Hamas Planned a Massive ‘Terror Tunnels’ Attack for September 24

When you pay close attention to EVERY statement came from Israel, you can see ALL of them are against Hamas, not the Palestinians

There is little argument, Israel is far better at PR than the Palestinians but perhaps you can answer a couple of questions.

Why did Israel attack this UN shelter, even when you were aware there were no weapons there, only sleeping children?

BBC News - Gaza conflict: UN accuses Israel over Jabaliya attack

UN spokesman Chris Gunness said "the world stands disgraced" by the attack, in which 15 died and dozens were hurt.

The Israeli military said an initial inquiry suggested soldiers responded to mortar fire. The military says it is now holding a partial, four-hour humanitarian ceasefire.

Some 1,200 Palestinians and 55 Israelis have been killed in the conflict.

Most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians.

It's all well and good claiming to be directing operations only against Hamas, but killing 1,200 non combatant civilians to get a very few more extreme people.

I have to agree, Hamas are a bunch of idiots and, I'll be honest, I have no problem with them getting shot, but not for the reasons you would shoot them.
Their missiles damage a few fences and a turnip or two, but they give Israel an excuse for mass murder.
That, in my humble opinion, makes them traitors to the people of Gaza, and pretty much as bad as the bastards in the IDF that actually carry out the murders.

Hamas can't aim so it might have been them.
On the other hand, shit happens during the heat of battle.

Israel has already said it shelled the place - do try to keep up.
Their missiles damage a few fences and a turnip or two, but they give Israel an excuse for mass murder.
That, in my humble opinion, makes them traitors to the people of Gaza, and pretty much as bad as the bastards in the IDF that actually carry out the murders.

see above----the MOST VILE AND DISGUSTING animals in the world are those who trivialize
nail bombs For those who do not know----nail bombs----used by the followers of the
rapist pig -------are perfectly suited to EMULATING AL KANZEER-----they have no actual
military value-----their PRIME FUNCTION is------MURDER CHILDREN------they are something
like a long distance scimitar------instead of slitting the throats of children----they simply
jettison a poison soaked nail into the skulls of babies for the GLORY OF THE RAPIST PIG
The depraved have used these devices thruout the world to murder for their filth
from launching them as missiles to tying them to the whorish asses of their own
daughters------they have one function------accomplish the same technique that the
MUJAHDEEN have been using for 14 centuries---------(in emulation of al nabi) to
wit ------lay the dead bodies of babies in the gutters as an inducement to
"embrace" the stink and filth of "al nabi"

keep in mind-------hundreds of thousands lay dead in the gutter from that
"turnip" killer that Freddie lauds--------the 'turnip' killers used such a device in

The thing that really undermines anyone who is critical of Israel is just how darned sane the pro Israeli arguements always sound.
Their missiles damage a few fences and a turnip or two, but they give Israel an excuse for mass murder.
That, in my humble opinion, makes them traitors to the people of Gaza, and pretty much as bad as the bastards in the IDF that actually carry out the murders.

see above----the MOST VILE AND DISGUSTING animals in the world are those who trivialize
nail bombs For those who do not know----nail bombs----used by the followers of the
rapist pig -------are perfectly suited to EMULATING AL KANZEER-----they have no actual
military value-----their PRIME FUNCTION is------MURDER CHILDREN------they are something
like a long distance scimitar------instead of slitting the throats of children----they simply
jettison a poison soaked nail into the skulls of babies for the GLORY OF THE RAPIST PIG
The depraved have used these devices thruout the world to murder for their filth
from launching them as missiles to tying them to the whorish asses of their own
daughters------they have one function------accomplish the same technique that the
MUJAHDEEN have been using for 14 centuries---------(in emulation of al nabi) to
wit ------lay the dead bodies of babies in the gutters as an inducement to
"embrace" the stink and filth of "al nabi"

keep in mind-------hundreds of thousands lay dead in the gutter from that
"turnip" killer that Freddie lauds--------the 'turnip' killers used such a device in

I see the queen of stupidity and hate has joined us.
She'll owe me a new mouse when the scroll wheel wears out as I pass her idiotic posts.
Their missiles damage a few fences and a turnip or two, but they give Israel an excuse for mass murder.
That, in my humble opinion, makes them traitors to the people of Gaza, and pretty much as bad as the bastards in the IDF that actually carry out the murders.

