Happy Father's Day (For Those Still Legally Allowed To Have A Father)


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Happy Father's Day to most of you! For the rest of you under (lesbian "marriage") contract where you'll never have the hope of a father, for life, I'm sorry. :itsok: The US Supreme Court didn't want to hear your voices in 2015 :deal:
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Happy Father's Day to most of you! For the rest of you under contract where you'll never have the hope of a father, for life, I'm sorry. :itsok: The US Supreme Court didn't want to hear your voices in 2015 :deal:
The US fricking Supreme Court didn't make my Dad a fucking drunk that abandoned his family...Get real..
Kids of gay marriages get to celebrate Father’s Day twice
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Still beating that dead horse
Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Still beating that dead horse
Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
Just the managing conservatorship, which is not a marriage.
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Still beating that dead horse
Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
Why yes, you prefer your dysfunctional family to be straight we know...
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Still beating that dead horse
Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
But they get to double up on Mother’s Day

Net impact. Zero
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
But they get to double up on Mother’s Day

Net impact. Zero
Only if you're coming from a standpoint that fathers or mothers are uniquely irrelevant in a child's life. That opinion would fly in the face of tomes of research to the contrary... The net impact isn't zero.
Leave it to a rightwing bigot and ideologue to politicize and otherwise spoil Fathers’ Day.

Bigot apparently you are the bigot since you accused someone of being a bigot. Hypocrites always accuse others of who they really are themselves.
Leave it to a rightwing bigot and ideologue to politicize and otherwise spoil Fathers’ Day.

No you sick fkrs are the bigots, and bigots beyond repair. Mentally clipped a.h.


Gays Finally Telling the Truth: We’re Out to Destroy Marriage | Julie Roys
Happy Father's Day to most of you! For the rest of you under (lesbian "marriage") contract where you'll never have the hope of a father, for life, I'm sorry. :itsok: The US Supreme Court didn't want to hear your voices in 2015 :deal:
Was Cohen arrested today?

When you are a SELFISH POS you SUPPORT :

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage
Written By Micah Clark | 04.06.13

Even knowing that there are radicals in all movements, doesn’t lessen the startling admission recently by lesbian journalist Masha Gessen. On a radio show she actually admits that homosexual activists are lying about their radical political agenda. She says that they don’t want to access the institution of marriage; they want to radically redefine and eventually eliminate it.

Here is what she recently said on a radio interview:

“It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. …(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage
What stands out to me in all that isn't shocking at all with respect to their lying and their ulterior motives.

What is shocking is the use liberally of the word "we". Unified. As in, "CULT"...
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
But they get to double up on Mother’s Day

Net impact. Zero
Only if you're coming from a standpoint that fathers or mothers are uniquely irrelevant in a child's life. That opinion would fly in the face of tomes of research to the contrary... The net impact isn't zero.
No two adults are the same
Each brings unique parental skills

What kids need is parents who love them
The gay marriages, the two dads, one mom marriages this is all being engineered in order to destroy society .

You know how " ROME FELL" well when ppl don't know history it's easy to fool the idiots into believing anything no matter how wrong it is.

Wait until the marriage to a child hammer is dropped and these same idiots will make excuses as to why it's ok to do.

Until their own kid gets up the arse...............
Children whose fathers died before they were born are deprived of a father for life. They usually father-figure one in.
The gay marriages, the two dads, one mom marriages this is all being engineered in order to destroy society .

You know how " ROME FELL" well when ppl don't know history it's easy to fool the idiots into believing anything no matter how wrong it is.

Wait until the marriage to a child hammer is dropped and these same idiots will make excuses as to why it's ok to do.

Until their own kid gets up the arse...............
How did Rome fall?
Kids of lesbian "marriages" get to celebrate Father's Day ZERO.

Do lesbians "marrieds" have a contract binding themselves solely to each other for life, where any kids involved are also so bound?

The rhetorical question's answer is YES. So, therefore, children of lesbian "marriages" are legally bifurcated from a father for life. They are not legally allowed to have a father share their home. To do so would be polygamy.
But they get to double up on Mother’s Day

Net impact. Zero
Only if you're coming from a standpoint that fathers or mothers are uniquely irrelevant in a child's life. That opinion would fly in the face of tomes of research to the contrary... The net impact isn't zero.
No two adults are the same
Each brings unique parental skills

What kids need is parents who love them
…regardless of gender configuration.
Children whose fathers died before they were born are deprived of a father for life. They usually father-figure one in.
Women who have lost their husbands/kids' father to death or divorce are under no contract whatsoever to keep a father out of the home they share. The hope is there and the women usually do find a new father for the kids.

Not so in lesbian marriage. Are you suggesting polygamy? I mean kids encounter all types of males outside the home but there's nothing that can replace the riveted attention of a father on the safey and well being of his brood. Are you saying that today we should be celebrating "Whatever random guy Day"?

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