Hamas Planned a Massive ‘Terror Tunnels’ Attack for September 24

Here now you can't miss it.

I didn't miss it.

The Middle East Media Research Institute uploaded the video.
They claim to bridge the language gap but the facts are a little different.
If you go their site, MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute, it's all Zionist bullshit.

This bunch have posted many videos before.

Yemeni girl?s video plea against child marriage goes viral | GulfNews.com'
The girl says in the video that she had first fled to her uncle’s house but he was not there, which led her to head to a police station. She said she now wants to live with her uncle, but that her parents had threatened to kill her if she had tried to seek refuge with him.
“What kind of people threaten their children like that?” she questioned. “Go ahead and marry me off. I’ll kill myself,” she said.

The poor girl, this is terrible, well it would be if it wasn't bullshit.

"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online
"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO

I think I'd need to see the linked video from a non bullshit website.

Haki arabi?
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

I think the reason that he is skeptical is that it is from a source that is pretty dodgy, MEMRI has a history of mistranlsations which all strangely seem to paint all parties but Israel in a bad light.

How odd that such a non-profit organisation would make mistakes that always paint palestinians in a worse light? Lets look further. MEMRI was founded by a former Colonel in the IDF who also worked as an "anti terrorism" advisor to the Israeli goverment and yet in his biography on MEMRI's website this fact is sadly omitted.
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

I think the reason that he is skeptical is that it is from a source that is pretty dodgy, MEMRI has a history of mistranlsations
which all strangely seem to paint all parties but Israel in a bad light.
How odd that such a non-profit organisation would make mistakes that always paint palestinians in a worse light? Lets look further. MEMRI was founded by a former Colonel in the IDF who also worked as an "anti terrorism" advisor to the Israeli goverment and yet in his biography on MEMRI's website this fact is sadly omitted.
Mistranslations? - Can I see your source to base that claim? maybe you can explain what is mistranslated in this video.
However, since you both questioned the source - which is very legitimate - (although it sounds more like deny it entirely)
I Asked him to translate that himself, or maybe to point what is wrong with this specific video, and I'm relating to the content, not the source.

Oh and about the Yemani Girl, except providing a news report of the parents answer, I don't see why MEMRI like any other news agency reported it found unreliable.
But this is not the subject, so try not derailing the subject.

Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

I think the reason that he is skeptical is that it is from a source that is pretty dodgy, MEMRI has a history of mistranlsations
which all strangely seem to paint all parties but Israel in a bad light.
How odd that such a non-profit organisation would make mistakes that always paint palestinians in a worse light? Lets look further. MEMRI was founded by a former Colonel in the IDF who also worked as an "anti terrorism" advisor to the Israeli goverment and yet in his biography on MEMRI's website this fact is sadly omitted.
Mistranslations? - Can I see your source to base that claim? maybe you can explain what is mistranslated in this video.
However, since you both questioned the source - which is very legitimate - (although it sounds more like deny it entirely)
I Asked him to translate that himself, or maybe to point what is wrong with this specific video, and I'm relating to the content, not the source.

Oh and about the Yemani Girl, except providing a news report of the parents answer, I don't see why MEMRI like any other news agency reported it found unreliable.
But this is not the subject, so try not derailing the subject.


Why did you ask me about mistranslation and not about selectivity? Ooops My mistake, sorry I must have deleted the bit in my posts where I also states that MEMRI selective only the very worst parts of what is said to paint Palestinains in as bad a light as possible, just like thepeople who only show the comments from politicans in the Kinisset that demand an eradiation of Palestians and seizure of their lands (and the more evil and bloodthirsty ones do do that as well)

As for a source on mistranslation it was a Guardian article from about 8 or 9 years ago that sparked a debate in which a lot of allegations were levied and not ever properly rebuffed, the Guardian website doesn't go back that far but you'll be able to find mention of it online somewhere. The journalist was Bill Whitaker I think? It caused one hell of a spat at the time, I suprised you don't remember it.
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

1 - I've been to a lot of mosques, but never seen a preacher with a bare head, many of the congregation, but never the dude at the front.

2 - Mosques are commonly used for sermons, but where's all the Islamic bits and bobs. There's always loads near the imam's position.

3 - This video only appears on one site, no where else. If the Al-aqsa TV station wanted to produce propaganda, they'd make sure it was available.
That means the Zionist lot used it without it being on the net, or they made it.

4 - this was uploaded on 28 July, Friday was the 25th - why so long to get round to publishing it?

