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Hamas calls for forming pressure group against PA in W. Bank

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement said it is extremely concerned about the recent political arrest and interrogation campaign that was waged by the Palestinian authority security forces against its cadres and supporters in the west Bank, especially in Nablus city.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum stated in a press release that these acts by the PA security forces contravened the freedoms commission's resolutions and recommendations which Fatah faction had signed in Cairo on May 20, and reflected that Fatah flouted its agreement with Hamas.

The spokesman urged the West Bank people, Muslim scholars, dignitaries and intellectuals to form a pressure group against the PA forcing it to stop its violations against the citizens and hasten to end the division in the Palestinian arena.

Hamas calls for forming pressure group against PA in W. Bank
RAMALLAH,(PIC)-- Dozens of teachers who were dismissed from their jobs on Thursday morning staged a sit in outside the High Court of Justice in Ramallah, protesting the court's decision to postpone indefinitely the examination of their case.

Dozens of dismissed teachers from all West Bank provinces had participated in the sit-in including MPs Dr. Mariam Saleh and D. Ibrahim Abu Salem from the city of Ramallah.

The teachers, who were dismissed because of their political affiliation, called on the Court to follow up their case and issue an equitable decision rather than delay it. They have accused the Court of rejected their demands as a response to the PA security services' pressures, insisting that they will continue their sit-in till achieving their demands.

The dismissed teachers stage a sit-in in Ramallah
AL-KHALIL,(pic)-- Dozens of PA prisoners' families gathered, on Thursday, in a sit-in tent outside the abducted Osman Qawasmeh's house in Al-Khalil in the southern West Bank.

PIC reporter said that Qawasmeh family has set up a sit-in tent outside the house of their son who went on an open hunger strike along with four others a few days ago, protesting against their abduction for more than a year and half under political arrest framework.

He reported that dozens of people gathered outside the house in the Haras area, and raised the detainees' photos and banners demanding the release of the five detainees. Hamas abducted members’ families in Al-Khalil, Martyrs and prisoners' families, and leading figures in the Islamic movement have participated in the sit-in.

Sit-in tent in Al-Khalil in solidarity with the strikers in PA prisons
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Dozens of students of the Islamic Bloc, the student body of Hamas, continued at Al-Khalil University their sit-in and their open hunger strike for the second day running protesting against the PA security forces' violations and going back on their pledges not to intervene in the academic life and the student union and not to persecute the Islamic bloc students at West Bank universities.

The Islamic bloc spokesman at Al-Khalil University told PIC that the students will continue the sit-in at the University campus to protest the arrest of the two students Ala Aza’aqik and Mohammed Sabarna after raiding their homes two days ago by the Preventive Security Service in the city of Al-Khalil.

He added that their sit-in, which has started on Wednesday, came also in support of the political prisoners in Bethlehem prison who were students of Al-Khalil University, Mohamed Al-Atrash and Mohammed Abu Hadid who have been abducted since two years, despite a court order for their release about a year and a half ago, and who have been transferred from Jericho prison, accompanied by three other prisoners Usman Qawasmeh, a student at Palestine Polytechnic, Moatassem Natsheh, the brother of the martyr Mamoun Natsheh and Islam Hamid from Ramallah.

The bloc confirmed that targeting students for their political affiliation cannot continue any more, insisting on the continuity of their sit-in at the university campus till the release of the students from Preventive Security and General Intelligence prisons, the end of political arrest, and the commitment of the previous agreements that have already been signed with the Commission on freedoms.

Islamic bloc student at Al-Khalil University continue their sit-in
AL-KHALI, (PIC)-- The southern West Bank city of Al-Khalil is witnessing popular events supporting the hunger striking political prisoners in PA jails, while a number of detainees’ families vowed to escalate its steps demanding freedom for their detained sons and relatives.

Six political prisoners affiliated with the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas have launched an open hunger strike to demand their release from the jails of PA security apparatus.

The hunger strikers included five from al-Khalil governorate who began their strike in the general intelligence prisons on Wednesday June 20, 2012 and two others who started striking on Friday June, 22, 2012.

