Hard Work or Liberalism?

I can't fathom this PoliticalChic person. He/she rails on and on against welfare--somehow blaming it on liberals. Her/his assumption is that welfare equals laziness.

Well, perhaps it does, but I have some comments.

I don't know of anyone else on this message board that dedicates so much time and effort to posting voluminous explanations of their opinions. I have the feeling that "PoliticalChic" certainly isn't a productive person otherwise. Welfare recipient, perhaps?

Also, welfare is a hallmark of the modern American capitalist/fascist economic system. Welfare payments keep people poor, but it also keeps them from rising in revolt against the uneven economic system. Welfare is like religion--it is the opiate of the masses.

Finally, in this red state I live in, nearly all the welfare recipients I know are Republicans. They get disability (too fat to work), they get subsidies (farmers are the ultimate welfare recipients), and they get food stamps (the uneducated red state masses make very low incomes).

Just some thoughts for ya, PoliticalChic, because you seem to have an abundance of free time on your hands.
And we find PC running into a corner of her own making and accusing others for her foibles.

Tell us why the liberals want to keep the poor poor.

Tell us why Carter understands the Christ far better than you.

Tell 'us'???

Why are you so fearful of standing alone?

C'mon, gutless....ask me for proof that Liberals want to keep the poor poor.
You have no proof for your silly premise.

God will tell you on Judgement Day, "Why were you not half the Christian as Jimmy Carter when you had the opportunity."
That comes from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s biographical bookFarmer Boy." Choose Hard Work Or Comfy Gratification - theTrumpet.com

By the 1880's capitalist giants decided a new push in society was needed, one that took the hard working independent farmer and the American way of live of being thrifty..What was needed was a society based on massive consumerism.....Looks like the capitalist got their whey....Why even the ACA was created to pay for the income loss experienced by the for profit medical corporations, not to mention the financial industry's ability to have the tax payer support their losses.....

But hey, those are big guys, and Polivinyl chic doesn't want too step on big toes, so she picks on little ones, those citizens that are working and getting SNAP benefits...why they are just the most horrible people, next to Oblama who has the unmitigated gull to give those that ask the same as any other president since welfare was made available....
But not a word about welfare for corporations...So this so called christian is just another fuck the poor, anything for the rich bitches kinda gal....

I love it when jealous morons go on about how terrible capitalism is!

. Need an example of this utopianism, and the Left’s willingness to destroy what is provably good, in the hope of finding this imaginary utopia?

Michael Moore tells CNN's Anderson Cooper that capitalism “is an evil system set up to benefit the few at the expense of the many….

"So, what system do you want?" Anderson Cooper asked Moore. "Well there's no system right now that exists. We're going to create that system.” Michael Moore We re Going To Replace Capitalism As We Know It RealClearPolitics

So don't waste you time here, boyyeeeee,,,,,,

,,,,get to work with your pal, and Jimmy Carter's pal, MIchael Moore, and tell everyone what the new system you've come up with, and how it's better than capitalism.

Shall I wait, or go on with a long and fruitful life?
I didn't say capitalism was bad, it has it's good and bad aspects just like any system......I merely stated fact about the diff between the Civil War era American consumer versus a period just 20 years later and the philosophy of the market...

You miss the point....

...unlike you,Carter, and the rest of the Liberals, I don't want the poor to remain poor.
Neither did nor do I.. I had to start life in poverty, yet by education and hard work I rose above that position in life, but I had to want to do it, it's not something everyone will do.Even a rich man can be lazy and idle....Then comes the true side of the person practicing Christian philosophy must split hairs...Do I condemn those that do not live by my idea as what is important and vital or do I give love and support hoping and praying that they will see the light???
Hard work is for saps and suckers.

Work smarter, not harder and always put your own needs ahead of your bosses.


So...you don't have the anatomical structures to risk your own time and treasure, huh?

Bet you think America needs more simpletons like you.

Let's hear about the business you run, Toots.

1. Let's begin with what we know about you: you work for someone else, a 'boss,' and you haven't the integrity to work as hard and as well as you can in said employ: you admitted that in the earlier post.

2. Since you haven't started your own business, you are either less capable or less courageous than that 'boss.'

3. You'd like to know why I have no 'boss'?
It all began when I was fooling around with the spinning wheel, and figured out how to spin straw into gold........

...there was that notorious kerfuffle with that obnoxious dwarf...but otherwise, I remain independently and excessively wealthy.

