Hamas Planned a Massive ‘Terror Tunnels’ Attack for September 24

I think the reason that he is skeptical is that it is from a source that is pretty dodgy, MEMRI has a history of mistranlsations which all strangely seem to paint all parties but Israel in a bad light.

How odd that such a non-profit organisation would make mistakes that always paint palestinians in a worse light? Lets look further. MEMRI was founded by a former Colonel in the IDF who also worked as an "anti terrorism" advisor to the Israeli goverment and yet in his biography on MEMRI's website this fact is sadly omitted.

One such as you might claim them mistranslations but MEMRI's credibility among peeps not like you is strong. :cool:

People believe what they choose to believe...

Tru dat and you are a prime example. You don't like what MEMRI publishes so you FALSELY claim it to be misinterpreted. Turns out you are the liar. See how dat works? :cool:

We are all selective. MEMRI's mission is to translate that which our Arab/Muslim "brethren" say behind our backs. I see neither you nor Manchester managed to prove his bogus mistranslation charge. That's because you are both full of Shiite. :cool:

Did you bother to google the deatails that I mentioned? I did give a paper, a journalist and a timeframe after all. I mean if you were actually curious you could probably have found something couldn't you. But you were never going to believe in the first place were you?

So the author whines about MEMRI's selectivity. So what? He did not (nor have you) proven MEMRI has a reputation for "mistranslations." You simply lied because the truth burns your butt. Need a tissue? :eusa_boohoo:
One such as you might claim them mistranslations but MEMRI's credibility among peeps not like you is strong. :cool:

People believe what they choose to believe...

Tru dat and you are a prime example. You don't like what MEMRI publishes so you FALSELY claim it to be misinterpreted. Turns out you are the liar. See how dat works? :cool:

I've never read anything that MEMRI publishes until today, I do remember them being in a shitstorm about mistranslations and selective stories. I never said they mistranslate though did it? I said they have a history of mistranslations and they do. Google "Memri Mistranslations" and you get an avalanche of stories about them

MEMRI?s Doctored Mickey Mouse-Hamas Story and How It Suckered the MSM Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

Look there is one from Google right there.

But you didn't bother did you, probably too busy cheering at the pictures of dead children on your TV.
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.

If a Gazan picks up a weapon and is killed he'll be reported as a dead civilian. But was he really a civilian or a combatant? Wouldn't dwell too much on the distinction between military or civilian. The days when nations fought other nations' militaries and everybody was wearing a uniform are long gone. If you'd condemn Israel for havcing to fight plains clothes soldiers, then you'd have to condemn the US as well since far and away every Iraqi and Afganistan casualty wasn't wearing an Iraq or Afganistan military uniform either.
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

1 - I've been to a lot of mosques, but never seen a preacher with a bare head, many of the congregation, but never the dude at the front.

2 - Mosques are commonly used for sermons, but where's all the Islamic bits and bobs. There's always loads near the imam's position.

3 - This video only appears on one site, no where else. If the Al-aqsa TV station wanted to produce propaganda, they'd make sure it was available.
That means the Zionist lot used it without it being on the net, or they made it.

4 - this was uploaded on 28 July, Friday was the 25th - why so long to get round to publishing it?

5 - There is no report of this sermon anywhere else on the internet, except copies of this video.

6 - no name of the imam, or the mosque in question. No details commonly means it's bullshit.

Finally you talk straight.
1.The fact its a sermon doesn't mean its a mosque or sheikh, but in this link with the kindness of the prayers you can see that even during prayers bare head is not a problem
2.Since it is not a mosque but still a sermon, and its published on Al-Aqsa TV as a public show,[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1njTButJC4"] the fact that he speech alone during that sermon doesn't indicate anything.[/ame]
3. Since yesterday Al-Aqsa TV (Operated by Hamas) was destroyed by the IAF thanks to the lovely preaching.
4.This was live TV broadcasting, recorded by MEMRI, [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daM41TY5Vo8"]you can also find another speech here.[/ame]
5.MEMRI Work 24/7 monitoring over 100 channels! - it takes time to record, upload, translate (add subtitles and writing the transcript)
6.I Couldn't find the name of the preacher myself, and so did MEMRI, but I think its Fathi Hammad.