They also revealed that they were escalating their protest steps after exhausting every legal means and activities including marches, sit-ins and contacting the officials, the media agencies, and the local and international human rights organizations, to get the political prisoners released.

Furthermore, many youths in the city who wanted to express their solidarity with hunger striking political prisoners in PA jails, started campaigns aiming at raising awareness about the prisoners’ suffering amongst the youths.

Palestinian MPs as Fathi Qaraawi and Bassem Za’arir also expressed their solidarity with the striking political prisoners calling in a press statement on the PA security apparatus to immediately release the detainees and close the file of political arrests forever.

Events in solidarity with hunger striking political prisoners escalate
BETHLEHEM,(PIC)-- Political prisoners' families have gathered, on Wednesday afternoon, outside Bethlehem intelligence prison in the south western West Bank, demanding the release of their sons.

Local sources told PIC that the families came on buses from AL-Khalil city to the city of Bethlehem protesting against the continued detention of their sons, who have been on hunger strike for eight days running, by the PA security services.

The sources added that members of security forces surrounded them as an attempt to break up their sit-in, and detained the young man Muhammad Saad al-Qawasmi, and beat him and confiscated his identity card in addition to his mobile phone.

Families of political detainees protest outside Bethlehem intelligence prison
BETHLEHEM,(PIC)-- Political prisoners' families have gathered, on Wednesday afternoon, outside Bethlehem intelligence prison in the south western West Bank, demanding the release of their sons.

Local sources told PIC that the families came on buses from AL-Khalil city to the city of Bethlehem protesting against the continued detention of their sons, who have been on hunger strike for eight days running, by the PA security services.

The sources added that members of security forces surrounded them as an attempt to break up their sit-in, and detained the young man Muhammad Saad al-Qawasmi, and beat him and confiscated his identity card in addition to his mobile phone.

Families of political detainees protest outside Bethlehem intelligence prison
SOBs kill innocent people then go on hunger strike. Let 'em eat cake.
"If released by the judge will I be convinced thereby that justice still prevails in your courts? Regardless of how just or unjust this ruling will be, and despite all your racist and inhumane practices and Occupation, we will continue to believe in peace, justice and human values. We will still raise our children to love; love the land and the people without discrimination of race, religion or ethnicity; embodying thus the message of the Messenger of Peace, Jesus Christ, who urged us to “love our enemy.” With love and justice, we make peace and build the future."

The words above were in a statement read to an Israeli Apartheid Court, of a Palestinian Muslim activist, persecuted for his acts of nonviolent resistance in Nabi Saleh. Yes, here we have a Muslim following Jesus.

We fight for freedom & dignity Basem Tamimi's court statement | AATW - Anarchists against the wall

There is power in nonviolent resistance, and Hamas increasing embracing of nonviolent resistance, I see as a very positive development for Palestinians in their struggle for freedom from Occupation.

The PA has been corrupted by its acceptance of US money, and the conditions that go along with it. The best thing for Palestinians is a permanent cut off of US money, those funds help keep the Occupation going, and I have read people I respect say it is time for the PA to be dissolved.

"If released by the judge will I be convinced thereby that justice still prevails in your courts? Regardless of how just or unjust this ruling will be, and despite all your racist and inhumane practices and Occupation, we will continue to believe in peace, justice and human values. We will still raise our children to love; love the land and the people without discrimination of race, religion or ethnicity; embodying thus the message of the Messenger of Peace, Jesus Christ, who urged us to “love our enemy.” With love and justice, we make peace and build the future."

The words above were in a statement read to an Israeli Apartheid Court, of a Palestinian Muslim activist, persecuted for his acts of nonviolent resistance in Nabi Saleh. Yes, here we have a Muslim following Jesus.

We fight for freedom & dignity Basem Tamimi's court statement | AATW - Anarchists against the wall

There is power in nonviolent resistance, and Hamas increasing embracing of nonviolent resistance, I see as a very positive development for Palestinians in their struggle for freedom from Occupation.

