It's Not Civil War

Our current tyrannical govt has way surpassed the british crown days.
the mandates was the kicker. that's the king and queen telling the servants, if you want to eat, you'll do as i say!!!!!

BTW, it violated the constitution. Nothing in the constitution gives anyone the authority to rule over anyone like that. Nowhere.
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.
You are describing Chief MAGA and all is little followers.
BTW, a video I watched last week, someone stated the words on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free". The process is to be coordinated and used to assimilate with Americans. Meaning, you have a functioning skill for a job, and that you have funds and a place to stay and were approved before coming.

No where in our immigration does it say we fork out the money for them to come and stay on taxpayer's dimes.
Yup. In the old days, immigrants came here legally and they either took care of themselves or they starved. Nowadays you don't even have to come here legally and they can expect all kinds of freebies from Democrats.
the mandates was the kicker. that's the king and queen telling the servants, if you want to eat, you'll do as i say!!!!!

BTW, it violated the constitution. Nothing in the constitution gives anyone the authority to rule over anyone like that. Nowhere.
and chris cuomo still likes that, take a listen.

And fauci saying, six foot distancing just appeared instead of him making it up!! hahhaahahahhaahahaha they are the most dishonest people on the planet.
It's more like the revolutionary war where upset people want to overthrow a tyrannical government. Our government has very much become just like Great Britain's of the past wanting to tax us to death and being thugs carrying out the King's wishes and the rule of law is whatever the King says the rule of law is, getting rid of or imprisoning anyone who challenges the King's rules and laws.

So more calls for violence. Shocker.

If you're willing to sacrifice your life for a game show host, then do it.

Y'all love to talk about 'civil war', or 'revolutionary war', or all sorts of long you don't actually have to sacrifice anything.
Yeah, lets do it. Im pushing for texas to secede also.

Lefties expected and probably even counted on civil unrest after the Trump verdict but they were bitterly disappointed so they pretended there was civil strife. The right doesn't play that game. The Founding Father geniuses established methods for peacefully overthrowing radical regimes but they never imagined a time when the media would be the willing propaganda arm of a crooked administration. Honest law abiding Americans have their work cut out for them this coming November.
The problem with this whole civil war thing lies with the two sides. One the one hand you have the right wing which wants to preserve the Judeo-Masonic Order. On the other hand you have the left wing which wants to replace this order with a Judeo-Marxist Order.
The problem with this whole civil war thing lies with the two sides. One the one hand you have the right wing which wants to preserve the Judeo-Masonic Order. On the other hand you have the left wing which wants to replace this order with a Judeo-Marxist Order.
Your head is hurting again. All the fascists and marxists are in the Big Government GOP

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