Happy Birthday Justice Thomas


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Great piece for a great man...Supreme court justice Clarence Thomas

For 16 years I sat patiently, I sat silently while they mercilessly slandered your name. For 16 years I sat patiently, I sat silently while they called you all manner of epithets: “Uncle Tom,” “Uncle Clarence Thomas,” “marginal,” “a joke,” “incompetent,” “a pornographer,” “traitor,” “a slave.” For 16 years I sat patiently, I sat silently while they caricatured you in blackface as “Aunt Jemima” and a diminutive lawn jockey on the cover of a national magazine (George Curry’s Emerge [now defunct]). For 16 years I sat patiently, I sat silently as propagandists like New York Times journalist Adam Cohen explained your 16 years of silence on the bench with claims like: “He is afraid that if he speaks he will reveal his ignorance about the case.”

For 16 years I sat patiently, I sat silently while our own people – black law professors, academics, doctors, lawyers, judges, civil rights activists, mayors, black preachers, teachers, federal and state employees, politicians, journalists, political commentators, Oprah – improved their public standing and launched lucrative careers vilifying your name without just cause … yet, I sat patiently, I sat silently … until now.

I consider Justice Clarence Thomas, born this day 59 years ago, one of the closest friends I will ever have in this life. However, he is not a friend in the traditional sense of knowing someone you grew up with, or even someone you see often or visit with regularly. I have never met the man. “Well, Ellis, if you never met Justice Thomas, how can you call him your ‘friend’?” Justice Thomas is my friend because 16 years ago when I was a freshman law student about to flunk out of law school, this man sent me letters of encouragement urging me “Onwards ever – backwards, never


Ellis Washington is a former staff editor of the Michigan Law Review and law clerk at the Rutherford Institute. He is a professor of Constitutional Law, Legal Ethics, and Contracts at the National Paralegal College, a counselor at the American College of Education, and a founding board member of Salt and Light Global. Washington is a co-host of "Joshua's Trial," a radio show of Christian conservative thought. A graduate of John Marshall Law School and post-grad work at Harvard Law School, his latest law review article is titled, "Social Darwinism in Nazi Family and Inheritance Law." Washington’s latest book is a 2-volume collection of essays and Socratic dialogues – "The Progressive Revolution" (University Press of America, 2013). Visit his popular law/political blog, "EllisWashingtonReport.com, an essential repository dedicated to educating the next generation of young conservative intellectuals

Justice Clarence Thomas ? my friend
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The nomination of Justice Thomas demonstrated for the world to see that the left only care about black liberals, and have pure unadulterated hatred for any minority that does not adhere to their political philosophy.

White liberals feel a complete sense of ease as they hurle racial slurs at black conservatives. Hypocrites and hateful bastards.
The nomination of Justice Thomas demonstrated for the world to see that the left only care about black liberals, and have pure unadulterated hatred for any minority that does not adhere to their political philosophy.

White liberals feel a complete sense of ease as they hurle racial slurs at black conservatives. Hypocrites and hateful bastards.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egTyaIAaqz8]Clarence Thomas High-Tech Lynching - YouTube[/ame]
Yearp, he's gettin up there. He should probably retire... Ya know, because he's so accomplished and he's earned some relaxation time... Right?

His ancestors were slaves. He and his family were oppressed by the Democrat Jim Crow South. For all of his accomplishments, he is smeared by elite liberals and fellow blacks and no cries of racism. Disagree with the policy of the grandson of "a typical white woman" who is currently President, somehow, one is racist. Admire Clarence Thomas and vote for Herman Cain and somehow, you are racist because you don't support the Irish guy in the White House.
His ancestors were slaves. He and his family were oppressed by the Democrat Jim Crow South. For all of his accomplishments, he is smeared by elite liberals and fellow blacks and no cries of racism. Disagree with the policy of the grandson of "a typical white woman" who is currently President, somehow, one is racist. Admire Clarence Thomas and vote for Herman Cain and somehow, you are racist because you don't support the Irish guy in the White House.

Justice Thomas is a real story up from nothing, not like privileged Obama the fraud.
Thomas is probably the worst piece of shit to ever sit on the SCOTUS bench. Anita Hill probably agrees...

BTW, there were more witnesses to testify against Thomas after Anita Hill, but when Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment, it scared the shit out of Senators like Biden and Kennedy - and the other women were never called. So, Clarence "Pubic Hair" Thomas got a free pass to the SCOTUS bench. I watched his confirmation hearings live - and it was disgusting. Thomas was probably even worse than President George H.W. Bush's previous dumb choice - Dan Quayle for VP.
Thomas is probably the worst piece of shit to ever sit on the SCOTUS bench. Anita Hill probably agrees...

BTW, there were more witnesses to testify against Thomas after Anita Hill, but when Thomas made his "high-tech lynching" comment, it scared the shit out of Senators like Biden and Kennedy - and the other women were never called. So, Clarence "Pubic Hair" Thomas got a free pass to the SCOTUS bench. I watched his confirmation hearings live - and it was disgusting. Thomas was probably even worse than President George H.W. Bush's previous dumb choice - Dan Quayle for VP.

I understand liberty is foreign concept to you:cuckoo:

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