Half of IL Medicaid Beneficiaries found to be ineligible


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
No doubt many states do a better job of means testing for Medicaid than Illinois. But a shocking audit of more than 700,000 recipients of Medicaid benefits discovered that 359,000 should not be receiving Medicaid at all.

It certainly makes you wonder just how massive the fraud is across all 50 states.

And just think - Obamacare will expand Medicaid for at least 7 million this year alone.

Those GOP governors who refused the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare were the smart ones.

Read more: Blog: Half of IL Medicaid Beneficiaries found to be ineligible
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I mentioned in another topic here a week or so ago that the federal government does a pretty good job of verifying someone's eligibility for aid. Where the government falls down is on the follow-up.

When their situation improves, many people are slow to let the government know they no longer need the assistance they are receiving.

The solution to this problem is simple.
Solution to the problem is indeed simple.. the elimination of welfare 'aid' programs.. no program, no way to illegally take advantage of it

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