Happy 4th Of July Shootings - Thank A Liberal

Uh, no, libertarians created this country. Liberals have been trying to destroy it ever since.

Conservatives are trying to destroy the country by legislating outdated morality and Christian beliefs. Criminalizing victimless acts, banning gay marriage out of bigotry, trying to teach Creationism in schools, and I haven't even started on supply-side economics.

Please explain to me how Liberals are destroying this country by opposing those things?

Any such legislation can be overturned with the stroke of the pen. So how is it "destroying the country?"

Liberals are destroying the country with their vast social programs like Obamacare, and their many tentacled octupus like regulatory bureacracies who are gradually imposing communism on us. The brainwashing mills they call "public schools" are turning our children into brainwashed drones who will put with with virtually any outrage committed by the government. Their assault on our most basic social institutions is destroying thousands of years of culteral knowledge.

Vast social programs like Obamacare? Many-tentacled, octopus-like, regulatory bureaucracies? Any such legislation can be overturned with the stroke of a pen. How is it imposing Communism? I could say the same thing about Conservatives trying to tear down the wall between church and state and destroy this country by imposing a Christian Theocracy. Both statements are gross exaggerations. I responded to your accusation that Liberals are destroying America with the equally absurd accusation that Conservatives are doing the same. They both have the same evidential basis, which is very little. What does have backing is that the Conservatives are doing more harm than good.

Brainwashing mills? How exactly is that? And what "outrage" are you referring to? The only thing that has come about in the last decade or two that could possibly fit that description is the Patriot Act. More Republicans did and do favor it than Democrats. The Bill of Rights and the Constitution both remain intact, aside from that aberration. How are you being oppressed?

As for assault on basic social institutions, see Republicans. They want to defund everything that currently helps the poor, leave tax loopholes open for the rich so that middle and working class people pay instead, remove most restrictions on monetary contributions to campaigns and monetary lobbying. Some of them go so far as going back to full laissez-faire capitalism, which is a terrible idea. Look at the last few decades of the 19th century. It was so bad that, in different parts of the world, iit made Communism look good! Which is quite an achievement. Luckily, saner people realized that corporations need regulation, and that they can't account for all social needs.

I'll believe your claims about brainwashing if you can prove to me that a significant part of what is being taught in school contradicts reality, and then that outside sources are manipulated not to contradict them. But I have to wonder, if the Liberals were capable of that, then why haven't Conservatives been able to teach Creationism in school, given that they have similar resources? I'll believe your claim about a Communist takeover when you show me (without the slippery slope fallacy) how anything that's happening will lead to workers seizing assets from the rich and expanding the government to include all industry.

Most of your post basically used negative imagery and political buzzwords to assault Liberals without any real logical basis. I'd rather like to hear the train of thought that lead to this conclusion.
This thread is about Chicago and the violence it still experiences in spite of "gun control".

Seems there is more to cutting down on murder than just taking guns away or regulating them.

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