Hamas And ISIS Squaring Off In Gaza


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Hamas seems to be holding a block party after killing an ISIS supporter. I wonder if ISIS will start cutting off heads and burning Hamas fighters alive?

Hamas security forces have killed an Isis supporter in the Gaza Strip, the first death since the party, which rules the enclave, initiated a crackdown on those aligned to the radical group.

A spokesman for the Hamas's Interior Ministry identified the man as Younis al-Honnor, calling him a "lawbreaker" who had a wide range of weaponry in his residence, photos of which were posted on the ministry's Facebook page.

"He had booby-trapped the house he was in. Explosive belts, explosive devices and rifle-propelled grenades were found inside," the spokesman told Israeli newspaperHaaretz.

Isis supporter killed by Hamas security forces in Gaza
Seems it's time for another Terrorist Game of Thrones to occur....................
Does the stupidity ever stop in that hell hole called the ME? I mean it's been fucked up since 3000 B.C.E.
toastman, et al,

I'm having a very hard time trying to see a real down-side to a Islamic Resistance Movement showdown with the Islamic State.

Does the stupidity ever stop in that hell hole called the ME? I mean it's been fucked up since 3000 B.C.E.

Thanks to Islam.

From an outsiders perspective, both the Islamic Resistance Movement and the Islamic state are (at the moment) just variations of the same sort of threat. They are equally enemies of Israel. It is a domestic issue.


Under the UN Rules, nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII. The State of Palestine is not a member of the UN; it is an observer. However, Israel is a member, Chapter VII applies.

Under the Charter, Israel should just step back and let ISIS do its will.

  • If HAMAS subdues ISIS, then there is no change. HAMAS just returns to targeting Israel with rockets, kidnapping, murder, etc. Business as usual - daily facing the terrorist threat.
  • But if ISIS subdues HAMAS, the Palestinian State is reduced in size and the population of Palestinians now have to deal with the Shia ISIS domination; learning what real terrorist occupation is. But again, from the Israeli standpoint, it is still business as usual - daily facing the terrorist threat.

Let Gaza exercise it Article 22 right to stand alone.

If Israel comes to their aid, in the end, they will get their hand bit.

Most Respectfully,
Hamas seems to be holding a block party after killing an ISIS supporter. I wonder if ISIS will start cutting off heads and burning Hamas fighters alive?

Hamas security forces have killed an Isis supporter in the Gaza Strip, the first death since the party, which rules the enclave, initiated a crackdown on those aligned to the radical group.

A spokesman for the Hamas's Interior Ministry identified the man as Younis al-Honnor, calling him a "lawbreaker" who had a wide range of weaponry in his residence, photos of which were posted on the ministry's Facebook page.

"He had booby-trapped the house he was in. Explosive belts, explosive devices and rifle-propelled grenades were found inside," the spokesman told Israeli newspaperHaaretz.

Isis supporter killed by Hamas security forces in Gaza

As long as they just kill each other & not us infidels with them I support both sides. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.

"WE" are not planning anything it is Iran that has all the plans, and if the carbuncles get destroyed in the process so be it. No one will cry over that spilt milk, least of all the arab muslims who know the truth about the monstrosities built on the Temple mount.
Grab your Humus and Felafel, it's the Islamic Jihadist semi finals.

I'm betting Hamas will win in Gaza, they have a tight grip on it.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."

Lets hope they all compete in a pull the pin contest to see who can scatter their body parts the furthest.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."

Lets hope they all compete in a pull the pin contest to see who can scatter their body parts the furthest.
Maybe Hamas and ISIS can have a Hudna and compete in the annual Palestinian Olympics. Hope it's televised.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."

Lets hope they all compete in a pull the pin contest to see who can scatter their body parts the furthest.
Maybe Hamas and ISIS can have a Hudna and compete in the annual Palestinian Olympics. Hope it's televised.

Winner will compete against Hezbollah in the Jihadi Finals.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."

Lets hope they all compete in a pull the pin contest to see who can scatter their body parts the furthest.

It's the ISIS on top of the cake.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."

Lets hope they all compete in a pull the pin contest to see who can scatter their body parts the furthest.

They could engage in mutual pin pulling to see who can make the earth move first. Then there can be synchronised pin pulling, same sex pin pulling and solo pin pulling. They could even have pan Arabic contests where the best pin pullers from each muslim nation compete against each other. I wonder if they will allow pin pulling during haj, that would be some feat that would never be bettered.
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.
Someone here sounds like one of the ISIS brides. Maybe she is organizing a bunch of the other ISIS brides to storm into Israel and pull the pin on their bomb belts. Perhaps that is what her threat means when she says "Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back."

Lets hope they all compete in a pull the pin contest to see who can scatter their body parts the furthest.
Maybe Hamas and ISIS can have a Hudna and compete in the annual Palestinian Olympics. Hope it's televised.

Lets include all qualified Palestinians.

List of Palestinian organizations designated as terrorist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Idiots, if you are planning to send ISIS on Palestinians and destroy Aqsa Mosques in this way, you are dreaming. Then we are going to put our punch on the table. Tell your doggies to step back.

What do you want, ISIS is your Sunni brothers, stop blaming us infidels on their rise, if you want, get up and fight them.
Discuss the topic please. Save the flames for the flame zone.

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