Hands up! What other political regime/party did THIS? When?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Got millions from China in LCC's distributed amongst one family? Who? And in what alternate time space continuum in America was it justified to persecute and use the justice system against political opponents? And the handmaidens the political puppets in the media just make up random shit and pretend this normal? This is NOT normal. Definitively historically NOT normal.
Got millions from China in LCC's distributed amongst one family? Who? And in what alternate time space continuum in America was it justified to persecute and use the justice system against political opponents? And the handmaidens the political puppets in the media just make up random shit and pretend this normal? This is NOT normal. Definitively historically NOT normal.
Jared said "millions? hold my beer. Check out this 4 BILLION I got from China."
Democrats supported the race riots in 2020. Makes Jan. 6th pale in comparison. Speaking of ill-gotten gains, Wow, what happened to all that filthy lucre $80 million+the BLM got in donations? Oh BLM went bankrupt? nothing sus about that. But Trump kinda maybe sorta did something. But Joe and Hunter and Burisma, China might a sort kind of maybe did stuff? Why isn't Biden being investigated too? Why NOT? Its not political or anything, is it?
Well. Heck, the media covered up FDR's polio and his handicap. Ok, media had discretion then. But NOW, they discreetly ignore Biden AND HIS CRACK HEAD SON and the unexplainable lucre $ from China & Ukraine. But instead, Trump might a sorta may be did stuff, let's impeach him over mere allegations! Multiple times! And you assholes are good with that? Why?
Got millions from China in LCC's distributed amongst one family? Who? And in what alternate time space continuum in America was it justified to persecute and use the justice system against political opponents? And the handmaidens the political puppets in the media just make up random shit and pretend this normal? This is NOT normal. Definitively historically NOT normal.

Prove it. Apparently you believe that breaking the law is okay just because you are a candidate for office. You are a corrupt bastard.
Democrats supported the race riots in 2020. Makes Jan. 6th pale in comparison. Speaking of ill-gotten gains, Wow, what happened to all that filthy lucre $80 million+the BLM got in donations? Oh BLM went bankrupt? nothing sus about that. But Trump kinda maybe sorta did something. But Joe and Hunter and Burisma, China might a sort kind of maybe did stuff? Why isn't Biden being investigated too? Why NOT? Its not political or anything, is it?

They did not. Who is playing the race card today? Right wing extremists who are attacking a movie just because the lead actress is black.
Well. Heck, the media covered up FDR's polio and his handicap. Ok, media had discretion then. But NOW, they discreetly ignore Biden AND HIS CRACK HEAD SON and the unexplainable lucre $ from China & Ukraine. But instead, Trump might a sorta may be did stuff, let's impeach him over mere allegations! Multiple times! And you assholes are good with that? Why?

How about some proof. You don't require any proof against your political enemies.
I lived through the Nixon impeachment and the Watergate hearings, and it doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to what Biden has done, Nope. And the level of corruption in the justice system has transcended anything Nixon could have dreamt of.
How about some proof. You don't require any proof against your political enemies.
Prove it. Apparently you believe that breaking the law is okay just because you are a candidate for office. You are a corrupt bastard.
Actually you hit the nail on the head. Shouldn't the burden proof be on those those allege a crime...? Trump was never found guilty of any past allegations. Not one, but we DO have plenty of shit on Biden, and all things being equal. WHY ISNT Biden being investigated on the same grounds? WHY?

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