Technically, America is different from "occupying someone else's land" because England doesn't own America anymore. America is more of "regular citizens without a country moving there to live". It's more of "Europeans without a country joining Native Americans & establishing a country".

Aside from that, I've always found Columbus to be more English than Italian. I didn't even know he was an Italian until Italians told me about it. Seems a little disgusting to me. Italy had no part in it. Feels more like Italians tagging along & mooching off American glory. Why Italian flag for Columbus? As someone who didn't know Columbus was Italian until Italians told me about it, Italian flag on Columbus day just feels like "Italy clinging to American glory".

You couldn't possibly have been that stupid back then. Seriously.
And as usual liberals tell us how they really feel about the founding of America. :2up:

Columbus founded America huh?


Not him specifically of course. Columbus represents the point at which modern Europeans came to this hemisphere, and of course which led to the eventual founding of America. You guys always pointing out the warts is indicative that you do not recognize the legitimacy of the country.
And as usual liberals tell us how they really feel about the founding of America. :2up:

Columbus founded America huh?


Not him specifically of course. Columbus represents the point at which modern Europeans came to this hemisphere, and of course which led to the eventual founding of America. You guys always pointing out the warts is indicative that you do not recognize the legitimacy of the country.

And what, pray, does Columbus have to do with that?
I never really cared about Columbus Day, and I won't care about a Native American Day if and when it comes. BUT, I'll be glad to start celebrating good ole Christopher if it will irritate a liberal.
And as usual liberals tell us how they really feel about the founding of America. :2up:

Columbus founded America huh?


Not him specifically of course. Columbus represents the point at which modern Europeans came to this hemisphere, and of course which led to the eventual founding of America. You guys always pointing out the warts is indicative that you do not recognize the legitimacy of the country.

And what, pray, does Columbus have to do with that?

Columbus is a representation of when Europeans began their exploration of this hemisphere.
Technically, America is different from "occupying someone else's land" because England doesn't own America anymore. America is more of "regular citizens without a country moving there to live". It's more of "Europeans without a country joining Native Americans & establishing a country".

Aside from that, I've always found Columbus to be more English than Italian. I didn't even know he was an Italian until Italians told me about it. Seems a little disgusting to me. Italy had no part in it. Feels more like Italians tagging along & mooching off American glory. Why Italian flag for Columbus? As someone who didn't know Columbus was Italian until Italians told me about it, Italian flag on Columbus day just feels like "Italy clinging to American glory".

You couldn't possibly have been that stupid back then. Seriously.

A condition that remains unchanged, apparently.
Latinos celebrate him and I know we're not supposed to offend them so we better do as they do
When I discover my new land I'm not just going to have a holiday named after me (Pop23 day), im buyin you all a .........

"Pop23 discovered a new land and all I got was this stupid T-Shirt" T-Shirt
Psst...passing on stds is NOT an act of genocide, morons. If it was we could throw 3/4 of the black population in the US into prison.

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