Hank Williams Jr, oops

He says "he always respected the office of the President". Too bad that don't apply to many Xtreme Righties here. I respected the office even when Bu$h II was cutting taxes during war- time (unprecedented)
The most amazing aspect of this story is that Hank Williams Jr. was still affiliated with ESPN in the first place.

Freedom of speech is now censored by you and espn for what the hell ever reason

Who was censored, again? Hank Williams Jr. is perfectly free to say whatever he pleases. So, you must be talking about someone else.
The most amazing aspect of this story is that Hank Williams Jr. was still affiliated with ESPN in the first place.

Freedom of speech is now censored by you and espn for what the hell ever reason

No it wasn't. HWJr's freedom of speech wasn't infringed upon. He is perfectly free to continue to spout his nonsense. ESPN is also perfectly free not to employ him if they (or more likely their advertisers) don't like what he says.

I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.

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Freedom of speech is now censored by you and espn for what the hell ever reason

No it wasn't. HWJr's freedom of speech wasn't infringed upon. He is perfectly free to continue to spout his nonsense. ESPN is also perfectly free not to employ him if they (or more likely their advertisers) don't like what he says.

I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.


Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.
That number two is always interesting. Can black people be racist? Sure they can........if they have power with which to make life more difficult for another race.

Without power.....we are talking about ethnocentrism and prejudice. Different.

Oh no we are not.

Black folks can be as racist as white folks.

And sometimes against their own race. Ever meet anyone from Trinidad?


What he meant to say was obama is the pre 1933 hitler, the hitler that came before the killing hitler,

You are crazy. Hitler was evil before 1933. people died because of him before 1933, and you are crazy, bigrebnc.

Wililams was wrong. You are wrong to defend him. End of story.

Hitler did not show his true colors until after 1933
No it wasn't. HWJr's freedom of speech wasn't infringed upon. He is perfectly free to continue to spout his nonsense. ESPN is also perfectly free not to employ him if they (or more likely their advertisers) don't like what he says.

I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.


Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.

I'm glad to read that from you. I completely agree with you. This is not a violation of Hank's right to free speech. It is ESPN's right to choose whom they want to represent them.

I do not think Hank intended to compare President Obama to Adolf Hitler, but he should know those kinds of statements are going to rub a lot of people wrong no matter which political party he is insulting.

I still like Hank's music and I still like Whoopie's acting although I have seen brief segments of "The View" and I think it would serve her better to disassociate herself with that trash... just my humble opinion.

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I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.


Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.

I'm glad to read that from you. I completely agree with you. This is not a violation of Hank's right to free speech. It is ESPN's right to choose whom they want to represent them.

I do not think Hank intended to compare President Obama to Adolf Hitler, but he should know those kinds of statements are going to rub a lot of people wrong no matter which political party he is insulting.

I still like Hank's music and I still like Whoopie's acting although I have seen brief segments of "The View" and I think it would serve her better to disassociate herself with that trash... just my humble opinion.


You cannot have good government with bad people.

Hank Williams jr is basically a good person that is appalled by what he sees in the White House these days.

ESPN is Political Correctness on steroids.

ABC was the sponsor of Monday Night Football and Hank Williams came with the package so ESPN, the lib assholes that they are, got rid of him.
First of all what he said was just flat dumb...

Second of all people always forget to think about the opposite side of the coin. Corporations are like people in the eyes of the government since their first priority is to serve stock holders.

Hank has the freedom to say what he wants, however, that freedom cannot oppress your freedoms meaning one always has the freedom to react. To sever ties from someone because you don't like what he said is perfectly fine.

ESPN is an establishment, though I'm a independent conservative and I don't like Obama I do realize when everyone talks about "respect for the office", and how it appears to be lacking in many circumstances. If it didn't protect profits because his comments had little impact on ESPN's popularity, even though I think they would be in some way that many of us could not foresee, at the least they paid respect to the office.

I don't care who is the president, until they do something vehemently wrong you don't compare him to Hitler. Not only is it disrespectful to the president, but those who actually died for us, served, and continue to serve.
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You may be ready for football, but ESPN is not ready to let Hank Williams Jr. open tonight’s game after his incendiary comment about President Obama on Fox News.
The country singer criticized the president’s recent “golf summit” with Republican House Speaker John Boehner. The singer told Fox & Friends that the meeting “would be like Hitler playing golf with [Israeli leader] Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Where'd his freedom of speech go?