People believe what they choose to believe...

Tru dat and you are a prime example. You don't like what MEMRI publishes so you FALSELY claim it to be misinterpreted. Turns out you are the liar. See how dat works?

I've never read anything that MEMRI publishes until today, I do remember them being in a shitstorm about mistranslations and selective stories. I never said they mistranslate though did it? I said they have a history of mistranslations and they do. Google "Memri Mistranslations" and you get an avalanche of stories about them

MEMRI?s Doctored Mickey Mouse-Hamas Story and How It Suckered the MSM Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

Look there is one from Google right there.

But you didn't bother did you, probably too busy cheering at the pictures of dead children on your TV.

It wasn't "doctored" and the Guardian published the following from Brian Whitaker (Comment is free | The Guardian) in May, 2007:

The accuracy of MEMRI's translations are considered usually accurate though occasionally disputed and highly selective in what it chooses to translate and in which context it puts things.

BTW, your "avalanche of stories" are nothing more than blogs from Wordpress. Typical. :cool:
Tru dat and you are a prime example. You don't like what MEMRI publishes so you FALSELY claim it to be misinterpreted. Turns out you are the liar. See how dat works?

I've never read anything that MEMRI publishes until today, I do remember them being in a shitstorm about mistranslations and selective stories. I never said they mistranslate though did it? I said they have a history of mistranslations and they do. Google "Memri Mistranslations" and you get an avalanche of stories about them

MEMRI?s Doctored Mickey Mouse-Hamas Story and How It Suckered the MSM Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

Look there is one from Google right there.

But you didn't bother did you, probably too busy cheering at the pictures of dead children on your TV.

It wasn't "doctored" and the Guardian published the following from Brian Whitaker (Comment is free | The Guardian) in May, 2007:

The accuracy of MEMRI's translations are considered usually accurate though occasionally disputed and highly selective in what it chooses to translate and in which context it puts things.

BTW, your "avalanche of stories" are nothing more than blogs from Wordpress. Typical. :cool:

Care to prove they are all wrong?
Palestinians are no longer people, just "cancer"?

Israelis seem to be well down the path to permitting genocide.
This really does show that yanks don't get 'irony'.
Yes, this cancer of humanity ie Hamas was planning a surprise attack and committing genocide on Israelis, during a Jewish holiday.

Whatever you all these animals it's time to put them out of their misery. Every Hamas subhuman needs to be lined up and executed on the spot. Let there be no mercy. Israel should show the world how to deal with Islamist savages, there is only and only ONE language they understand. Fuck the liberal media. Secretly every Western nation (and some Arab nations) are happy that Israel is kicking Hamas' butt so badly. :clap2:
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I've never read anything that MEMRI publishes until today, I do remember them being in a shitstorm about mistranslations and selective stories. I never said they mistranslate though did it? I said they have a history of mistranslations and they do. Google "Memri Mistranslations" and you get an avalanche of stories about them

MEMRI?s Doctored Mickey Mouse-Hamas Story and How It Suckered the MSM Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????

Look there is one from Google right there.

But you didn't bother did you, probably too busy cheering at the pictures of dead children on your TV.

It wasn't "doctored" and the Guardian published the following from Brian Whitaker (Comment is free | The Guardian) in May, 2007:

The accuracy of MEMRI's translations are considered usually accurate though occasionally disputed and highly selective in what it chooses to translate and in which context it puts things.

BTW, your "avalanche of stories" are nothing more than blogs from Wordpress. Typical. :cool:

Care to prove they are all wrong?

care to prove that you are in possession of a brain?
Yup, I heard that from a few Israelis as well. They were planning on killing a few thousand Israelis in this attack. It's time for Israel to take out this cancer of humanity.

