Hamas and Amoral Clarity


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Hamas and Amoral Clarity

Support for Hamas killers by the college DEI crowd reveals the real moral
and intellectual rot in higher ed
12 Oct 2023 ~~ By Victor Davis Hanson

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality.
More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers—to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay.
Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment.
But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.
Democratic Socialist members of the new woke Democrat Party openly expressed ecstatic support for Hamas’s bloodwork.
Their biggest fears were not dead fellow Americans or hostages, or some 1,000 butchered Jewish civilians. Instead they were fearful that righteous Israeli retaliation might destroy the Hamas death machine.
Palestinians for years fooled naïfs in Europe and the Obama and Biden administrations into sending billions of dollars into Gaza.
These monies were channeled to tunnel into Israel, to obtain a huge rocket arsenal, and to craft plans to wipe out Jews.
The Biden administration has blood on its hands.
As soon as Biden took power, he resumed massive subsidies to radical Palestinians, canceled by the prior Trump administration.
He ignored warnings from his own state Department that such fungible moneys would soon fuel Hamas terrorism.
His administration dropped sanctions against Iran, ensuring that Tehran would enjoy a multi-billion-dollar windfall to be distributed to Israel’s existential enemies—another fact well known to the Biden administration.
If the Biden administration had announced overtly that it was rabidly anti-Israel, it would be hard to imagine anything...

Biden appeasement toadies will try to stop Israel from striking Iran, especially their precious nuclear facilities.
Are Obama, Val Jarret, Biden, et. al. orchestrating the Hamas attacks to divert from Biden’s impending impeachment? which might actually stick.
The cultural rot at universities has the blood on it's hands for supporting terrorists. Additionally, Democrats have done nothing to correct it, rather they've actively and vociferously encouraged the antisemitism and racial bias to achieve their Marxian Socialist goals..

Hamas and Amoral Clarity

Support for Hamas killers by the college DEI crowd reveals the real moral
and intellectual rot in higher ed
12 Oct 2023 ~~ By Victor Davis Hanson

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality.
More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers—to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay.
Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment.
But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.
Democratic Socialist members of the new woke Democrat Party openly expressed ecstatic support for Hamas’s bloodwork.
Their biggest fears were not dead fellow Americans or hostages, or some 1,000 butchered Jewish civilians. Instead they were fearful that righteous Israeli retaliation might destroy the Hamas death machine.
Palestinians for years fooled naïfs in Europe and the Obama and Biden administrations into sending billions of dollars into Gaza.
These monies were channeled to tunnel into Israel, to obtain a huge rocket arsenal, and to craft plans to wipe out Jews.
The Biden administration has blood on its hands.
As soon as Biden took power, he resumed massive subsidies to radical Palestinians, canceled by the prior Trump administration.
He ignored warnings from his own state Department that such fungible moneys would soon fuel Hamas terrorism.
His administration dropped sanctions against Iran, ensuring that Tehran would enjoy a multi-billion-dollar windfall to be distributed to Israel’s existential enemies—another fact well known to the Biden administration.
If the Biden administration had announced overtly that it was rabidly anti-Israel, it would be hard to imagine anything...

Biden appeasement toadies will try to stop Israel from striking Iran, especially their precious nuclear facilities.
Are Obama, Val Jarret, Biden, et. al. orchestrating the Hamas attacks to divert from Biden’s impending impeachment? which might actually stick.
The cultural rot at universities has the blood on it's hands for supporting terrorists. Additionally, Democrats have done nothing to correct it, rather they've actively and vociferously encouraged the antisemitism and racial bias to achieve their Marxian Socialist goals..
Is it possible that someone on the inside with pull...say Obama and Jarrett talked these martyrdom seeking fools leaders into this bloodbath to do just that?? Their families would be provided for... it's been done for. Killing Israeli babiesI and mothers and then martyrdom in paradise with no worry for your family seems like a win win.
it is possible to be sympathetic to the plight of the so-called, "Palestinians" without supporting the indefensible conduct of Hamas.