The PA has been corrupted by its acceptance of US money, and the conditions that go along with it. The best thing for Palestinians is a permanent cut off of US money, those funds help keep the Occupation going, and I have read people I respect say it is time for the PA to be dissolved.

Are you one of them e-van-gelical critters? If so, there ain't no souls to be saved here.
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- De facto president Mahmoud Abbas told the second Israeli channel on Saturday that his hands are always stretched out for peace with Israel and described the peace process as his first and only option.

In a related incident, Palestinian activists have been highlighting for days the need for a popular uprising against the repressive policies of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

Pictures and remarks posted on Palestinian facebook pages denounced the PA security forces for using violence against the young men who rallied a few days ago in protest at Abbas's intention to meet Mofaz.

For his part, political analyst Nashaat Al-Aktash told the PIC that the repressive practices against popular rallies opposing the peace negotiations with Israel would make such events evolve and turn into a revolution demanding Abbas to step down.

He added that the ongoing repression against the people in the West Bank would definitely shorten the life of the PA to less than one year in light of the current regional changes.

Abbas to Israeli channel: My hands are stretched out to peace with Israel
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- De facto president Mahmoud Abbas told the second Israeli channel on Saturday that his hands are always stretched out for peace with Israel and described the peace process as his first and only option.

In a related incident, Palestinian activists have been highlighting for days the need for a popular uprising against the repressive policies of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

Pictures and remarks posted on Palestinian facebook pages denounced the PA security forces for using violence against the young men who rallied a few days ago in protest at Abbas's intention to meet Mofaz.

For his part, political analyst Nashaat Al-Aktash told the PIC that the repressive practices against popular rallies opposing the peace negotiations with Israel would make such events evolve and turn into a revolution demanding Abbas to step down.

He added that the ongoing repression against the people in the West Bank would definitely shorten the life of the PA to less than one year in light of the current regional changes.

Abbas to Israeli channel: My hands are stretched out to peace with Israel
Are we supposed to believe what Abbas said when many of these Arab leaders speak out of both sides of their mouth?

By Ruth King on December 15th, 2011

Writers | Standpoint

Mahmoud Abbas is the man who Britain, America and Europe think deserves to be the president of an independent state of Palestine — the establishment of which, they tell themselves, would end the Middle East impasse.

To Western eyes Abbas, the Fatah-backed President of the Palestinian Authority, is a moderate. It is, however, simply astounding that he should be viewed in this way. It is even more astounding that Western liberals should endorse him and give him a free pass for his behaviour.

Both he and the Palestinian establishment he controls repeatedly say they will never accept Israel as a Jewish state. So his aim remains the destruction of Israel. He and his people repeatedly say that not one Jew would be allowed to live in Palestine. Such a state would therefore be a racist entity ethnically cleansed of Jews.

Abbas has gone even further in making plain that his bigotry is directed not just at Israel. Considering the possibility that Nato forces might be brought in to police a settlement, Abbas declared: “I will not accept the presence of Jews in these forces.”

Such bigotry is hardly surprising given that he earned the Soviet equivalent of a PhD in Moscow for a dissertation published in Arabic entitled “The Other Side: the Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement” in which he claimed that the Holocaust didn’t happen.

He declared that the gas chambers were never used to murder Jews, and that at most 890,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis. This happened, he claimed, in part because the Zionists led a campaign of incitement against the Jews living under Nazi rule in order to fuel their exterminationand so bring about the victory of Zionism.

Not only does Abbas thus odiously deny the Holocaust, but he and his cronies also repeatedly deny the history of the Jewish people in their false claim that the Palestinians, rather than the Jews, were the authentic inhabitants of the land.

Despite mouthing platitudes in English about the aim of two states living side by side, when speaking in Arabic Abbas and Co deny Israel’s right to exist at all.

Although the Jews are the only people for whom Israel was ever their nation-state, the PA-controlled paper Al-Hayat al-Jadida stated earlier this year: “The Zionists must acknowledge publicly, in front of the world, that the Jews have no connection to the Palestinian Arab land.” And last May (in a speech read by an adviser), Abbas scorned as a mere Israeli claim the 3,000-year old historical presence of the Jews in the Land of Israel-and asserted an entirely fictitious 9,000-year-old Palestinian presence dating back to 7000 BCE. Despite the fact that no such people as the Palestinians then existed, Abbas declared that this made them “the owners of history”.

