
This is an odd sport.

Not much fun to watch but might be fun to play

It is an urban game that used to be played on any wall or alley
We used to play with a Spaldeen at recess


Don’t see kids playing it anymore
There’s also Chinese handball where you’d hit the ball on the ground before it hits the wall. And American where you’d hit the ball directly to the wall. I like Chinese better, but American is more popular.
I played a few times on West 4th street, but i wasn’t any good
Nobody was any good, but it was fun

Kids were different then
They made up their own games and own rules

Nobody needed adults
There’s also Chinese handball where you’d hit the ball on the ground before it hits the wall. And American where you’d hit the ball directly to the wall. I like Chinese better, but American is more popular.
We also used Spaldeens to play Boxball which was kind of like Pickleball, Stoop Ball, Stick Ball and any other game kids invented
It shows what todays children have become
No spontaneous entertainment without adults

If you told a child today to go play Hide and Seek with their friends, they would not know what to do

Playing an internet Video Game, they know

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