Konrad Lorenz, a Nazi doctor and part of the Nazi eugenics policy, noted,

‘Just as in cancer the best treatment is to eradicate the parasitic growth as quickly as possible, the eugenic defense against the dysgenic social effects of afflicted subpopulations is of necessity limited to equally drastic measures …. When these inferior elements are not effectively eliminated from a [healthy] population, then—just as when the cells of a malignant tumor are allowed to proliferate throughout the human body—they destroy the host body as well as themselves.

As is becoming more and more common with the Zionists, their close mirroring of Nazi policies are appearing much more commonly, destroying their claim not to be engaging in ethnic cleansing, pretty much exactly as the Nazis did.
Ha ha ha. You Muslims sure seem to know quite a bit about the Nazis.

Maybe that's why Mien Kampf translated to Arabic is such a best seller in Muslim shitholes.

Don't worry, Israel will destroy your beloved Hamas.
Yup, I heard that from a few Israelis as well. They were planning on killing a few thousand Israelis in this attack. It's time for Israel to take out this cancer of humanity.

Konrad Lorenz, a Nazi doctor and part of the Nazi eugenics policy, noted,

‘Just as in cancer the best treatment is to eradicate the parasitic growth as quickly as possible, the eugenic defense against the dysgenic social effects of afflicted subpopulations is of necessity limited to equally drastic measures …. When these inferior elements are not effectively eliminated from a [healthy] population, then—just as when the cells of a malignant tumor are allowed to proliferate throughout the human body—they destroy the host body as well as themselves.

As is becoming more and more common with the Zionists, their close mirroring of Nazi policies are appearing much more commonly, destroying their claim not to be engaging in ethnic cleansing, pretty much exactly as the Nazis did.
Ha ha ha. You Muslims sure seem to know quite a bit about the Nazis.

Maybe that's why Mien Kampf translated to Arabic is such a best seller in Muslim shitholes.

Don't worry, Israel will destroy your beloved Hamas.

There were what 150,000 men with Jewish blood in his Army as well. Obviously he was not so pro Aryan as everyone says. Its all propaganda, hang on tight, its falling down around you. Hitler and his transfer agreement, if not for him there'd be no Israel now. And yet you talk rotten of him. The gas chambers have proven to be false. When it rains it pours and its pouring now.
Konrad Lorenz, a Nazi doctor and part of the Nazi eugenics policy, noted,

As is becoming more and more common with the Zionists, their close mirroring of Nazi policies are appearing much more commonly, destroying their claim not to be engaging in ethnic cleansing, pretty much exactly as the Nazis did.
Ha ha ha. You Muslims sure seem to know quite a bit about the Nazis.

Maybe that's why Mien Kampf translated to Arabic is such a best seller in Muslim shitholes.

Don't worry, Israel will destroy your beloved Hamas.

There were what 150,000 men with Jewish blood in his Army as well. Obviously he was not so pro Aryan as everyone says. Its all propaganda, hang on tight, its falling down around you. Hitler and his transfer agreement, if not for him there'd be no Israel now. And yet you talk rotten of him. The gas chambers have proven to be false. When it rains it pours and its pouring now.
They post with one sock and answer with another. Ha ha ha.

Like I said, you guys sure act like you know quite a bit about the Nazis. I bet you read the Mein Kampf more than your Koran.

Had it not been for Palestinian nazi animal Hussieni 400,000 Jews would not have died in the camps, so it doesn't surprise me that you adore Hitler so much: www.tellthechildrenthetruth.com

These are the last days of Hamas. Israel is about to cut their balls off for good.

Now repeat after, me: IDF AKBAR!
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Here now you can't miss it.

I didn't miss it.

The Middle East Media Research Institute uploaded the video.
They claim to bridge the language gap but the facts are a little different.
If you go their site, MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute, it's all Zionist bullshit.

This bunch have posted many videos before.

Yemeni girl?s video plea against child marriage goes viral | GulfNews.com'
The girl says in the video that she had first fled to her uncle’s house but he was not there, which led her to head to a police station. She said she now wants to live with her uncle, but that her parents had threatened to kill her if she had tried to seek refuge with him.
“What kind of people threaten their children like that?” she questioned. “Go ahead and marry me off. I’ll kill myself,” she said.

