Hamas racist "palestine" calls to massacre non-zionist pious Jews who refuse to serve in IDF [genocide]


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Just as in cartoons, the Arab "palestinians" choose images of haredi pious Jews who refuse to serve in Israeli army.

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome
A photo published by Hamas calling for revenge for Rafah. They're hunting Jews and they're not shy about expressing it.

The thing is... We won't let them. Ever.
4:47 PM · May 28, 2024

Just as in cartoons, the Arab "palestinians" choose images of haredi pious Jews who refuse to serve in Israeli army.

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome
A photo published by Hamas calling for revenge for Rafah. They're hunting Jews and they're not shy about expressing it.

The thing is... We won't let them. Ever.
4:47 PM · May 28, 2024

Haredi pious, yeah, whatever, bunch of Con artist, that is the Haredi. Go ahead, throw out the anti-semite card, might as well get it out there. But, just coming from a good old hard working Southern man.

Well, you know that commercial, I used to see it quite often of FOX news, especially that morning show. Please send money so we can buy food for these poor starving Holocaust survivors. And then there are pictures, and it is all women. Where are the men?

It is a Haredi community. They are all at the Yeshiva. See, they can't work. They got to study, at the Yeshiva. They hang out there all the time. They can't cook, or clean the house, or even take some responsibility in the child raising area. Nope, got to study at the Yeshiva.

Military service, you mean like all the other Jewish citizens have to do, mandatory military service, males and females. Oh wait, I know, got to study at the Yeshiva.

Talk about a damn con job.
Haredi pious, yeah, whatever, bunch of Con artist, that is the Haredi. Go ahead, throw out the anti-semite card, ...
What does your incoherent post have to do with targeting this community out of pure racism?
Just as in cartoons, the Arab "palestinians" choose images of haredi pious Jews who refuse to serve in Israeli army.

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome
A photo published by Hamas calling for revenge for Rafah. They're hunting Jews and they're not shy about expressing it.

The thing is... We won't let them. Ever.
4:47 PM · May 28, 2024

The origin of the conflict was always bigotry, since 1920..
What does your incoherent post have to do with targeting this community out of pure racism?
Who said it was out of racism? I mean what better sect to target, the men don't work or provide for their families, they get a special exemption to mandatory military service. You go after the weakest prey first, ain't that the way it is suppose to be? Ain't that precisely what Israel is doing now? What is it, three out of four casualties are women and children?
Winston said:
Who said it was out of racism? I mean what better sect to target, ..
They are targeted because they are Jews. The liberal radical haaretzism view on them (which is what you wrote), is irrelevant.
The first reason which is why they refuse to serve in IDF is ideological.

But in any case it refutes the myth of Palestinian regime as if they fight an "occupation"
Who said it was out of ...
What a stupid reply. Before getting into incitement by radical liberals on the religious people in general especially hindering at employment...

And what does going after Hamas have to with this subject?
Are you saying now that hamas attacked on Oct 7 kibbutzim because they were secular?
The image in this thread is by Gaza official regime.

It's about who you're after, not the results of (Palestinian leadership) using its civilian population so that they die, to arouse sympathy.
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