Happy Birthday to the old harpy


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2009
The Free Texas Republic
An oldie but goodie.


Perhaps if she had campaigned outside of Bel Air and Beverly Hills...
She lost because fortunately, wise people know who and what she is.
She got votes because people are ignorant and easily manipulated and believe in such nonsense as identity politics where we supposedly "need" a President for no other reason than they have certain sex organs or are of a certain persuasion or color, instead of based on the reality of their qualifications or history or true intents.

Hillary Clinton is a globalist yearning to do the exact same thing to America that Angela Merkel did to Germany.

The Clintons are a scourge upon American politics & society.
She would have made a great President

Too bad America was gullible enough to be fooled by a birther reality show host
HIllary is one of the greatest women in American history

I wish her a happy birthday

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