Hard rock women.

Hey. Howz Joey ? Jilly is going to the kings inauguration...Joey is "old".
It's over you idiots. You've been BS'd for 70 years
They have about 10 or 12 great songs on the 4 best albums.....and a bunch of what I would call Partridge Family filler stuff.....
Little Queen
Dreamboat Annie
Dog and Butterfly
Women in rock have a "tough row to hoe"... They have to assume the embodiment, (more often than not) of thier main consumers. Over sexed, highly driven men. Fact of the matter is... Pussy is getting scareser for the common man which will make him more extreme, and women in turn more provacative... World's really gonna get crazy in the next few tears. Men will not not go without pussy, (because they don't have to), and women will not go without children. Because they biologically refuse to.

Crazy times ahead...
Women in rock have a "tough row to hoe"... They have to assume the embodiment, (more often than not) of thier main consumers. Over sexed, highly driven men. Fact of the matter is... Pussy is getting scareser for the common man which will make him more extreme, and women in turn more provacative... World's really gonna get crazy in the next few tears. Men will not not go without pussy, (because they don't have to), and women will not go without children. Because they biologically refuse to.

Crazy times ahead...
Yes, women have become very aggressive. I have been hit on more in the past five years than in all my previous years as an adult.
Growing up in NE Ohio , I had the great fortune of seeing a lot of concerts especially working at the Richfield Coliseum ( which is now gone and part of The Cuyahoga Valley National Park)after school and weekends.....including Heart a few times, Fleetwood Mac, Pat Benatar, Jefferson Starhip..... and I always thought that there would be a lot more hard rock female acts to follow but most of the popular female music either went country or r&b. Not a big Nightwish fan even though Tarja Turenin is awesome.

But there aren't enough so I've been on a mission to discover more and here are a few I've come up with so far.

This is a Billy Idol cover

When I was a kid in the 80's, you were a fag if you listened to girl metal. :dunno:

This chick is pretty good, but her voice is a bit over affected. Its a family band of brothers and sisters.


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