If you were really "independently and excessively wealthy" as you claim, you'd be living in Manhattan and not in Brooklyn with the rest of the losers.
I can't fathom this PoliticalChic person. He/she rails on and on against welfare--somehow blaming it on liberals. Her/his assumption is that welfare equals laziness.

Well, perhaps it does, but I have some comments.

I don't know of anyone else on this message board that dedicates so much time and effort to posting voluminous explanations of their opinions. I have the feeling that "PoliticalChic" certainly isn't a productive person otherwise. Welfare recipient, perhaps?

Also, welfare is a hallmark of the modern American capitalist/fascist economic system. Welfare payments keep people poor, but it also keeps them from rising in revolt against the uneven economic system. Welfare is like religion--it is the opiate of the masses.

Finally, in this red state I live in, nearly all the welfare recipients I know are Republicans. They get disability (too fat to work), they get subsidies (farmers are the ultimate welfare recipients), and they get food stamps (the uneducated red state masses make very low incomes).

Just some thoughts for ya, PoliticalChic, because you seem to have an abundance of free time on your hands.

1. "I don't know of anyone else on this message board that dedicates so much time and effort to posting voluminous explanations of their opinions."
Yes, I am one-of-a-kind.

2. "...against welfare--somehow blaming it on liberals. Her/his assumption is that welfare equals laziness.

Well, perhaps it does,..."
That's a point for you.

3. "...I have the feeling that "PoliticalChic" certainly isn't a productive person otherwise. Welfare recipient, perhaps?"
See...now you lost that point.
You admitted earlier that I am productive in the venue I've chosen to be productive.

4. "...welfare is a hallmark of the modern American capitalist/fascist economic system..."
And now you've failed Political Economics 101....capitalism is the very opposite of Liberalism/Fascism.
The former honors the individual, the latter the government and the collective.

5. "...it also keeps them from rising in revolt against the uneven economic system..."
Only a government school grad could write that.

"Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong! Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes."
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.

6. "Finally, in this red state I live in, nearly all the welfare recipients I know are Republicans."
Even you know that this is not true system-wide:
"81% of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic – and that’s just the tip of the handout iceberg"
81 of people receiving public housing benefits vote Democratic and that s just the tip of the handout iceberg Rare

Now....is that 'productive' or what!!!
Hard work is for saps and suckers.

Work smarter, not harder and always put your own needs ahead of your bosses.


So...you don't have the anatomical structures to risk your own time and treasure, huh?

Bet you think America needs more simpletons like you.

Let's hear about the business you run, Toots.

1. Let's begin with what we know about you: you work for someone else, a 'boss,' and you haven't the integrity to work as hard and as well as you can in said employ: you admitted that in the earlier post.

2. Since you haven't started your own business, you are either less capable or less courageous than that 'boss.'

3. You'd like to know why I have no 'boss'?
It all began when I was fooling around with the spinning wheel, and figured out how to spin straw into gold........

...there was that notorious kerfuffle with that obnoxious dwarf...but otherwise, I remain independently and excessively wealthy.

If you were really "independently and excessively wealthy" as you claim, you'd be living in Manhattan and not in Brooklyn with the rest of the losers.

Is there a China Town in Manhattan?

You miss the point....

...unlike you,Carter, and the rest of the Liberals, I don't want the poor to remain poor.
Neither did nor do I.. I had to start life in poverty, yet by education and hard work I rose above that position in life, but I had to want to do it, it's not something everyone will do.Even a rich man can be lazy and idle....Then comes the true side of the person practicing Christian philosophy must split hairs...Do I condemn those that do not live by my idea as what is important and vital or do I give love and support hoping and praying that they will see the light???

1. "...education and hard work ...."
And there is the validation of this thread.

2. "it's not something everyone will do."
So....why reward that?

3. ".Do I condemn those that do not live by my idea as what is important and vital or do I give love and support hoping and praying that they will see the light???"
I'd rather fight with you....but God bless you.

What you've left out is preaching to those folks and giving them the moral instruction that would better their lives.

