Half of Ssyria's WMD gone, on schedule, dingbats...

See if they use chemical weapons again, shytteheads, or even have them. THEY WOULDN'T BE GIVING THEM UP if we hadn't threatened them. THEY believed. Idiots.

Helluva lot better than your chickenhawk heroes. Raygun gave his pal Saddam some and GHWB told him he didn't care about the border with Kuwait- great job! W was just a total catastrophe. Turn off Fox, Rush, and Beck and join the real world, bumkins...

Of course we're giving arms to the moderate rebels- not AQ, dingbat...and now they don't have to worry about WMDs...poor schmucks...looks like Russia's economy may have less to support Assad soon too...
Of course we're giving arms to the moderate rebels- not AQ, dingbat...and now they don't have to worry about WMDs...poor schmucks...looks like Russia's economy may have less to support Assad soon too...

How can you tell a moderate rebel from an all out kill the mother fucker Al Qaeda rebel...Do the moderates have smaller guns? Is their beard trimmed? They don't behead their enemy, only cut out their hearts and eat them? A HINT please!.... Didn't someone make the point that the Saudi's are funding the rebels?
Of course we're giving arms to the moderate rebels- not AQ, dingbat...and now they don't have to worry about WMDs...poor schmucks...looks like Russia's economy may have less to support Assad soon too...

How can you tell a moderate rebel from an all out kill the mother fucker Al Qaeda rebel...Do the moderates have smaller guns? Is their beard trimmed? They don't behead their enemy, only cut out their hearts and eat them? A HINT please!.... Didn't someone make the point that the Saudi's are funding the rebels?

the mods are the one that don't eat dead soldiers after cutting their throats.

Franco saw the proof that obama is a traitor (aid and comfort to the enemy) so he had to lie and try to make it seem like it was ok.

I learned long ago, that libs can't be taught. It's always party before all other things, no matter how bad the lie has to be
Hezbollah forces fighting and killing al Qaeda forces. Al Qaeda forces fighting and killing Hezbollah foceres.
Syria a shadow of it's former self. Mired in civil war and no longer a significant allie to Iran.
All Russian military vacated from Syria. Air defense operated by Syrian civilian techs with Russian civilian assistance. Israel able to implement strikes inside Syria without serious hinderence from Russian produced and installed air defense system. Delivery of Russian supplied missiles via Iran routinely destroyed in Sryia before being transported to Lebanon.
Russian Naval Port at Tartus neutralized and manned by civilians. Ships vacated during threats of US strikes against Syria after use of WMDs contiunue to be absent and not returned.
Russian Mediterranean Fleet comprised of 16 warships no longer in Mediterranean since leaving during US Syrian air strike threats. Fleet currently bottled up in Black Sea or disbanded or in ports. Unable to enter Med without passing through NATO controlled Bosphorus.
US still able to inflict unhindered strikes at Syria. NATO and US in complete control of Mediterranian Sea and air space. Total sea and air superiority aquired and maintained by US and NATO.
and Syria fired five rockets on those chemical weapons being transported to Latakia.

They stalled before and will again before this is done. It still does not stop or slow down the massacre of the syrian people by Assad, or of the palestinians in syria.

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