Happy Veterans Day 11 November 2019

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Old timers called Veteran's Day "Armistice Day", November 11, 1918 was the date of the armistice that ended WWI.

The day before the Americans and Germans agreed to cease fighting at 11 a.m, 11/11. The belligerents fought straight up to the deadline, shooting and killing each other right up to the appointed time which was already known by both sides.

At 10:55 they were actively and aggressively fighting, 11:05 it was all quiet on the western front and men from both sides were showing honor and shaking each others' hands congratulating themselves on a good war.
The picture of the man in the wheelchair reminds me of my Father who has since passed on. He was an infantryman who was in the 1st wave of landing craft to hit the beach during the invasion of Sicily.

I can't remember him speaking more than two sentences about the war. Years later I was going thru his stuff in the attic and found his Purple Heart and Bronze Star with V attachment in a box hidden with some clothes and other items. Not once had he mentioned being awarded these medals.

Growing up I never understood the man. But today, I can now understand why people refer to them as "The Greatest Generation". .. :thup:
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I remember the first Veteran's Day parade I saw as a kid. Big contingent of WWI fellows marching, but the highlight was the one Spanish-American war fellow riding in the back of a Cadillac convertible.
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It’s political correctness was excepted back in World War II we would all be speaking German now… fact
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It's amazing how much the public's perception has changed towards veterans over the years.

When we were discharged from the service as the Vietnam war was winding down. We were told not to wear our uniforms if taking public transportation to go back home because you might be attacked. ... :cool:
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It's amazing how much the public's perception has changed towards veterans over the years.

When we were discharged from the service as the Vietnam war was winding down. We were told not to wear our uniforms if taking public transportation to go back home because you might be attacked. ... :cool:

I bet you recall when returning vets were called 'baby killers'....

Now the entire Democrat Party wears that label proudly.

Every Democrat/Liberal/Progressive who parrots the company line will soon be in favor of this:

"Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it’s morally the same as abortion
Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012.

According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.”

The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed in the womb, the authors suggest a mother should have the chance to end the child’s life post-birth."
Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it's morally the same as abortion · Caldron Pool

Don't forget....this was Hussein Obama's view, too.
I remember the first Veteran's Day parade I saw as a kid. Big contingent of WWI fellows marching, but the highlight was the one Spanish-American war fellow riding in the back of a Cadillac convertible.

" Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican…
"The left detests all forms of patriotism, if you instill a love of America in a child it’s extremely unlikely they will identify with the Democratic party when they grow up.

(US News)— Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades. A new Harvard University studyfinds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans,turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. "
Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Energize Only GOP Voters, Increase Likelihood Kids Will Vote Republican… | Weasel Zippers

"Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats."
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It's amazing how much the public's perception has changed towards veterans over the years.

When we were discharged from the service as the Vietnam war was winding down. We were told not to wear our uniforms if taking public transportation to go back home because you might be attacked. ... :cool:

I bet you recall when returning vets were called 'baby killers'....

Now the entire Democrat Party wears that label proudly.

Every Democrat/Liberal/Progressive who parrots the company line will soon be in favor of this:

"Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it’s morally the same as abortion
Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012.

According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.”

The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed in the womb, the authors suggest a mother should have the chance to end the child’s life post-birth."
Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it's morally the same as abortion · Caldron Pool

Don't forget....this was Hussein Obama's view, too.
There is no evidence of anyone other than LBJ being called a baby killer and that happened after the My Lai massacre became public. Repeating a lie over and over...… you know the rest.
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It's amazing how much the public's perception has changed towards veterans over the years.

When we were discharged from the service as the Vietnam war was winding down. We were told not to wear our uniforms if taking public transportation to go back home because you might be attacked. ... :cool:
It took the '80's when Vietnam Veterans began making pilgrimages to the original "Wall", The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC dedicated in 1982. Vietnam Veterans opened old footlockers and boxes digging out old uniforms or visited surplus stores buying BDU's which they proudly emblazoned with their insignia's, ribbons, medals, patches, and pins. Added with a baseball-style hat with large Vietnam Veteran and Vietnam Campaign Ribbon, Vietnam Veterans were finally able to display their proud heritage and history in public without negative responses.

By 1988, an event for POW/MIA awareness was morphed into a huge "Welcome Home" parade and event which mushroomed into a yearly Welcome Home event drawing a quarter of a million participants every year for decades.
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It's amazing how much the public's perception has changed towards veterans over the years.

When we were discharged from the service as the Vietnam war was winding down. We were told not to wear our uniforms if taking public transportation to go back home because you might be attacked. ... :cool:

I bet you recall when returning vets were called 'baby killers'....

Now the entire Democrat Party wears that label proudly.

Every Democrat/Liberal/Progressive who parrots the company line will soon be in favor of this:

"Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it’s morally the same as abortion
Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012.

According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.”

The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed in the womb, the authors suggest a mother should have the chance to end the child’s life post-birth."
Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it's morally the same as abortion · Caldron Pool

Don't forget....this was Hussein Obama's view, too.
There is no evidence of anyone other than LBJ being called a baby killer and that happened after the My Lai massacre became public. Repeating a lie over and over...… you know the rest.

Yeah it happened and so did spitting on veterans

My Turn: This is how Vietnam veterans were treated
It's great how so many business places give discounts and even freebie's to veterans on Veterans Day. I suspect the vast majority of veterans do not take advantage of getting a free donut, a cup of coffee or meal, but some do and hopefully, the tradition will remain a way of saying thank you
It's amazing how much the public's perception has changed towards veterans over the years.

When we were discharged from the service as the Vietnam war was winding down. We were told not to wear our uniforms if taking public transportation to go back home because you might be attacked. ... :cool:

I bet you recall when returning vets were called 'baby killers'....

Now the entire Democrat Party wears that label proudly.

Every Democrat/Liberal/Progressive who parrots the company line will soon be in favor of this:

"Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it’s morally the same as abortion
Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012.

According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.”

The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed in the womb, the authors suggest a mother should have the chance to end the child’s life post-birth."
Academics argue: Mothers should be allowed to kill their newborns, it's morally the same as abortion · Caldron Pool

Don't forget....this was Hussein Obama's view, too.
There is no evidence of anyone other than LBJ being called a baby killer and that happened after the My Lai massacre became public. Repeating a lie over and over...… you know the rest.

Yeah it happened and so did spitting on veterans

My Turn: This is how Vietnam veterans were treated
You`ve got a story but zero evidence that anyone was spit on. Try again.
This day is hardly a happy one. With thousands of veterans homeless, killing themselves, and suffering mentally this should be a day of mourning. Sadly they were just disposable pawns for the Empire.

Just one of many horrendous consequences of a nation in perpetual war, solely for the benefit of the Oligarchs.

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