5 - There is no report of this sermon anywhere else on the internet, except copies of this video.

6 - no name of the imam, or the mosque in question. No details commonly means it's bullshit.
Last edited by a moderator:
I was in a mosque-----the Imam did have a little cap on his head----but there were no bit and bobs
near him------It was a large empty room-----with a grandfather clock up front

The room was carpeted-----but no one had separate prayer rugs-----some people had little
caps on their heads-----some did not. People took their shoes off

the sermon was all about how disgusting are Christians------on the way home----I mentioned
the sermon------my host quickly and sharply announced "everything he said is true"

I was kinda hurt------afterall----it was good Friday and I did not think it nice for the
Imam to announce that Christians are the ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ----
good Friday is a school holiday and there were lots of little boys listening to the
hate rant-------As I watched their innocent little credulous faces I thought------
"he is teaching them to be murderers"---------that good Friday was---happened
almost 45 years ago------walking distance from the site where the World Trade
Center would later be built. I remember it very well because the "sermon"
so disgusted me. ------of course as I watched the world trade center fall------
the memory of that filthy disgusting sermon rose up in my mind Most of all ---
the blase' attitude of my hosts (both physicians) horrified me
the institute also emphasises "the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel".

That is what its website used to say, but the words about Zionism have now been deleted. The original page, however, can still be found in internet archives.

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.
Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com
Yup, I heard that from a few Israelis as well. They were planning on killing a few thousand Israelis in this attack. It's time for Israel to take out this cancer of humanity.

You one messed up person. More propaganda. Nothing that come from the Israel gov is true, including the false flag for this genocide which you seem to be enjoying. Real sickness.
the institute also emphasises "the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel".

That is what its website used to say, but the words about Zionism have now been deleted. The original page, however, can still be found in internet archives.

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.
Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com

the truth will out - if Zionists don't stop it
In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.

Some people were much more comfortable with the way it was when the helpless Jews were sitting back and waiting to be slaughtered. That's not happening anymore. No matter how much the haters would like it
Palestinians are no longer people, just "cancer"?

Israelis seem to be well down the path to permitting genocide.
This really does show that yanks don't get 'irony'.

I find it hypocritical that you whine about seeing Palestinians as "cancer" while you call, full-mouthed and shamelessly to "destroy Israel".

Israel Zionist is the real cancer. You call yourself a Goddess, more like a child of Satan.
Here now you can't miss it.

I didn't miss it.

The Middle East Media Research Institute uploaded the video.
They claim to bridge the language gap but the facts are a little different.
If you go their site, MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute, it's all Zionist bullshit.

This bunch have posted many videos before.

Yemeni girl?s video plea against child marriage goes viral | GulfNews.com'
The girl says in the video that she had first fled to her uncle’s house but he was not there, which led her to head to a police station. She said she now wants to live with her uncle, but that her parents had threatened to kill her if she had tried to seek refuge with him.
“What kind of people threaten their children like that?” she questioned. “Go ahead and marry me off. I’ll kill myself,” she said.

The poor girl, this is terrible, well it would be if it wasn't bullshit.

"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO- Yemen Post English Newspaper Online
"Early marriage fears of Nada Al-Ahdal are fabricated" says her parents, interior ministry officials, and prominent child rights NGO

I think I'd need to see the linked video from a non bullshit website.

New England city awaits Sudanese Christian woman who faced death
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

I think the reason that he is skeptical is that it is from a source that is pretty dodgy, MEMRI has a history of mistranlsations which all strangely seem to paint all parties but Israel in a bad light.

How odd that such a non-profit organisation would make mistakes that always paint palestinians in a worse light? Lets look further. MEMRI was founded by a former Colonel in the IDF who also worked as an "anti terrorism" advisor to the Israeli goverment and yet in his biography on MEMRI's website this fact is sadly omitted.

One such as you might claim them mistranslations but MEMRI's credibility among peeps not like you is strong. :cool:
Because you can translate it for us! So you couldn't call it "Zionist bullshit"..
Or in case you consider its fake, please point the reasons.

I think the reason that he is skeptical is that it is from a source that is pretty dodgy, MEMRI has a history of mistranlsations which all strangely seem to paint all parties but Israel in a bad light.

How odd that such a non-profit organisation would make mistakes that always paint palestinians in a worse light? Lets look further. MEMRI was founded by a former Colonel in the IDF who also worked as an "anti terrorism" advisor to the Israeli goverment and yet in his biography on MEMRI's website this fact is sadly omitted.