It is difficult to walk that fine line today, and the fact is that most Lefties are simply anti-Semitic and want Israel erased from the world map. These are the demonstrators that we see in Western capitals today.
it is possible to be sympathetic to the plight of the so-called, "Palestinians" without supporting the indefensible conduct of Hamas.

It is difficult to walk that fine line today, and the fact is that most Lefties are simply anti-Semitic and want Israel erased from the world map. These are the demonstrators that we see in Western capitals today.
IMO----today's "LEFTIES" are deluded and they are POPULISTS at a time when
the general population is seriously STUPID

The Trump presidency has demonstrated the appeal of populist authoritarianism to many Americans. The way the country responds to the attack on the U.S. Capitol will indicate how long this movement lasts.

Nope. The Catholic Church was losing its power. There was loot..booty for the crusaders.. and expiation of their sins. The crusaders left a bloody path to and from Palestine.
Are you just lying or are you dumb enough to believe that drivel?

Look up the word 'Byzantium'.

Oh shit, never mind, you can't fix stupid.

Not at all true.

First of all, Mohammed never attacked Europe of any Christians.
Second is that the Crusades were not until 1100 AD, when there was no Islamic expansion at all.
Third is that the main slaughter of Jews was the Crusades.

There was no Moslem expansion until the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, after 1300 AD or so.

The real purpose of the Crusades was that once the Viking threat was over, to get rid of all those knights they no longer needed.
it is possible to be sympathetic to the plight of the so-called, "Palestinians" without supporting the indefensible conduct of Hamas.

It is difficult to walk that fine line today, and the fact is that most Lefties are simply anti-Semitic and want Israel erased from the world map. These are the demonstrators that we see in Western capitals today.

Wanting Israel erased from the map is not anti-Semitic at all.
Israel is an extremely corrupt government of Zionists who re cynical and power hungry atheist.
Actual Jews know that they are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah before looking for Zion.
Historically, the Zionists immigrating to Palestine from the 1920s on have been all of the problem.
They shot and killed Arabs over price disputes, blew up the King David Hote, wiped out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin, gunned down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, etc.

Go look at the 1920 census data, and you will find that fewer than 5% were Jewish.
Go look at the history of Palestine, and the 2nd temple period was obviously fake, created and controlled by the Romans, with King Herod being a Roman who just claimed to have converted to Judaism.
Other than the 120 years of being Roman puppets, the only other time Jews rules was from about 1000 BC to 850 BC.
And that was such a horrific and abusive rule, that everyone hated them.
They massacred the Canaanites, like Joshua at Jericho.
The Assyrian, Babylonians, Seleucids, Romans, etc., all forced them to leave at different times.
Are you just lying or are you dumb enough to believe that drivel?

Look up the word 'Byzantium'.

Oh shit, never mind, you can't fix stupid.

Byzantium is the earlier Greek colony that existed at Constantinople, which is now Istanbul.
The first crusade was before any Moslems reached Constantinople.
Not at all true.

First of all, Mohammed never attacked Europe of any Christians.
Second is that the Crusades were not until 1100 AD, when there was no Islamic expansion at all.
Third is that the main slaughter of Jews was the Crusades.

There was no Moslem expansion until the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, after 1300 AD or so.

The real purpose of the Crusades was that once the Viking threat was over, to get rid of all those knights they no longer needed.
yes that meme is true and you are wrong

The crusades were defensive and in response to muslim aggression. Islam and the word MUSLIMS does not mean Mohammed specifically and yes Islam waged long term wars of conquest against europe and christendom.

The islamics WERE expanding into eastern europe and the mediterranian and the Iberian peninsula immediately before and during the crusades.

those are FACTS boy

You are wrong and ignorasnt about history as always

and a liar

The main purpose was response to islamic expanson and conquest
Nope. The Catholic Church was losing its power. There was loot..booty for the crusaders.. and expiation of their sins. The crusaders left a bloody path to and from Palestine.
The muslims left a bloody path before the crusades and it was directed against christendom

Sorry boy but the crusades were defensive that is historic fact

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