The poor girl, this is terrible, well it would be if it wasn't bullshit.

"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online
"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO

I think I'd need to see the linked video from a non bullshit website.

Fred, you say that about EVERY source that is even remotely pro Israeli.

But when someone denies the truth from a pro Palestinian article, you start whining.
Not that you have any credibility anyway
these hundreds of tunnels that the vast majority of which are reinforced concrete ? have taken thousands of man hours to build were built for the sole purpose of attacking settlements and taking Israeli citizens hostage ? That just doesn't make any sense. Like so many of the arguments of pro incursion or pro Israeli people.

Most of the tunnels lead to Egypt not Israel so if the purpose of the tunnels is to take hostages why would hammas or any of the pro Palestinian political factions, build and again spend thousands of man hours and $$ on tunnels that wouldn't help them achieve "their true goal of capturing Israelis" the answer is they wouldn't. and that 99% of the time the tunnels are used for humanitarian purposes, even the ones into Israel.

Its the blockade of Gaza that has caused the tunnels to be built. they are used to smuggle food and water primarily ( because what Israel lets through the border is garbage and an unsuitable amount obviously for the population.)

there is a documentary from national geographic on YouTube ( amongst tons of other footage) a perfectly unbiased trueful look at the tunnels. they aren't even constructed in secret there is a donkey pulling a rope on a winch in broad daylight.

I guess my point is there is so much propaganda and lies from both sides I would not be naive enough to suggest hammas or militant styled groups don't have there own spin. It is possible to form a balanced and easily researched opinion, that has nothing to do with antisemitism or hating. Just an intelligent argument backed up with obvious and attainable facts. This "tunnel problem" is an example I think of how Israel spins their story and is a complete lie.

the ability to infiltrate Israel by tunnel from Gaza and kill or take hostages is and has been an available tool for hammas or whomever for more than a decade, they rarely probably less than 1% of the time have been used as such, and waiting for a high holiday doesn't make sense who cares do it when Israelis are not expecting it do it a month ago..... but they didn't, they used them and continued to use them mostly to bring food and water motor bikes and gas and more cement for more tunnels. they are privately owned and operate as businesses.

if you look around in 2014/15 and this incursion with the help of social media and legitimate news sources the truth is escaping and that's the worst thing for Israel, there is no world wide conspiracy against Israel and Jews they create their own image in the gallery of public opinion, and it stinks. there are to many protests to many academics and g8 sanctioned monitors to not agree and the news stories are too compelling for major networks to glance over.

the difference between the Warsaw ghetto and Gaza are also to similar to ignore, surrounded on all sides, systematically disarmed,demonetized,physically demolished, starved of necessities of life, and murdered. Jews in Warsaw fought back when they could, worked with sympathisers, joined militias and partisan groups, and did what they could to feed their families.

I am not Arabian, British mostly but have absolutely no predisposition to like either side, given the choice I side with the Palestinians, does being well informed before i choose make me an antisemitic ? No it doesn't, and the more people get a straight story the less anti Semites there are and then Israel will have no place to turn, i would be ashamed to be a Nazi, I would be ashamed to be Israeli, Jew or ( or gentile) that supports Israel.

these incursions will only increase hatred in the region, you can't worm your way out of killing kids on a beach or blowing up a tunnel that supplies food and water. its too obvious too exclusive, the world is turning against Israel more and more day after day just like me.
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

1 - I've been to a lot of mosques, but never seen a preacher with a bare head, many of the congregation, but never the dude at the front.

2 - Mosques are commonly used for sermons, but where's all the Islamic bits and bobs. There's always loads near the imam's position.

3 - This video only appears on one site, no where else. If the Al-aqsa TV station wanted to produce propaganda, they'd make sure it was available.
That means the Zionist lot used it without it being on the net, or they made it.

4 - this was uploaded on 28 July, Friday was the 25th - why so long to get round to publishing it?

