

Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Once pretty easy to understand.Now expanded and used to
explain a different condition.The ungodly degree to which
a section of the American populace delight in getting drunk
on the virtual harrassment { irritate and torment persistently }
now Hourly.Like what one used to expect from skid row
stumblebum losers who drank too much and somehow.
managed to live another day to do the same.
Or a clod,lout,lummox,or oaf.All things not a single American
would dare in public make the case was indeed fitting words to
describe a N.Y.Born Real Estate magnate who entered the TV
world and started a hugely popular series called :
The Apprentice -.
There being exceptions to most things regarding life.
One being Jerrold Nadler.He probably always hated with a vile
passion any and all things Trump-related.
Buy why go there.Or make a day out of going to some
old Amusement park to visit the creepy House of Mirrors.
Of course Nadler need not visit.No mirror on precious
earth could do justice to what he looked like when talking
about the need to NOT Indict or pursue Impeaching
Bill Clinton.
But we are now fully ensconced in some virtual House of
Mirrors Political landscape.Where reality is so Oafish and
Lummox-like even Rod Sterling would have to shake his
head in complete frustration and discombobulation.
Not begging the question but watching in complete
otherworldly mindlessness as if No Longer Human.
One American was capable of producing this effect.?
I don't Tink so.
Must be somthin' in the water.So blame it on the water
supply.Or too many Cows farting.
Somthing ... Anything.Before Moses returns to earth
in the form of some Little Dutch boy hellbent on sticking
his Middle Finger in some Artificial Intelligent Dyke.
Just for The Hell of it.
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