Abbas may look like a mild-mannered businessman but in fact he is steeped in terrorism. He has boasted of dispatching “fighters” to murder Israeli civilians during the terrorist intifada of 2000-05. And today he persists in glorifying the murder of Israeli innocents and showering honours upon their killers.

Once again, he speaks out of both sides of his mouth in English and Arabic. In a recent interview with Israeli TV, he condemned the Palestinians’ naming of a square after Dalal Mughrabi, the terrorist who perpetrated an atrocity in 1978 when nearly 40 Israeli civilians were burned alive in a hijacked bus.

However, when speaking to Palestinians in 2010, Abbas said: “Of course we want to name a square after her…We carried out a military action. Can I then later renounce all that we have done?”

Under Abbas, the PA regularly glorifies terrorists and turns them into role models. After the death of Amin al Hindi, a senior planner of the massacre of Israeli athletes in the 1972 Munich Olympics, Abbas personally attended the official red-carpet military funeral provided for him by the PA.

He described another of the Munich terrorists, Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, as “a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter”. And he does nothing to end the incitement to hatred and murder of Jews and Israelis promulgated in the educational materials, sermons and media under his control.

This is not the behaviour of a moderate. This is a man who should be in a courtroom being prosecuted for mass murder. Yet this is the man to whom the West declares that Israel must make concessions so that he can plant a state of his own on its border, which the people around him make clear will be used as a springboard from which to destroy Israel.

The fact that Abbas has made no concessions is ignored. The fact that he demands an end to settlement building but nevertheless refused to negotiate while such building was frozen is ignored. The fact that he is a Jew-hater committed to ethnic cleansing and the destruction of a country is ignored.

The West gives Abbas a free pass because they think there is no alternative solution to the one he proposes. But, appallingly, the solution that he represents risks being a final one.

It makes you wonder why Israel and the "west" calls him president when he left the government in June of 2007.
It makes you wonder why Israel and the "west" calls him president when he left the government in June of 2007.
Here's a couple of articles explaining what you won't admit to.

Abbas to Visit Iran for International Conference - ABC News

Mahmoud Abbas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What in there will I not admit to?
That Abu Mazen is President and everyone in the world thinks so but you.

What in there will I not admit to?
That Abu Mazen is President and everyone in the world thinks so but you.

Actually it says that Abbas left the government in June of 2007 like I stated.

It also stated that his term in office expired in Jan. 2009 like I have stated.
What in there will I not admit to?
That Abu Mazen is President and everyone in the world thinks so but you.

Actually it says that Abbas left the government in June of 2007 like I stated.

It also stated that his term in office expired in Jan. 2009 like I have stated.
I'm thoroughly puzzled. Just who in the world is President of Palestine and why isn't he representing the country in world affairs? Or is Arafart still running things?
What in there will I not admit to?
That Abu Mazen is President and everyone in the world thinks so but you.

Actually it says that Abbas left the government in June of 2007 like I stated.

It also stated that his term in office expired in Jan. 2009 like I have stated.

In connection with the thread title, "pressure group" sounds a euphemism for one side or another ( Hamas vs. Fatah) loading their weapons and continuing the civil war that lead to both sides killing, maiming and torturing the rival terrorist franchise.

If this is all a subtle way of saying "let the games begin", could we propose making this a pay per view event?
That Abu Mazen is President and everyone in the world thinks so but you.

Actually it says that Abbas left the government in June of 2007 like I stated.

It also stated that his term in office expired in Jan. 2009 like I have stated.

In connection with the thread title, "pressure group" sounds a euphemism for one side or another ( Hamas vs. Fatah) loading their weapons and continuing the civil war that lead to both sides killing, maiming and torturing the rival terrorist franchise.

If this is all a subtle way of saying "let the games begin", could we propose making this a pay per view event?
Ask MJB. He's known as the world's premier expert on the annual Palestine Olympics.

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