5 - There is no report of this sermon anywhere else on the internet, except copies of this video.

6 - no name of the imam, or the mosque in question. No details commonly means it's bullshit.

Wow Fred. Is his actually the proof that you came out with ?
I'm being serious now, is this some kind of joke?

If you're being serious, I can only say that you failed MISERABLY at discrediting MEMRI.
It's obvious that you can't handle the savagery that so many Muslims express, so you make these incredibly feeble attempts to discredit the source.
You're no better than the disgusting Imam's in those videos BTW.
And surprise surprise, you're a Muslim too! (Actually, it's no surprise at all :cool: )
these hundreds of tunnels that the vast majority of which are reinforced concrete ? have taken thousands of man hours to build were built for the sole purpose of attacking settlements and taking Israeli citizens hostage ? That just doesn't make any sense. Like so many of the arguments of pro incursion or pro Israeli people.

Most of the tunnels lead to Egypt not Israel so if the purpose of the tunnels is to take hostages why would hammas or any of the pro Palestinian political factions, build and again spend thousands of man hours and $$ on tunnels that wouldn't help them achieve "their true goal of capturing Israelis" the answer is they wouldn't. and that 99% of the time the tunnels are used for humanitarian purposes, even the ones into Israel.

Its the blockade of Gaza that has caused the tunnels to be built. they are used to smuggle food and water primarily ( because what Israel lets through the border is garbage and an unsuitable amount obviously for the population.)

there is a documentary from national geographic on YouTube ( amongst tons of other footage) a perfectly unbiased trueful look at the tunnels. they aren't even constructed in secret there is a donkey pulling a rope on a winch in broad daylight.

I guess my point is there is so much propaganda and lies from both sides I would not be naive enough to suggest hammas or militant styled groups don't have there own spin. It is possible to form a balanced and easily researched opinion, that has nothing to do with antisemitism or hating. Just an intelligent argument backed up with obvious and attainable facts. This "tunnel problem" is an example I think of how Israel spins their story and is a complete lie.

the ability to infiltrate Israel by tunnel from Gaza and kill or take hostages is and has been an available tool for hammas or whomever for more than a decade, they rarely probably less than 1% of the time have been used as such, and waiting for a high holiday doesn't make sense who cares do it when Israelis are not expecting it do it a month ago..... but they didn't, they used them and continued to use them mostly to bring food and water motor bikes and gas and more cement for more tunnels. they are privately owned and operate as businesses.

if you look around in 2014/15 and this incursion with the help of social media and legitimate news sources the truth is escaping and that's the worst thing for Israel, there is no world wide conspiracy against Israel and Jews they create their own image in the gallery of public opinion, and it stinks. there are to many protests to many academics and g8 sanctioned monitors to not agree and the news stories are too compelling for major networks to glance over.

the difference between the Warsaw ghetto and Gaza are also to similar to ignore, surrounded on all sides, systematically disarmed,demonetized,physically demolished, starved of necessities of life, and murdered. Jews in Warsaw fought back when they could, worked with sympathisers, joined militias and partisan groups, and did what they could to feed their families.

I am not Arabian, British mostly but have absolutely no predisposition to like either side, given the choice I side with the Palestinians, does being well informed before i choose make me an antisemitic ? No it doesn't, and the more people get a straight story the less anti Semites there are and then Israel will have no place to turn, i would be ashamed to be a Nazi, I would be ashamed to be Israeli, Jew or ( or gentile) that supports Israel.

these incursions will only increase hatred in the region, you can't worm your way out of killing kids on a beach or blowing up a tunnel that supplies food and water. its too obvious too exclusive, the world is turning against Israel more and more day after day just like me.

Another one !!?!??!!
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.

80% of the Pal casualties civilians? Where did you get that from?
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.

80% of the Pal casualties civilians? Where did you get that from?

Its a matter of Semantics-----for gazans, the sluts with the bombs on their
asses are called "civilians" and the people with missile launchers mounted on
the roofs of their houses are called "civilians"

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