Hamas rejects ceasefire

Isreael has unilaterally ceased firing for humanitarian reasons, for hours. Iit appears Hamas may be taking from a page in history; if its people cannot win, they should all die.
Isreael has unilaterally ceased firing for humanitarian reasons, for hours. Iit appears Hamas may be taking from a page in history; if its people cannot win, they should all die.
Do you have a link for that unilateral cease fire?"

The ICRC contacted (us) and offered to broker a three-hour humanitarian truce to enable ambulances to evacuate the dead and wounded and Hamas accepted it," spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement.

Contacted by AFP, an ICRC spokesman refused to confirm or deny the report, saying only: "We have been making every effort to ensure ways to evacuate the dead and the wounded."

Earlier, reports from respectable sources indicated that Israel has rejected the request, as Hamas continued to attack Israel during last week's attempt at such a move.

However, in a sudden reversal, Israel agreed to a two-hour humanitarian ceasefire on Sunday afternoon, pledging to stop the airstrikes from 1:30-3:30 pm IST. The IDF has asked all Gazans to evacuate Shejaiya, as well as Saladin near Gaza City, in advance of airstrikes resuming later Sunday.

But the ceasefire did not last long - as Hamas broke the truce just 40 minutes in.

"Once more, Hamas breaches ceasefire, this time brokered by the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) for a humanitarian hiatus. IDF responding accordingly," army spokesman Peter Lerner said on his official Twitter account in a posting just 40 minutes into the truce.

Lerner's latest tweet, at about 4:45, said that the ceasefire was extended until 5:30 p.m.
Ceasefire in Shejaiya Extended to 5:30 P.M. - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva
So we agree then? Most liberals hate Israel. Most American Jews are liberal and vote democrat. Most Israelis know American right wing conservatives are their best friends on earth.

Look at how heathengamer only sets up the Palestinian people as the innocent ones, as they deliberately set up their own people (women and children as human shields in order to manipulate the piece of shit liberal minds) to be killed in attacks. You all really think these throw backs would not kill their own in order to make it look like Israel did it to get world support? No eh?

The nation of palestine is a myth. Most of you have no clue what the actual history is, and even if you pathetic liberals did learn the truth (it has been told by many on here) about the actual truth none of you would care. Not one.

The only real thing left wing pieces of shit are concerned about is following the bandwagon and what their peers are following. Liberals as I have stated stand for absolutely nothing.
The picture is straight from the UK's Daily Mail Online......read it and weep. .. :cool:

Jewish vigilantes go on rampage in Paris and attack pro-Palestinian demonstrators | Mail Online
And this is how you create lies, the footage was captured by French Jewish that got trapped inside the synagogue BECAUSE of your "peaceful protesters" that btw got BANNED!
So the Daily Mail in the UK is lying?? .. :cuckoo:
When you add 'Khalid ibn Walid' on picture, everyone can be mistaken, but you can see the video and ask the question, who is the liar, and who was misled?:lol:
Juden savages in France go on rampage and attack peaceful protesters.

These crazed Jewish monsters need to be deported to Israel. .. :cool:

[ame=http://youtu.be/YDki9CBY6QE]Israeli Vigilantes Attacking Pro-Palestinian Protesters in Paris [Full Video] - YouTube[/ame]
Egypt devised a plan for a cease fire, Israel agreed, Hamas rejected the idea. Israel continues fighting back:

Cease-fire attempt ends as Israeli airstrikes resume - CNN.com

Do the leaders of Hamas care about the people?

Of course they don't. Hamas fires rockets at Israel for two purposes. First, of course, is to try and kill Jews. Second is to goad Israel into retaliating (as any nation would) so Hamas can cry about how many of their people have died, and to try and raise anti-Israeli sentiment.

The motto of Hamas is "We love death as much as the Jews love life".

It is easy to see if you look at what would happen if either side suddenly stopped fight.

If Hamas stopped fighting, and promised no more violence, the fighting would stop.

If Israel stopped fighting, and promised no more violence, they would cease to exist.

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