Red state credit unworthiness: Study shows it’s stupidity

The facts show that you’re retarded and have an unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump’s ass. More real dollars go to blue shitholes. Such as California and New York accounting for over one third of the welfare payments for the entire country. Continue your tantrum.
Continue your bullshit if it makes you feel better, meat puppet.

You're clueless.
Yet you can’t refute any of my FACTS asshole. Run away like usual. Coward.
They're not facts, asshole. Just more of your stupidity, meat puppet.

As an example the state Of Alabama recieves over $12,000 in Federal aid per resident as compared to New York where the ammount is $6700. That's just one example. Learn anything, jerkoff?
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They're not facts, asshole. Just more of your stupidity, meat puppet.
Yes they are facts you ass obsessed homo. You just don’t like it that you got called out as a know nothing parrot. Again. Continue your tantrum. It’s mildly amusing how triggered the truth gets you.
Total federal dollars received:
  • California tops the list of states that receive the most federal aid with funding of $726.51 billion.

Federal welfare recipients:

  • California has 13,881,004 residents enrolled in these programs. That’s significantly higher than the 7,210,643 participants from the runner-up New York.

  • California gets a total TANF and MOE support of $6.7 billion, followed by New York’s $5.16 billion. These two are the US states that receive the most government assistance in this category.
Our taxes go to prop up shithole countries like yours.

Shit, your Cuck PM and military can’t even shoot down a $12 hobby club balloon without calling the US to do it for you, Moron.


Canada is the #1 shirker of paying their share of NATO.
Total federal dollars received:
  • California tops the list of states that receive the most federal aid with funding of $726.51 billion.

Federal welfare recipients:

  • California has 13,881,004 residents enrolled in these programs. That’s significantly higher than the 7,210,643 participants from the runner-up New York.

  • California gets a total TANF and MOE support of $6.7 billion, followed by New York’s $5.16 billion. These two are the US states that receive the most government assistance in this category.
N.Y. & California are near top of the list of Federal payments to Washington, fool.
We shot down the balloon over Canada because you anal retentive nitwits were afraid of it. You bozos couldn't shut the hell up about it. You're still soiling yourselves over it.
Who said anything about that $22 hobby club balloon before Chicom Joe started firing $400,000 stingers at it, Simp?

And the unwarranted refusal by Republicans to expand Medicaid under the ACA has nothing to do with the merits of the program and everything to do with the blind partisan opposition to the Democratic president who signed the measure into law.

You lying SOB, it had everything to do with the costs down the road. Why don't you tell us how much expanded medicade is costing the idiots that expanded it.

Blue state..

Gavin Newsom predicted massive budget deficit for California. Reality was even worse, analysis finds


KKKalifornia is the #1 mooched state in the country and they still can’t balance a budget.
What a tantrum from the resident ass obsessed homo. Cry harder dumbfuck. Noting you can’t refute the actual numbers so you start in another meltdown. Seek help.

He did quote the actual numbers. Mississippi ranks right there at the bottom of the country in education - 46th out of 50 states.

It has the highest rate of poverty in the nation:

It ranks 35th out of 50 in its unemployment rate.

Wasn’t it NY state and Illinois begging for Covid money to pay down their debt from failed social programs
Again… a small piece of any picture is all you guys look at. All in, which means looking at everything, both of those states put more into the federal government than they take out. Unlike red states.
Yet you can’t refute any of my FACTS asshole. Run away like usual. Coward.

One of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on the internet was this post of yours.

Percentages mean nothing you homo. Real dollars do. For example: 33 percent of California's money is a lot more than 40 percent of Mississippi's.

You’re getting your ass kicked and you don’t know it.
Again… a small piece of any picture is all you guys look at. All in, which means looking at everything, both of those states put more into the federal government than they take out. Unlike red states.
I didn’t see red states using a disaster to fund the failed social programs.

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