see above----the MOST VILE AND DISGUSTING animals in the world are those who trivialize
nail bombs For those who do not know----nail bombs----used by the followers of the
rapist pig -------are perfectly suited to EMULATING AL KANZEER-----they have no actual
military value-----their PRIME FUNCTION is------MURDER CHILDREN------they are something
like a long distance scimitar------instead of slitting the throats of children----they simply
jettison a poison soaked nail into the skulls of babies for the GLORY OF THE RAPIST PIG
The depraved have used these devices thruout the world to murder for their filth
from launching them as missiles to tying them to the whorish asses of their own
daughters------they have one function------accomplish the same technique that the
MUJAHDEEN have been using for 14 centuries---------(in emulation of al nabi) to
wit ------lay the dead bodies of babies in the gutters as an inducement to
"embrace" the stink and filth of "al nabi"

keep in mind-------hundreds of thousands lay dead in the gutter from that
"turnip" killer that Freddie lauds--------the 'turnip' killers used such a device in

I see the queen of stupidity and hate has joined us.
She'll owe me a new mouse when the scroll wheel wears out as I pass her idiotic posts.

Freddie is so easily stumped
When you pay close attention to EVERY statement came from Israel, you can see ALL of them are against Hamas, not the Palestinians

There is little argument, Israel is far better at PR than the Palestinians but perhaps you can answer a couple of questions.

Why did Israel attack this UN shelter, even when you were aware there were no weapons there, only sleeping children?

BBC News - Gaza conflict: UN accuses Israel over Jabaliya attack

UN spokesman Chris Gunness said "the world stands disgraced" by the attack, in which 15 died and dozens were hurt.

The Israeli military said an initial inquiry suggested soldiers responded to mortar fire. The military says it is now holding a partial, four-hour humanitarian ceasefire.

Some 1,200 Palestinians and 55 Israelis have been killed in the conflict.

Most of the Palestinian deaths have been civilians.

It's all well and good claiming to be directing operations only against Hamas, but killing 1,200 non combatant civilians to get a very few more extreme people.

I have to agree, Hamas are a bunch of idiots and, I'll be honest, I have no problem with them getting shot, but not for the reasons you would shoot them.
Their missiles damage a few fences and a turnip or two, but they give Israel an excuse for mass murder.
That, in my humble opinion, makes them traitors to the people of Gaza, and pretty much as bad as the bastards in the IDF that actually carry out the murders.

First lets be true about the statistics, 1200 Palestinians including terrorists, not only civilians, according to BBC the majority are civilians and it can also be 601 civilians and that is what I hope for, I'm also not mentioning a few questions about the Health Department in Gaza where multiple names found- I'm also not familiar with this case, I just heard about it now - with this being said..
Here again we come to a debate over innocents casualties, don't be mistaken, attacking the UN Shelter is not something Israel would hesitate to do, as proven before terrorists are using these places no doubt about it, but the media only come to conclusions based on what they're seeing now - the destruction after the IDF assault - and so does the rest of the world, and just to make it clear I'm against hurting civilians, but I'm not jumping to conclusions myself, I know dozen of soldiers and I also know the Israeli mentality and the IDF mentality, carrying a mass murder on innocent is not part of that mentality, as IDF vet myself I guarantee that.
Since the UNRWA investigate the last assault where each side blames the other, ( [MENTION=48922]I.P.Freely[/MENTION] have you found anything new?) I can tell you that its too early to go to conclusions, and I also would like to wait for another investigation on this case after going on all the details, not just the BBC assumption.
About the PR to my opinion, it doesn't change the facts, you can search how many times Israel called the Gazans to leave north Gaza, to stay away from the fighting zone, yet Jabalia is deep in the center of north Gaza, there gotta be an explanation why they're staying in there, I bet there is, but don't forget this is a fighting zone where terrorists and IDF fighting, the chance terrorists will be around is fairly high.
Israel is dealing with a cruel enemy, not the Palestinians, the Hamas, I'll say it a million times and repeat it again as much as needed.
After revealing 'our' intentions, I also would like to apologize if any civilian died by mistake, we are not angels and not perfect, and mistakes always happen don't reject that option, it saddens me to think somebody innocent have to pay the price, and I'm comparing this to car accident for example, how could you live with yourself knowing that you ran over a kid crossing the road?- trust me, nobody here want such fate.
Out of 3,000 airstrikes in the past month, do you really think Israel intent to 'murder' or 'deliberately target civilians'? 3,000 airstrikes - mistakes could have happened at least 50 times, and this is the smallest number I could suggest, not to mention at least HALF could have been 1 fatality which means it suppose to be 1500 at the lowest point of "mass murdering"
Israel is not carrying a mass-murder, far from that, a successful operation is when goal is reached, and nobody got injured..this is the IDF.

