Happy Thanksgiving Harry Reid


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
I mean it harry.
You did the greatest service to the country in American history.
You allowed President Trump to install a tsunami of strict Conservative judges across the entire judicial system.
After Ruth croaks and Kennedy retires the country will have a strict Constitutionalist SC for DECADES!!!!!!!!
I told you all here that President Trump can eat over cooked steak and golf every day for the next 7 years as long as he keeps putting those conservative judges on the bench.
Already he, with Grassley's help are on a record breaking pace.
This my friends is the REAL reason the LIBs are desperate to get rid of Trump.
They are too fucking dumb to understand what President Pence would do.
He'd have every school kid in the country saying the Lord's Prayer twice a day! HAAAA HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory
This is why Progressive Communists have moved all in on the Moore lies. If they can control the Senate, they have a chance of eliminating the Constitution. They were one SCOTUS vote away

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