Happy May Day

This is what I call a May Day Celebration.

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American Workers have no voice. Between the Shitlibs and Kahnservatives who want to flood this country with cheap third world scab labor, and the Kahnservatives who want to remove minimum wage and every labor law fought for over the last 150 years, the American worker is getting it from all sides.

I dunno. A supermaj supports an increase in min wage. Bill Clinton is in damage control on his legacy on income inequality, and at the time, the balancing budget and declining rates really did give workers more disposable income. We pissed it way with the Boy Warrior King, but that's another story. He won with less than a majority and then rang up a war to hang onto a second term.

Obama is an elitist, but universal care was supposed to be a transfer from HC providers and insurors to cover uninsured. Sure, Pelosi mucked it up.

but they had JOBS to hire people who needed work...

today the unions may have all the fancy bennies but NO JOBS....isn't that why Detroit went bust...?

Lol whut? Sure you were treated like garbage but at least more people were sudjected to the garbage than they are now.

Thats your defense?

And the top employer now is Walmart...No benes but plenty of low paying jobs. But they will help you to get on welfare to balance it out
Take notes, America.

A belated tribute to Amerca's coal miners, America's workers, unionism, and the people past and present who fought and fight for them:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bGYUYC5AgU]Rosalie Sorrels As Aunt Molly Jackson - I Am A Union Woman - YouTube[/ame]
nice pics leftardz; those jobs are long gone now

what have you done in the last 50 or so years?

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