-These are terrorists, not civilians. [MENTION=38033]Indofred[/MENTION]
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In war to attack any way you can. So far 98% of the Israeli casualties have been military and 80% of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians. I think if we're all look at the cold hard facts instead of the spin we all know who the terrorists really are.
The difference between Israel and Hamas (a terrorist group) is that unlike Hamas, Israel does not deliberately target innocent civilians. Have you seen Israel launching rocket attacks into Gaza to deliberately kill innocent civilians? As a terrorist organization, Hamas has zero credibility.

Let me ask you, if Al Qaeda were somehow launching rockets into the US, deliberately targeting innocent civilians, what should the US do? Just leave them be? Let them ride roughshod over all of us?

The only way to handle terrorists is to hunt them down wherever they are hiding, and terminate them...:evil:

But you also have to find a way to cut off their access to money/weapons. That's not necessarily a criticism of Israel. But killing a few thousand civilians does not make it easier to get cooperation.

The tunnels are one thing. But at some point, places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia will be asked to help, and if Israel's killed several thousand innocents to protect itself form rather ineffective rocket fire, that is gonna be a tough sell.
the world has to get over this ISLAMO NAZI PIG "civilian" BS no islamo Nazi pig is a
civilian------they are all WARRIORS in the "DEFENSE OF ISLAAAAAAM"--------what constitutes
the "DEFENSE OF ISLAAAAAAAM" ? ------tying bombs to the asses of teenaged girls and nudging
them in the direction of KAFFIR infants ---try to keep in mind-----Gaza has no military---
those islamo Nazi pigs launching rockets are "civilians" they are no different from the islamo
Nazi pigs who launched a PRESSURE COOKER BOMB in Boston
the world has to get over this ISLAMO NAZI PIG "civilian" BS no islamo Nazi pig is a
civilian------they are all WARRIORS in the "DEFENSE OF ISLAAAAAAM"--------what constitutes
the "DEFENSE OF ISLAAAAAAAM" ? ------tying bombs to the asses of teenaged girls and nudging
them in the direction of KAFFIR infants ---try to keep in mind-----Gaza has no military---
those islamo Nazi pigs launching rockets are "civilians" they are no different from the islamo
Nazi pigs who launched a PRESSURE COOKER BOMB in Boston

I'll let another man make my point for me. He does it rather well.
Please listen to the clip, and realise your error.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohrtFuxUzZE]Stephen Fry - The power of words in Nazi Germany - YouTube[/ame]
Palestinians are no longer people, just "cancer"?

Israelis seem to be well down the path to permitting genocide.
This really does show that yanks don't get 'irony'.

Not 'Palestinians' - HAMAS. That really does show that you don't get it.
A 'minor' and 'subtle' distinction, is it not?

No. Many do NOT make that distinction. As you do not seem to, since you see it as "minor" and "subtle".
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it is subtle -----not necessarily "minor"----but certainly subtle. Hamas cannot exist without the
ACCEPTANCE thereof -----of "the people" -------just as Stalin ----hated creature that he was---
could not exist without the SUPPORT of lots of people.. Same is true of "YOU KNOW WHO"---
but we are not supposed to mention that islamo Nazi hero anymore
it is subtle -----not necessarily "minor"----but certainly subtle. Hamas cannot exist without the
ACCEPTANCE thereof -----of "the people" -------just as Stalin ----hated creature that he was---
could not exist without the SUPPORT of lots of people.. Same is true of "YOU KNOW WHO"---
but we are not supposed to mention that islamo Nazi hero anymore

It is not a subtle distinction.

Hamas can exist through force of power. It's not like there is a viable opposition any more.

Stalin did not have or need the support of lots of people once he had power. He just had to know how to terrorize, control, divide and, of course - hold the military.
it is subtle -----not necessarily "minor"----but certainly subtle. Hamas cannot exist without the
ACCEPTANCE thereof -----of "the people" -------just as Stalin ----hated creature that he was---
could not exist without the SUPPORT of lots of people.. Same is true of "YOU KNOW WHO"---
but we are not supposed to mention that islamo Nazi hero anymore

It is not a subtle distinction.

Hamas can exist through force of power. It's not like there is a viable opposition any more.

Stalin did not have or need the support of lots of people once he had power. He just had to know how to terrorize, control, divide and, of course - hold the military.

oh a military capable of controlling millions of people ----is NOT PEOPLE-----now I understand and
the several million people of Gaza are being FORCED to launch bombs and FORCED----when informed
of incoming fire to stay put--------they really do not want to----they are ALL BEING FORCED (by some
mysterious power) It took me awhile to understand that Hamas functions with no popular
I really don't see the big issue with tunnels.
Hamas don't have fighter aircraft, tanks, drones and all the other stuff Israel has been given by the American tax payers.

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