office?

After you figure that one out, tell me what is the purpose of pretending they are not there?

Tell Israel not to worry

Togo has their back

The nations that can't tell the truth about where Israel's government is based?

If they are too craven to admit where the Knesset is, you really think they will have the courage to actually have some one's back?

They are afraid of what their "citizens" who are Muslim will do, if they tell the Truth.

Yet, Trump is supposedly the problem.

Trump's action here, reveals the Truth, that they are fucked. But they do not have the courage to face up to that.
Thete are reasons that Bill Clinton, George W Bush & Obama did not move our embassy.

Trump is too stupid to get it.

His announcement accomnplished nothing good except get him bitch slapped at the UN.

really, well do tell us then

So, here you were defending your orange buddy without knowing the history of the situation. Figures.

no im asking you to defend your post......another person that parrots talking points and cant even summarize his position.
Hell yes!

Cut that Spending!

We can save about $4 Billion by cutting the EPA budget in half.

We can save 15 times that much by cutting the DOD budget by a measly 10%
What about socialist entitlement programs? That is where real fat is to cut..l

Those also. There is fat everywhere to cut, nothing should be off limits. But it will never happen as too many people have their sacred cows that are never allowed to be cut.

This is 100% fact. I don't know why conservatives and liberals fight over which should be cut entitlements or defense spending. Reasonable people can surely agree that it is absolutely true that the government is inefficient at both and that we could both help more people and better defend this country for probably 20% less than we currently spend.

And that's probably true for every agency within our government.
Merry Christmas America.

Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget

Calling it “a big step in the right direction,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday night announced a historic reduction in the U.N. biennial operating budget.

Haley said the plan calls for a $285 million cut for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked."

But who will sit around writing resolutions against Israel?
So no real solutions from liberals, just whining about a 5% Budget cut at the UN.

You guys are sooooo predictable.

This 5% cut in the UN budget will end up allowing millions of children to die....right?:badgrin:

What about the CHILDREN?!

Well, if nothing else the money saved will almost cover Trump's golfing trips for this year.
you mean at his own clubs, with his own money......sad thing is they wouldn't get close to covering Obamas
You fucking moron, President obama paid for his own lodging, etc while on vacation.

Trump charges you for golf cart rental when the Secret Service has to follow his fat ass around his courses.


False, the President does NOT pay for his own lodging when on vacation. EVER. Trump doesn't and neither did Obama. Now, they DO have to reimburse certain expenses, but that is true no matter who is President.

And do you really think the Secret Service didn't' have to pay for golf car rentals when Obama went to play golf?

There's absolutely no reason to tell outright lies just because you don't like a politician.
So no real solutions from liberals, just whining about a 5% Budget cut at the UN.

You guys are sooooo predictable.

This 5% cut in the UN budget will end up allowing millions of children to die....right?:badgrin:

What about the CHILDREN?!

Well, if nothing else the money saved will almost cover Trump's golfing trips for this year.
you mean at his own clubs, with his own money......sad thing is they wouldn't get close to covering Obamas

his own money! :haha:. Come on you are not that naive!

His own money does not pay for AF-1 to fly him or for all the extra security or for the room and board for the extra security. Trump has blown away the amount Obama spent travelling for pleasure during their first year.

do show us some numbers, I don't think Trump has buzzed NYC with AF 1 for a date night.

I mean the guys flys to his own home......omfg.......how terrible.

Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!
Merry Christmas America.

Haley announces $285M cut in 2018-19 UN operating budget

Calling it “a big step in the right direction,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Sunday night announced a historic reduction in the U.N. biennial operating budget.

Haley said the plan calls for a $285 million cut for the 2018-19 fiscal year.

“The inefficiency and overspending of the United Nations are well known,” Haley said. “We will no longer let the generosity of the American people be taken advantage of or remain unchecked."

But who will sit around writing resolutions against Israel?

FUNDING,,,,,,,,scholarships for tuition, pencils, and VENOM
So no real solutions from liberals, just whining about a 5% Budget cut at the UN.

You guys are sooooo predictable.

This 5% cut in the UN budget will end up allowing millions of children to die....right?:badgrin:

What about the CHILDREN?!

Well, if nothing else the money saved will almost cover Trump's golfing trips for this year.
you mean at his own clubs, with his own money......sad thing is they wouldn't get close to covering Obamas

his own money! :haha:. Come on you are not that naive!

His own money does not pay for AF-1 to fly him or for all the extra security or for the room and board for the extra security. Trump has blown away the amount Obama spent travelling for pleasure during their first year.

do show us some numbers, I don't think Trump has buzzed NYC with AF 1 for a date night.

I mean the guys flys to his own home......omfg.......how terrible.

Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!

the problem is there are costs if he's at the white house....he needs security there as well......most of his costs were because melania staying in NYC to let Barron finish school.......not because of some crazy amount of trips......he goes to his own places (like Bush did, Obama didn't have a home anywhere), but he's not going for shopping sprees in Spain and such.
Well, if nothing else the money saved will almost cover Trump's golfing trips for this year.
you mean at his own clubs, with his own money......sad thing is they wouldn't get close to covering Obamas

his own money! :haha:. Come on you are not that naive!

His own money does not pay for AF-1 to fly him or for all the extra security or for the room and board for the extra security. Trump has blown away the amount Obama spent travelling for pleasure during their first year.

do show us some numbers, I don't think Trump has buzzed NYC with AF 1 for a date night.

I mean the guys flys to his own home......omfg.......how terrible.

Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!

the problem is there are costs if he's at the white house....he needs security there as well......most of his costs were because melania staying in NYC to let Barron finish school.......not because of some crazy amount of trips......he goes to his own places (like Bush did, Obama didn't have a home anywhere), but he's not going for shopping sprees in Spain and such.

The White House is a secure location unlike Mar A Lago and it has basically the same security around the clock regards of if the POTUS is there or not. So the cost while he is traveling are in addition to the security that is always at the White House.
you mean at his own clubs, with his own money......sad thing is they wouldn't get close to covering Obamas

his own money! :haha:. Come on you are not that naive!

His own money does not pay for AF-1 to fly him or for all the extra security or for the room and board for the extra security. Trump has blown away the amount Obama spent travelling for pleasure during their first year.

do show us some numbers, I don't think Trump has buzzed NYC with AF 1 for a date night.

I mean the guys flys to his own home......omfg.......how terrible.

Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!

the problem is there are costs if he's at the white house....he needs security there as well......most of his costs were because melania staying in NYC to let Barron finish school.......not because of some crazy amount of trips......he goes to his own places (like Bush did, Obama didn't have a home anywhere), but he's not going for shopping sprees in Spain and such.

The White House is a secure location unlike Mar A Lago and it has basically the same security around the clock regards of if the POTUS is there or not. So the cost while he is traveling are in addition to the security that is always at the White House.

Who cares? For real. Of all the petty complaints, this almost takes the cake, it's one step above "he had two scoops of ice cream" ALL PRESIDENTS TRAVEL. That's just part of it.
his own money! :haha:. Come on you are not that naive!

His own money does not pay for AF-1 to fly him or for all the extra security or for the room and board for the extra security. Trump has blown away the amount Obama spent travelling for pleasure during their first year.

do show us some numbers, I don't think Trump has buzzed NYC with AF 1 for a date night.

I mean the guys flys to his own home......omfg.......how terrible.

Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!

the problem is there are costs if he's at the white house....he needs security there as well......most of his costs were because melania staying in NYC to let Barron finish school.......not because of some crazy amount of trips......he goes to his own places (like Bush did, Obama didn't have a home anywhere), but he's not going for shopping sprees in Spain and such.

The White House is a secure location unlike Mar A Lago and it has basically the same security around the clock regards of if the POTUS is there or not. So the cost while he is traveling are in addition to the security that is always at the White House.

Who cares? For real. Of all the petty complaints, this almost takes the cake, it's one step above "he had two scoops of ice cream" ALL PRESIDENTS TRAVEL. That's just part of it.

So, it is not about the money spent on travel, it is only about who is doing it.

Trump spends money and it is A Ok, Obama does it and it is the end of the fucking world.

You partisan hacks are all the same.
do show us some numbers, I don't think Trump has buzzed NYC with AF 1 for a date night.

I mean the guys flys to his own home......omfg.......how terrible.

Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!

the problem is there are costs if he's at the white house....he needs security there as well......most of his costs were because melania staying in NYC to let Barron finish school.......not because of some crazy amount of trips......he goes to his own places (like Bush did, Obama didn't have a home anywhere), but he's not going for shopping sprees in Spain and such.

The White House is a secure location unlike Mar A Lago and it has basically the same security around the clock regards of if the POTUS is there or not. So the cost while he is traveling are in addition to the security that is always at the White House.

Who cares? For real. Of all the petty complaints, this almost takes the cake, it's one step above "he had two scoops of ice cream" ALL PRESIDENTS TRAVEL. That's just part of it.

So, it is not about the money spent on travel, it is only about who is doing it.

Trump spends money and it is A Ok, Obama does it and it is the end of the fucking world.

You partisan hacks are all the same.

Who are YOU calling a partisan hack? I made it pretty clear by stating that "ALL PRESIDENTS TRAVEL AND THATS JUST PART OF IT" that I don't complain about this sort of thing regardless of who is in office, or what party they are in.
Do you think he is flying down there alone? Are you brain dead? AF-1 cost close to $200,000 an hour to fly. Plus there is always at least one C-5 or a couple C-130s with support personnel and vehichiesl. Then there is the extra cost of the secret service and other law enforcement agencies who have to not only control the land but the waterways as well.

Then there is food and lodging for everyone that travels with him, all of which is getting paid to him!

the problem is there are costs if he's at the white house....he needs security there as well......most of his costs were because melania staying in NYC to let Barron finish school.......not because of some crazy amount of trips......he goes to his own places (like Bush did, Obama didn't have a home anywhere), but he's not going for shopping sprees in Spain and such.

The White House is a secure location unlike Mar A Lago and it has basically the same security around the clock regards of if the POTUS is there or not. So the cost while he is traveling are in addition to the security that is always at the White House.

Who cares? For real. Of all the petty complaints, this almost takes the cake, it's one step above "he had two scoops of ice cream" ALL PRESIDENTS TRAVEL. That's just part of it.

So, it is not about the money spent on travel, it is only about who is doing it.

Trump spends money and it is A Ok, Obama does it and it is the end of the fucking world.

You partisan hacks are all the same.

Who are YOU calling a partisan hack? I made it pretty clear by stating that "ALL PRESIDENTS TRAVEL AND THATS JUST PART OF IT" that I don't complain about this sort of thing regardless of who is in office, or what party they are in.

Oh darn, wrong person! Lost track of the thread. That is what I get for multi-tasking.

My bad!
I'll ask again: how much is Israel paying?

While you're at it, how much is Israel paying us to defend them?

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