Hannity fears assassination. Claims Biden hired SWAT teams to go after everybody anybody reporting on him.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Without any evidence, Hannity claims Biden has hired swat teams to slander and smear and attack every single solitary person that either reports it or is investigating them". Last week, they were coming after your gas stove. This week they have Special Weapons and Tactics teams out to attack right wing publicity whores. What will the right wing have to stir up the crazies next week?
This is the extent of the mental capacity of the rabid right.

To them, this is totally true and makes perfect sense.
Hannity has every reason to be afraid

He needs to hide under his bed and watch out for killer Helicopters
Without any evidence, Hannity claims Biden has hired swat teams to slander and smear and attack every single solitary person that either reports it or is investigating them". Last week, they were coming after your gas stove. This week they have Special Weapons and Tactics teams out to attack right wing publicity whores. What will the right wing have to stir up the crazies next week?
If democrats can say the police want to murder all black people, why don't you have a problem with that?
i can't stand the little fat twit but then sometimes he is right. Lefties do this all the time. harrassment and slander is the tactic. now if hannity WAS a REAL problem like seth rich, jeffrey epstein...the fbi wet team WOULD handle it.
Not trying to be mean, but Hannity makes more in 30 seconds than you unemployable shit stains make in 3 years.

Sorry for the tough love. :boo_hoo14:
I'm retired. There's not enough money in the world for me to go back to a regular job. I have self respect. I don't see how Hannity could.
We know democrats love free speech and law and order. I'm sure he has nothing to worry about.
I am pretty sure Hannity does not believe any of the BS he spews. This is just to keep the faithful...faithful.
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Without any evidence, Hannity claims Biden has hired swat teams to slander and smear and attack every single solitary person that either reports it or is investigating them". Last week, they were coming after your gas stove. This week they have Special Weapons and Tactics teams out to attack right wing publicity whores. What will the right wing have to stir up the crazies next week?
Why would Biden need to hire Swat Teams? He has the FBI to do his bidding!
Without any evidence, Hannity claims Biden has hired swat teams to slander and smear and attack every single solitary person that either reports it or is investigating them". Last week, they were coming after your gas stove. This week they have Special Weapons and Tactics teams out to attack right wing publicity whores. What will the right wing have to stir up the crazies next week?
You are as hyper partisan as Hannity. Nothing mentioned about assassinations, just smear and slander campaigns. The left and the right twist and exaggerate the stories so much it Is just pathetic. I quit listening to right and left wing pundits long ago because they thrive on lies and exaggerations.
You are as hyper partisan as Hannity. Nothing mentioned about assassinations, just smear and slander campaigns. The left and the right twist and exaggerate the stories so much it Is just pathetic. I quit listening to right and left wing pundits long ago because they thrive on lies and exaggerations.
So what do you think a SWAT team (special weapons and tactics) does?
So what do you think a SWAT team (special weapons and tactics) does?
You are simply playing the same game Hannity does, you are just like him. Show us where says Biden is trying to have SWAT teams are trying to physically assassinate him. Try using words in context and quit pretending you are an idiot that is binary in thinking.
You'll have to ask Hannity about that. It's his claim.
You don't have to ask anyone, Bulldog. It's obvious that we have two standards of law enforcement under Merrick Garland's DOJ...one for liberals like himself and one for conservatives! The differences are so stark that it borders on farce! Garland's FBI raids Trump's home with a heavily armed team to "seize" classified documents but then let's Biden's lawyers look for classified documents that he has literally EVERYWHERE without even a single FBI agent along to make sure they're not destroying evidence? The Biden's are corrupt. That's not even a question at this point! The whole family is in the influence peddling business and they're in business with people like the Communist Chinese yet THEY are given the ability to "self police" themselves? Are you kidding?
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You are simply playing the same game Hannity does, you are just like him. Show us where says Biden is trying to have SWAT teams are trying to physically assassinate him. Try using words in context and quit pretending you are an idiot that is binary in thinking.
So what do you think those special weapons are for?
You don't have to ask anyone, Bulldog. It's obvious that we have two standards of law enforcement under Merrick Garland's DOJ...one for liberals like himself and one for conservatives! The differences are so stark that it borders on farce! Garland's FBI raids Trump's home with a heavily armed team to "seize" classified documents but then let's Biden's lawyers look for classified documents that he has literally EVERYWHERE without even a single FBI agent along to make sure they're not destroying evidence? The Biden's are corrupt. That's not even a question at this point! The whole family is in the influence peddling business and they're in business with people like the Communist Chinese yet THEY are given the ability to "self police" themselves? Are you kidding?
You seem to be forgetting about those 18 months that trump refused to return what he had received a subpoena for. If Biden had refused for 18 months they would have raided his house too.
You seem to be forgetting about those 18 months that trump refused to return what he had received a subpoena for. If Biden had refused for 18 months they would have raided his house too.
Trump and the National Archives were fighting over what materials he was entitled to have...those items were not in danger! The FBI visited Mar A Lago and their only suggestion was to put a second lock on the door to the room where they were stored. OBVIOUSLY those documents were a lot more secure than any of the places that Joe Biden has left his!

Contrast that with Biden! There is a palpable stench coming from this whole scenario, Bulldog! Biden sends lawyers to close up his old office at UPenn? Who does that? They find classified documents but they don't call the FBI...they call the National Archive? This is all taking place right before an election that the GOP is expected to take back the House with so you KNOW that an investigation is coming into both Hunter and Joe? Yet for two months the Merrick Garland DOJ allows Biden's attorneys...who don't even have the security clearance to view classified documents...to conduct a search for more classified documents? Are you kidding me? Were Biden's attorneys looking classified materials to turn them in or to get rid of them before Jim Jordan comes knocking with a subpoena? What do you think Crack Boy Hunter has been doing for the last few months? Arranging his sock drawer? Merrick Garland has given the Biden's MONTHS to hide or destroy evidence of their influence peddling!
So what do you think those special weapons are for?
OMG! Not physically assassins, he obviously meant to people not being a partisan hack, by setting them up in a scandal to bring them down. But you believe what you need to and I’ll be fine with you being a hysterical nut job.

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