4. Before FDR, charity was handled in a different way.
During the mid 19th century, Western culture absorbed a body blow with the growth of materialism, Marxism, which joined with the French Revolution's attempt to displace religion with reason and science. Of course, the problem for human endeavors is that none of the three, materialism, reason, nor science, are guided by morality.
In the earlier times, as Gertrude Himmelfarb explains: "There was nothing invidious in being preached to. What was invidious was not being preached to, not having access to the kinds of moral, religious and communal experiences that were a normal part of life for those not so poor as to be deprived of them".
A stark reversal was the result of the new emphasis on materialism, actually producing folks who rail about 'religion being forced down their throat.' Quite an exaggeration, I believe.

Marvin Olasky, in "The Tragedy of American Compassion"
Hard work is for saps and suckers.

Work smarter, not harder and always put your own needs ahead of your bosses.


So...you don't have the anatomical structures to risk your own time and treasure, huh?

Bet you think America needs more simpletons like you.

Let's hear about the business you run, Toots.

1. Let's begin with what we know about you: you work for someone else, a 'boss,' and you haven't the integrity to work as hard and as well as you can in said employ: you admitted that in the earlier post.

2. Since you haven't started your own business, you are either less capable or less courageous than that 'boss.'

3. You'd like to know why I have no 'boss'?
It all began when I was fooling around with the spinning wheel, and figured out how to spin straw into gold........

...there was that notorious kerfuffle with that obnoxious dwarf...but otherwise, I remain independently and excessively wealthy.

If you were really "independently and excessively wealthy" as you claim, you'd be living in Manhattan and not in Brooklyn with the rest of the losers.

It was difficult to find enough land in Manhattan where the code allowed for the castle and moat.

"5 Great Neighborhoods in Brooklyn"
5 Great Neighborhoods in Brooklyn Places HGTV FrontDoor

And, no....we won't let you in.
You have no proof for your silly premise.

God will tell you on Judgement Day, "Why were you not half the Christian as Jimmy Carter when you had the opportunity."


Of course I do, you fool.


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.
Top 10 Poorest Cities run by Democrats Scattershooting

How's that for 'in your face,' Jakal
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It's all about understanding human nature.
For most of us.....heck, if someone is ready to give stuff away.....we're ready to take it. With no thought to how it weakens our character.

Obama's election victories are based on that.

But how happy with oneself can one be being dependent on others for their daily bread?

1.".. since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.
Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."

From LBJ on, the free give-aways, incentivizing the sort of behaviors that cause poverty rather than cure it, have been exactly the opposite of what made America great.
We were the land of opportunity, and that's what brought masses of immigrants.

Hard work, and the freedom to choose what is best or each, helped move folks up the ladder.

Here's one version:

2. "America, 1860s. On his family’s farm in upstate New York, 9-year-old Almanzo Wilder grows up—working. He embraces considerable responsibility, and he yearns for more. Then the boy receives an offer of apprenticeship from the owner of the wagon shop in town.

Almanzo’s father explains to him the benefits of the shop job versus farming: an easier life, shelter from the weather, fewer worries, plenty to eat, money in the bank. “But there’s the other side, too, Almanzo,” James Wilder says. “You’d have to depend on other folks, son, in town. Everything you got, you’d get from other folks. A farmer depends on himself, and the land and the weather. If you’re a farmer, you raise what you eat, you raise what you wear, and you keep warm with wood out of your own timber. You work hard, but you work as you please, and no man can tell you to go or come. You’ll be free and independent, son, on a farm.”

That comes from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s biographical bookFarmer Boy." Choose Hard Work Or Comfy Gratification - theTrumpet.com

3. But isn't it better if the government simply gives folks what they want?
So saith the Liberals/Progressives/ Democrats:
a. "Pelosi: Obamacare allows workers to ‘escape’ their jobs
The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare will take people out of the labor force — and the law’s supporters say that’s a good thing." Pelosi Obamacare allows workers to escape their jobs The Daily Caller

b. "Pelosi: We Must Pass Obamacare So Artists Can Quit Their Day Jobs PELOSI: Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or, eh, a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance, or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk but not [be] job-locked because a child has asthma or someone in the family is bipolar. You name it. Any condition is job-blocking. " Pelosi We Must Pass Obamacare So Artists Can Quit Their Day Jobs - The Rush Limbaugh Show

How far can this plan go?
Where does the money come from?

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
Margaret Thatcher

Food costs were $74 billion last year - twice its cost in 2008.

