Happening Now...Trump is not under ANY investgation over Russia or anything else

Does anyone here believe that the USA has not tried to influence elections in other countries??? anyone?

How about the brits, French, Canadians, germans, Spanish, Mexicans, et. al. All countries do it, but we get all pompous when its done to us.

Grow the fuck up and see the world as it is.

So you're defending Russia's right to be involved in our elections?

You believe Trumps obvious lie about 3-5 million illegal vote is a bad thing but come on in Ruskies, see if you can tip the scales!?!?

Your blind support for this traitor is very disappointing. Hard to believe an American could be led to that place...

Yet Obama meddled with the election in Israel and France....and those are only ones we know of.
Trump doesn't actually need to be under investigation for anything. If democrats can convince people he's under investigation then whether he really is or not is immaterial.
Trump is the worlds greatest media Troll. The LWNJ's in the media take the bait EVERT SINGLE TIME!!

It's a beautiful thing to watch.

doesn't matter, the dems and the media will keep at this for the next 4 or 8 years, because its all they have. their policies and their candidates have failed miserably, all they have left is insults, lies, and false claims.

the Clintons and the obamas have killed the democrat party. The party of Truman and Kennedy is DEAD.

Indeed they are. Truman and Kennedy. However, were they alive today. Cryin' Chuckie, Maxine and Nannabelle would demand they be slaughtered for not being Democrat enough.
The New Frontier Was Quicksand and Swampland

Kochist revisionists refuse to believe that their newfound Democratic heroes would have slipped down the same greasy slope their party did. After all, look at Teddy Kennedy and you'll see what Jack and Bobby would have become. And the Demwit Camelot jockeys are lying to themselves if they believe that JFK wouldn't have got us stuck in Vietnam just as much as LBJ did.
Trump butt kissers need to worry about their hero and the public perception about him.
American voters' opinions of several of Trump's personal qualities are down:
  • 61 - 33 percent that he is not honest, compared to 58 - 37 percent April 19;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he does not have good leadership skills, little change;
  • 59 - 38 percent that he does not care about average Americans, compared to 57 - 42 percent April 19;
  • 66 - 29 percent that he is not level-headed, compared to 63 - 33 percent last month;
  • 62 - 35 percent that he is a strong person, little change;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he is intelligent, compared to 58 - 38 percent;
  • 64 - 32 percent that he does not share their values, compared to 61 - 35 percent.
  • QU Poll Release Detail
Lie much?
In addition to Comey did NOT ask for more money.... the news media is in full-blown meltdown mode.
Trump butt kissers need to worry about their hero and the public perception about him.
American voters' opinions of several of Trump's personal qualities are down:
  • 61 - 33 percent that he is not honest, compared to 58 - 37 percent April 19;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he does not have good leadership skills, little change;
  • 59 - 38 percent that he does not care about average Americans, compared to 57 - 42 percent April 19;
  • 66 - 29 percent that he is not level-headed, compared to 63 - 33 percent last month;
  • 62 - 35 percent that he is a strong person, little change;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he is intelligent, compared to 58 - 38 percent;
  • 64 - 32 percent that he does not share their values, compared to 61 - 35 percent.
  • QU Poll Release Detail
Lie much?

Can't handle the truth much!
Of course, what else would one expect from the easily manipulated?

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