Hard to find Fault with Trump

Do I wish Hillary was in Office? NO fuckin way...I'm loving this chaos and the inevitable of Trump and his supporters....although we've all seen this movie before...in HD is gonna be even better, eh?
I actually meant as you know, Hi-def, however, I like your take better, Nazi lover
I love it. I know you people are embarrassed that you were duped into voting for such an immature crybaby in Trump. Bannin Muslims from countries that has not sent us any terrorist that killed an American on US soil while sparing others from counties that actually did. Because he has business interests there.

He wants financial advisors to rip off their clients. Really people. You are for that?

Then there is the Bowling Green Massacre, the terrible mess of his travel ban, his constant lying ( My Inauguration crowd was the largest ever),3 million illegals voted for Clinton, he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

You know you people are embarrassed of the loud mouth buffoon you put in the White House.

H picked a fight with Australia. He insulted Mexico. He's trying to gin up a war with Iran while giving Putin a pass in his new aggression in the Ukraine.

Steve Bannon.
--------------------------------------------------------------- thankyou , you just listed most of the reasons that ' I ' voted for President Trump , its good to see some of the list in print RealDave !!
I love it. I know you people are embarrassed that you were duped into voting for such an immature crybaby in Trump. Bannin Muslims from countries that has not sent us any terrorist that killed an American on US soil while sparing others from counties that actually did. Because he has business interests there.

He wants financial advisors to rip off their clients. Really people. You are for that?

Then there is the Bowling Green Massacre, the terrible mess of his travel ban, his constant lying ( My Inauguration crowd was the largest ever),3 million illegals voted for Clinton, he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

You know you people are embarrassed of the loud mouth buffoon you put in the White House.

H picked a fight with Australia. He insulted Mexico. He's trying to gin up a war with Iran while giving Putin a pass in his new aggression in the Ukraine.

Steve Bannon.

If they tell themselves the same lies over an over it becomes truth to them. No one likes to admit they made a mistake, and well he has really only done things for the elties, not the working man. The GOP is having a hayday in congress undoing what Obama has done.

The severely Mentally Ill can have guns, the miners can pollute the streams, eased lending for his buddies, and said oil companies do not have to disclose lobby money from foreign countries. He is not going to mess with the cost of prescription meds and the GOP are squashing unions, and have changed full time to 40 hours a week.
I find funny how liberals are still posting polls. CNN even started their broadcast the other day by sighting Trumps bad poll numbers. Did liberals learn nothing when it comes to polls? They keep repeating the same useless shit over and over.
The problem with die hard Trump supporters, who overwhelmingly are whites, especially middle aged white men......is that you're cherry picking all the shit Trump promised and delivered on. He planned an attack, without asking anyone, with no details whatsoever, that caused lives. He still hasn't released his taxes, he lies like a 2 year old, acts like a retard, the wall is still a pipe dream, deporting 10 million illegals, another pipe dream, still haven't delivered ONE GOOD PAYING JOB, just temporarily scared business's waiting for the nut to sleep so they can sneak out the country to cheap labor and and and his biggest promise, make Merica great again...thus far, America is the laughing stock in the world and the only great thing about it, thus far, white men are happy..who have their retirements set in motion and nothing to worry about.

If the attack you refer to was the Yemen attack, that was planned on Obama's watch. The rest of your racist bullshit isn't worth discussing.
I love it. I know you people are embarrassed that you were duped into voting for such an immature crybaby in Trump. Bannin Muslims from countries that has not sent us any terrorist that killed an American on US soil while sparing others from counties that actually did. Because he has business interests there.

He wants financial advisors to rip off their clients. Really people. You are for that?

Then there is the Bowling Green Massacre, the terrible mess of his travel ban, his constant lying ( My Inauguration crowd was the largest ever),3 million illegals voted for Clinton, he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

You know you people are embarrassed of the loud mouth buffoon you put in the White House.

H picked a fight with Australia. He insulted Mexico. He's trying to gin up a war with Iran while giving Putin a pass in his new aggression in the Ukraine.

Steve Bannon.

If they tell themselves the same lies over an over it becomes truth to them. No one likes to admit they made a mistake, and well he has really only done things for the elties, not the working man. The GOP is having a hayday in congress undoing what Obama has done.

The severely Mentally Ill can have guns, the miners can pollute the streams, eased lending for his buddies, and said oil companies do not have to disclose lobby money from foreign countries. He is not going to mess with the cost of prescription meds and the GOP are squashing unions, and have changed full time to 40 hours a week.
If you are against it, I know it's good for America. Your kind was voted out in November. So shut up and let the adults take over. The man child you worship was a total failure.
The problem with die hard Trump supporters, who overwhelmingly are whites, especially middle aged white men......is that you're cherry picking all the shit Trump promised and delivered on. He planned an attack, without asking anyone, with no details whatsoever, that caused lives. He still hasn't released his taxes, he lies like a 2 year old, acts like a retard, the wall is still a pipe dream, deporting 10 million illegals, another pipe dream, still haven't delivered ONE GOOD PAYING JOB, just temporarily scared business's waiting for the nut to sleep so they can sneak out the country to cheap labor and and and his biggest promise, make Merica great again...thus far, America is the laughing stock in the world and the only great thing about it, thus far, white men are happy..who have their retirements set in motion and nothing to worry about.

If the attack you refer to was the Yemen attack, that was planned on Obama's watch. The rest of your racist bullshit isn't worth discussing.

Too funny I also see his protests his properties assessed values, and argues it much less, yet he boasts how much he is worth.

He is not a man of his word, his word means nothing.
The problem with die hard Trump supporters, who overwhelmingly are whites, especially middle aged white men......is that you're cherry picking all the shit Trump promised and delivered on. He planned an attack, without asking anyone, with no details whatsoever, that caused lives. He still hasn't released his taxes, he lies like a 2 year old, acts like a retard, the wall is still a pipe dream, deporting 10 million illegals, another pipe dream, still haven't delivered ONE GOOD PAYING JOB, just temporarily scared business's waiting for the nut to sleep so they can sneak out the country to cheap labor and and and his biggest promise, make Merica great again...thus far, America is the laughing stock in the world and the only great thing about it, thus far, white men are happy..who have their retirements set in motion and nothing to worry about.

If the attack you refer to was the Yemen attack, that was planned on Obama's watch. The rest of your racist bullshit isn't worth discussing.

Too funny I also see his protests his properties assessed values, and argues it much less, yet he boasts how much he is worth.

He is not a man of his word, his word means nothing.

I guess that is why he is keeping his campaign promises.

Why do millions think Trump is the savior of the working class?
Why do millions of white working class and middle class people believe that Donald Trump cares about them? On the surface of it, it really is mystifying.

“It is hard not to laugh, to see President Trump alongside these Wall Street guys. I have to say this Jake, and I don’t mean to be disrespectful, this guy is a fraud.”

— Sen. Bernie Sanders, in an interview on CNN.
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