Margaret Thatcher's wisdom seems to make no sense to those on entitlements. We wouldn't be in this mess if Hussein had not come into power and encouraged financial dependency through high taxes and stiff regulations on those evil businesses and the resulting loss of job creation. Votes for power. That's what makes this all so sickening. Obama's America is designed to reduce us to lower than a Third World country. Then he can rise and take total dictatorial control, as the sheeple will have no power. They let him remove theirs, when they cast their votes for him, or worse, didn't vote against him. Romney would have saved us from this ruination.
4. Warning about the dangers of Liberalism go back to earliest times in our nation. Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.”

As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

While Tocqueville wrote that well before communist John Dewey had the Socialist Party change its name to Liberal....and become the modern Liberals of today, he so completely described this Liberalism under a different name.

None can fail to note how apt the description is.

I particularly liked this part: "...relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking ..."
And so it is.
It's all about understanding human nature.
For most of us.....heck, if someone is ready to give stuff away.....we're ready to take it. With no thought to how it weakens our character.

Obama's election victories are based on that.

But how happy with oneself can one be being dependent on others for their daily bread?

1.".. since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.
Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."

From LBJ on, the free give-aways, incentivizing the sort of behaviors that cause poverty rather than cure it, have been exactly the opposite of what made America great.
We were the land of opportunity, and that's what brought masses of immigrants.

Hard work, and the freedom to choose what is best or each, helped move folks up the ladder.

Here's one version:

2. "America, 1860s. On his family’s farm in upstate New York, 9-year-old Almanzo Wilder grows up—working. He embraces considerable responsibility, and he yearns for more. Then the boy receives an offer of apprenticeship from the owner of the wagon shop in town.

Almanzo’s father explains to him the benefits of the shop job versus farming: an easier life, shelter from the weather, fewer worries, plenty to eat, money in the bank. “But there’s the other side, too, Almanzo,” James Wilder says. “You’d have to depend on other folks, son, in town. Everything you got, you’d get from other folks. A farmer depends on himself, and the land and the weather. If you’re a farmer, you raise what you eat, you raise what you wear, and you keep warm with wood out of your own timber. You work hard, but you work as you please, and no man can tell you to go or come. You’ll be free and independent, son, on a farm.”

That comes from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s biographical bookFarmer Boy." Choose Hard Work Or Comfy Gratification - theTrumpet.com

3. But isn't it better if the government simply gives folks what they want?
So saith the Liberals/Progressives/ Democrats:
a. "Pelosi: Obamacare allows workers to ‘escape’ their jobs
The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare will take people out of the labor force — and the law’s supporters say that’s a good thing." Pelosi Obamacare allows workers to escape their jobs The Daily Caller

b. "Pelosi: We Must Pass Obamacare So Artists Can Quit Their Day Jobs PELOSI: Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or, eh, a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance, or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk but not [be] job-locked because a child has asthma or someone in the family is bipolar. You name it. Any condition is job-blocking. " Pelosi We Must Pass Obamacare So Artists Can Quit Their Day Jobs - The Rush Limbaugh Show

How far can this plan go?
Where does the money come from?

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
Margaret Thatcher

Food costs were $74 billion last year - twice its cost in 2008.

Margaret Thatcher's wisdom seems to make no sense to those on entitlements. We wouldn't be in this mess if Hussein had not come into power and encouraged financial dependency through high taxes and stiff regulations on those evil businesses and the resulting loss of job creation. Votes for power. That's what makes this all so sickening. Obama's America is designed to reduce us to lower than a Third World country. Then he can rise and take total dictatorial control, as the sheeple will have no power. They let him remove theirs, when they cast their votes for him, or worse, didn't vote against him. Romney would have saved us from this ruination.


None can deny those facts......which leaves us with the puzzle of how American could have voted for what was clearly a failed governance.

I would feel so much better about our people if evidence came out that the election was stolen and the numbers fabricated.
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It's all about understanding human nature.
For most of us.....heck, if someone is ready to give stuff away.....we're ready to take it. With no thought to how it weakens our character.

Obama's election victories are based on that.

But how happy with oneself can one be being dependent on others for their daily bread?

1.".. since President Obama took office, federal welfare spending has increased by 41 percent, more than $193 billion per year. Despite this government largess, more than 46 million Americans continue to live in poverty. Despite nearly $15 trillion in total welfare spending since Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty in 1964, the poverty rate is perilously close to where we began more than 40 years ago.
Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."

From LBJ on, the free give-aways, incentivizing the sort of behaviors that cause poverty rather than cure it, have been exactly the opposite of what made America great.
We were the land of opportunity, and that's what brought masses of immigrants.

