Feel free to post your parade pictures here

Breaking out your personal pictures from your first pride parade I see.
I wrote a newspaper piece many years ago about Columbus' actual impacts on the native population and got blowback from readers calling it a slur on Italian Americans. Even though I wrote nothing whatsoever about Italy, Spain or any other country. People will just plug in their own shit. Guess that hasn't changed.

WE don't celebrate Columbus for his impacts on the Amerindian tribes, dumb ass, just in case you have never figured that one out.

We celebrate him because had he not discovered the navigable rout to America from the old World using trade winds and latitude, the vast majority of us would either not be here because our ancestors starved to death or we would be living in some ditch in the Old World and starving there.

I know that probably brings a smile to your fuck hole, but that just conforms what a complete PC Nazi you are.
Happy Slaughter and Enslavement of Innocents day everyone.

On behalf of the Taino, Timucua, Arawak and several other tribes I'd just like to say:

On behalf of the Amerindian tribes who decided to make war on peaceful European settlers instead of living in mutual peace, I would like to say on their behalf......'UUUURRRRGGGLGLGLGLGGLGGLLGLGLG".
Happy Slaughter and Enslavement of Innocents day everyone.

On behalf of the Taino, Timucua, Arawak and several other tribes I'd just like to say:

On behalf of the Amerindian tribes who decided to make war on peaceful European settlers instead of living in mutual peace, I would like to say on their behalf......'UUUURRRRGGGLGLGLGLGGLGGLLGLGLG".
Most of the American Indian tribes did coexist peacefully with the settlers. Then the French and later the British paid the natives in liquor to kill the settlers. The settlers responded and we're off to the races.
I never really cared about Columbus Day, and I won't care about a Native American Day if and when it comes. BUT, I'll be glad to start celebrating good ole Christopher if it will irritate a liberal.
Celebrating Mass Murderers does tend to make liberals cranky...
Except when it's muslims murdering Americans. That makes them happy.
I guess you have no point at all unless you make one up.
I never really cared about Columbus Day, and I won't care about a Native American Day if and when it comes. BUT, I'll be glad to start celebrating good ole Christopher if it will irritate a liberal.
Celebrating Mass Murderers does tend to make liberals cranky...
Except when it's muslims murdering Americans. That makes them happy.
I guess you have no point at all unless you make one up.
Try again, airhead.
Boston Columbus Day Events 2015
Columbus Day Parade, Games, Festivals, Tours

Boston Columbus Day events provide lots of entertainment throughout the 3-day holiday weekend, which always includes the 2nd Monday of October.

In 2015, Columbus Day weekend includes Saturday October 10, Sunday October 11, and Monday, October 12 - although visitors start to arrive (and hotels book up) as early as Thursday.

I never really cared about Columbus Day, and I won't care about a Native American Day if and when it comes. BUT, I'll be glad to start celebrating good ole Christopher if it will irritate a liberal.
Celebrating Mass Murderers does tend to make liberals cranky...
Except when it's muslims murdering Americans. That makes them happy.
That's not true, of course, but the way these cultural self-haters and cultural-suicide types speed to the defense of Militant Islam is downright sickening.


As to Christopher Columbus...

The old boy deserves his holiday...

He is responsible for the founding of Nova Europa (the Western Hemisphere) as part of the mainstream global consciousness...

The proto-mongoloids who crossed the Bering Straights 10,000 years ago really don't count, given their Neolithic and nomad-hunter state...

Supposed earlier Nordic and Asian expeditions to the Western Hemisphere were never documented or exploited, so those don't count, either...

Ol' Chris was the first one to (1) successfully complete the perilous round-trip and (2) transfer his knowledge to society-at-large, so that it could be exploited...

The Europeans of old did one helluva job in exploiting that knowledge, and spawning offshoot societies in the Western Hemisphere that evolved far more quickly and in far more favorable directions than their mothership... Old Europe.

Today, if Europe fell, its people would flee to the New World by the millions, and Nova Europa would take them in, as long-lost (albeit foolish) cousins who had learned their lesson about admitting vipers into their midst.

None of that would have been possible without Christopher Columbus.

Thanks, Chris.

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