Apparently the same place the Dixie Chicks' did.

YOu aren't very bright, are you?

It isn't about "freedom of speech". It's about business decisions.

Incidently, no love for Obama, but this was a dumb thing to say, and his controversy outweighs any commercial value of putting him on.

Just like when ESPN pulled Rush Limbaugh after he injected race issues into football discussions.

No one is stopping Rush or the Dixie chicks from saying stuff. Just that what they say has commercial consequences.

Some day, computer generated characters will replace actors and singers, and we will all be better off.
How funny they had to bring the poor poor Dixie Chicks into all this.

No comparison, but whatever.

ESPN sucks with all their Political correctness BS

But they sure don't mind standing up for a Convicted animal torturer and killer
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What he meant to say was obama is the pre 1933 hitler, the hitler that came before the killing hitler,

You are crazy. Hitler was evil before 1933. people died because of him before 1933, and you are crazy, bigrebnc.

Wililams was wrong. You are wrong to defend him. End of story.

Hitler did not show his true colors until after 1933

What world do you live in? You made the charge. Evidence it, then.
Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.

I'm glad to read that from you. I completely agree with you. This is not a violation of Hank's right to free speech. It is ESPN's right to choose whom they want to represent them.

I do not think Hank intended to compare President Obama to Adolf Hitler, but he should know those kinds of statements are going to rub a lot of people wrong no matter which political party he is insulting.

I still like Hank's music and I still like Whoopie's acting although I have seen brief segments of "The View" and I think it would serve her better to disassociate herself with that trash... just my humble opinion.


You cannot have good government with bad people.

Hank Williams jr is basically a good person that is appalled by what he sees in the White House these days.

ESPN is Political Correctness on steroids.

ABC was the sponsor of Monday Night Football and Hank Williams came with the package so ESPN, the lib assholes that they are, got rid of him.

"Liberals"? A company can hire and fire whoever it wants, mud. End of that nonsense. Hank was a doofus and got what a doofus deserives.
I agree.

By the way, did you feel the same about Whoopie Goldberg and Slimfast? Or did Slimfast infringe on her right to free speech?

I know of several liberals on this site who condemned Slimfast when they fired Whoopie over her comments about President Bush. I'm waiting for them to condemn ESPN... so far, I am still waiting.


Absolutely. Private companies can choose whoever the want to represent them and can fire them if they no longer feel that individual adequately represents them.

I'm glad to read that from you. I completely agree with you. This is not a violation of Hank's right to free speech. It is ESPN's right to choose whom they want to represent them.

I do not think Hank intended to compare President Obama to Adolf Hitler, but he should know those kinds of statements are going to rub a lot of people wrong no matter which political party he is insulting.

I still like Hank's music and I still like Whoopie's acting although I have seen brief segments of "The View" and I think it would serve her better to disassociate herself with that trash... just my humble opinion.


I don't know how you came to the conclusion that he didn't mean to compare President Obama to Hitler. He was pretty emphatic about it.

I appreciate an artist for their art, not their political views.

Hank Williams Jr is a jerk, but I still like one or two of his songs.
How funny they had to bring the poor poor Dixie Chicks into all this.

No comparison, but whatever.

ESPN sucks with all their Political correctness BS

But they sure don't mind standing up for a Convicted animal torturer and killer

You're right, there is no comparison. What Williams said was much worse than what Natalie Maines said and on a MUCH bigger stage.

When is Man Coulter going to tell HWJr to "Shut up and sing" I wonder?
How funny they had to bring the poor poor Dixie Chicks into all this.

No comparison, but whatever.

ESPN sucks with all their Political correctness BS

But they sure don't mind standing up for a Convicted animal torturer and killer

You're right, there is no comparison. What Williams said was much worse than what Natalie Maines said and on a MUCH bigger stage.

When is Man Coulter going to tell HWJr to "Shut up and sing" I wonder?

Wrong what the dumb chicks did was go to another country and bitch about the president.. Hank Jr. was asked the loud mouth little blonds wasn't

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