Hard work, and the freedom to choose what is best or each, helped move folks up the ladder.

Here's one version:

2. "America, 1860s. On his family’s farm in upstate New York, 9-year-old Almanzo Wilder grows up—working. He embraces considerable responsibility, and he yearns for more. Then the boy receives an offer of apprenticeship from the owner of the wagon shop in town.

Almanzo’s father explains to him the benefits of the shop job versus farming: an easier life, shelter from the weather, fewer worries, plenty to eat, money in the bank. “But there’s the other side, too, Almanzo,” James Wilder says. “You’d have to depend on other folks, son, in town. Everything you got, you’d get from other folks. A farmer depends on himself, and the land and the weather. If you’re a farmer, you raise what you eat, you raise what you wear, and you keep warm with wood out of your own timber. You work hard, but you work as you please, and no man can tell you to go or come. You’ll be free and independent, son, on a farm.”

That comes from Laura Ingalls Wilder’s biographical bookFarmer Boy." Choose Hard Work Or Comfy Gratification - theTrumpet.com

3. But isn't it better if the government simply gives folks what they want?
So saith the Liberals/Progressives/ Democrats:
a. "Pelosi: Obamacare allows workers to ‘escape’ their jobs
The Congressional Budget Office says Obamacare will take people out of the labor force — and the law’s supporters say that’s a good thing." Pelosi Obamacare allows workers to escape their jobs The Daily Caller

b. "Pelosi: We Must Pass Obamacare So Artists Can Quit Their Day Jobs PELOSI: Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or, eh, a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance, or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk but not [be] job-locked because a child has asthma or someone in the family is bipolar. You name it. Any condition is job-blocking. " Pelosi We Must Pass Obamacare So Artists Can Quit Their Day Jobs - The Rush Limbaugh Show

How far can this plan go?
Where does the money come from?

“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
Margaret Thatcher

Food costs were $74 billion last year - twice its cost in 2008.

Margaret Thatcher's wisdom seems to make no sense to those on entitlements. We wouldn't be in this mess if Hussein had not come into power and encouraged financial dependency through high taxes and stiff regulations on those evil businesses and the resulting loss of job creation. Votes for power. That's what makes this all so sickening. Obama's America is designed to reduce us to lower than a Third World country. Then he can rise and take total dictatorial control, as the sheeple will have no power. They let him remove theirs, when they cast their votes for him, or worse, didn't vote against him. Romney would have saved us from this ruination.


None can deny those facts......which leaves us with the puzzle of how American could have voted for what was clearly a failed governance.

I would feel so much better about our people if evidence came out that the election was stolen and the numbers fabricated.

Yes, it would be good to see the truth come out. I would rather see that than to know how many stupid people voted to reelect their ultimate enemy.
The U.S. has been dependent on consumer spending and heavy borrowing during the last three decades or so.
At what point do we begin to examine what Liberalism has done to the American character?

5. "... America has millions of people on federal, state and local government payrolls, comprising the biggest sector of the national economy. Additional millions are even more dependent, living on handouts from myriad government social programs, welfare, continuous unemployment benefits, nationalized retirement funds and health-care entitlements."
Choose Hard Work Or Comfy Gratification - theTrumpet.com

Those who have been paying attention have noted that Britain tends to be our 'canary in the coal mine,' predating our problems:

"In Britain the millstone of socialist entitlements is even heavier..... these programs create as many problems as they purport to solve. Misguided welfare policies reward single mothers more than intact families. And since they subsidize it, they get more of it: Britain’s welfare system has patently created a surge in broken homes.

Britain pays 2.6 million people for being sick and incapable; over half a million of them are thought to be able to work, but unwilling. A hundred thousand on sick benefit are between ages16 and 24.Three fourths of these youngsters are suspected of faking their sicknesses.

.... suffering an exploding epidemic of 16-to-24-year-olds who aren’t going to school and aren’t working—and a simultaneous epidemic of youth antisocial and even criminal behavior.

Government tends to create dependents in order to justify and amplify its own existence. It promises the kind of freedoms Anglo-Americans have come to crave—freedom from responsibility, from work, from consequences. But the more we depend on government, the more we surrender our actual freedom—and compromise our character, and shrink within the confines of childhood in the shadow of the nanny state. " Choose Hard Work Or Comfy Gratification - theTrumpet.com
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