One such as you might claim them mistranslations but MEMRI's credibility among peeps not like you is strong. :cool:

People believe what they choose to believe. Amongst those who wish to believe that Palestinians are wrong they no doubt have an avid following of the unquestioning.
I was in a mosque-----the Imam did have a little cap on his head----but there were no bit and bobs
near him------It was a large empty room-----with a grandfather clock up front

The room was carpeted-----but no one had separate prayer rugs-----some people had little
caps on their heads-----some did not. People took their shoes off

the sermon was all about how disgusting are Christians------on the way home----I mentioned
the sermon------my host quickly and sharply announced "everything he said is true"

I was kinda hurt------afterall----it was good Friday and I did not think it nice for the
Imam to announce that Christians are the ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ----
good Friday is a school holiday and there were lots of little boys listening to the
hate rant-------As I watched their innocent little credulous faces I thought------
"he is teaching them to be murderers"---------that good Friday was---happened
almost 45 years ago------walking distance from the site where the World Trade
Center would later be built. I remember it very well because the "sermon"
so disgusted me. ------of course as I watched the world trade center fall------
the memory of that filthy disgusting sermon rose up in my mind Most of all ---
the blase' attitude of my hosts (both physicians) horrified me

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI-_lWjfejc]Israel did 9 11 - All the Proof in the World - YouTube[/ame]
the institute also emphasises "the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel".

That is what its website used to say, but the words about Zionism have now been deleted. The original page, however, can still be found in internet archives.

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.
Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com

We are all selective. MEMRI's mission is to translate that which our Arab/Muslim "brethren" say behind our backs. I see neither you nor Manchester managed to prove his bogus mistranslation charge. That's because you are both full of Shiite. :cool:
the institute also emphasises "the continuing relevance of Zionism to the Jewish people and to the state of Israel".

That is what its website used to say, but the words about Zionism have now been deleted. The original page, however, can still be found in internet archives.

The reason for Memri's air of secrecy becomes clearer when we look at the people behind it. The co-founder and president of Memri, and the registered owner of its website, is an Israeli called Yigal Carmon.

Mr - or rather, Colonel - Carmon spent 22 years in Israeli military intelligence and later served as counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

Retrieving another now-deleted page from the archives of Memri's website also throws up a list of its staff. Of the six people named, three - including Col Carmon - are described as having worked for Israeli intelligence.
Selective Memri | World news | theguardian.com

We are all selective. MEMRI's mission is to translate that which our Arab/Muslim "brethren" say behind our backs. I see neither you nor Manchester managed to prove his bogus mistranslation charge. That's because you are both full of Shiite. :cool:

Did you bother to google the deatails that I mentioned? I did give a paper, a journalist and a timeframe after all. I mean if you were actually curious you could probably have found something couldn't you. But you were never going to believe in the first place were you?
I was in a mosque-----the Imam did have a little cap on his head----but there were no bit and bobs
near him------It was a large empty room-----with a grandfather clock up front

The room was carpeted-----but no one had separate prayer rugs-----some people had little
caps on their heads-----some did not. People took their shoes off

the sermon was all about how disgusting are Christians------on the way home----I mentioned
the sermon------my host quickly and sharply announced "everything he said is true"

I was kinda hurt------afterall----it was good Friday and I did not think it nice for the
Imam to announce that Christians are the ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAAAAM ----
good Friday is a school holiday and there were lots of little boys listening to the
hate rant-------As I watched their innocent little credulous faces I thought------
"he is teaching them to be murderers"---------that good Friday was---happened
almost 45 years ago------walking distance from the site where the World Trade
Center would later be built. I remember it very well because the "sermon"
so disgusted me. ------of course as I watched the world trade center fall------
the memory of that filthy disgusting sermon rose up in my mind Most of all ---
the blase' attitude of my hosts (both physicians) horrified me

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI-_lWjfejc]Israel did 9 11 - All the Proof in the World - YouTube[/ame]

Palestinians are no longer people, just "cancer"?

Israelis seem to be well down the path to permitting genocide.
This really does show that yanks don't get 'irony'.

I find it hypocritical that you whine about seeing Palestinians as "cancer" while you call, full-mouthed and shamelessly to "destroy Israel".

Israel Zionist is the real cancer. You call yourself a Goddess, more like a child of Satan.

Another socktroll , as I like to call them

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