Harmful effects of the gay marriages

They aren't homophobic. They're just assholes.

Are you on permanent leave from one of those Hassidic schools in Brooklyn? You know the ones I'm talking about.

You're a disgusting person. My wish for you is that you are never on the receiving end of the despicable behavior that you display against others. God help your soul.

Oh boy, that struck a nerve. Why am I not surprised?

Because deep down you know someone would eventually call you out for being an insufferable asshole.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder that requires professional treatment. Unfortunately, part of the disorder has a tendency to cause patients to believe that the mental disease is "normal" leaving the patients with the idea that they don't need treatment. It's a vicious cycle. It would be tragic to place an orphan into the arms of anyone with a known mental disorder. The child could be harmed in the process or at the very least grow up in very confusing circumstances.

Claiming homosexuality is a mental disorder is a mental disorder(homophobia) that requires professional treatment.

Unfortunately part of homophobia is the tendency to cause the sufferers to believe that the mental disease is 'normal' leaving the patients with the idea that they don't need treatment. It's a vicious cycle of bigotry. It would be tragic to let these people walk in public without supervision, as cars could be harmed by blindness.

Normal relationships between a man and a woman have been the acceptable and natural norm since Adam and Eve. The Human Race would not exist if not for this natural and normal interaction between the opposite sexes. Queerism has always been deemed unnatural, immoral, and a reflection of mankind's lost sense of morality and normalcy. Your failure to recognize these age-old facts proves my earlier point that you are blinded by the disorder that plagues you and others. You want badly to believe that is okay but, sadly, it is not.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

Sounds like you're sharing some personal testimony.

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

I don't have any problem with gays getting married, but really I don't think it's a very good idea to bring children into it if you could avoid doing so. It is just rather selfish, don't you think? Putting your needs ahead of those of your child? Wait until your children are grown and better able to understand before dragging them into such a confusing situation.
Seems to me every homosexual on Earth was created by heterosexual parents. Consequently, there's no logic or support to the belief that gay parents who adopt will raise gay children any more than straight parents already do.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

I don't have any problem with gays getting married, but really I don't think it's a very good idea to bring children into it if you could avoid doing so. It is just rather selfish, don't you think? Putting your needs ahead of those of your child? Wait until your children are grown and better able to understand before dragging them into such a confusing situation.

Seriously- you must not be a parent. I am- I have been happily married to my lovely wife for over 20 years and we have a fantastic child. There is nothing selfish about deciding to be a dedicated parent. Being a good parent requires devotion, time and sacrifice- just planning on sending your children to college requires a huge amount of financial sacrifice and dedication.

I applaud anyone who makes the decision to dedicate their lives to being a good parent. Even more so those who choose to adopt those children abandoned by their 'blood' parents.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

Sounds like you're sharing some personal testimony.

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Or is this just your imagination.
Homosexuality is a mental disorder that requires professional treatment. Unfortunately, part of the disorder has a tendency to cause patients to believe that the mental disease is "normal" leaving the patients with the idea that they don't need treatment. It's a vicious cycle. It would be tragic to place an orphan into the arms of anyone with a known mental disorder. The child could be harmed in the process or at the very least grow up in very confusing circumstances.

Claiming homosexuality is a mental disorder is a mental disorder(homophobia) that requires professional treatment.

Unfortunately part of homophobia is the tendency to cause the sufferers to believe that the mental disease is 'normal' leaving the patients with the idea that they don't need treatment. It's a vicious cycle of bigotry. It would be tragic to let these people walk in public without supervision, as cars could be harmed by blindness.

Normal relationships between a man and a woman have been the acceptable and natural norm since Adam and Eve. The Human Race would not exist if not for this natural and normal interaction between the opposite sexes. Queerism has always been deemed unnatural, immoral, and a reflection of mankind's lost sense of morality and normalcy. Your failure to recognize these age-old facts proves my earlier point that you are blinded by the disorder that plagues you and others. You want badly to believe that is okay but, sadly, it is not.

Claiming homosexuality is a mental disorder is a mental disorder(homophobia) that requires professional treatment.

Unfortunately part of homophobia is the tendency to cause the sufferers to believe that the mental disease is 'normal' leaving the patients with the idea that they don't need treatment. It's a vicious cycle of bigotry. It would be tragic to let these people walk in public without supervision, as cars could be harmed by blindness
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

I don't have any problem with gays getting married, but really I don't think it's a very good idea to bring children into it if you could avoid doing so. It is just rather selfish, don't you think? Putting your needs ahead of those of your child? Wait until your children are grown and better able to understand before dragging them into such a confusing situation.

Seriously- you must not be a parent. I am- I have been happily married to my lovely wife for over 20 years and we have a fantastic child. There is nothing selfish about deciding to be a dedicated parent. Being a good parent requires devotion, time and sacrifice- just planning on sending your children to college requires a huge amount of financial sacrifice and dedication.

I applaud anyone who makes the decision to dedicate their lives to being a good parent. Even more so those who choose to adopt those children abandoned by their 'blood' parents.

It is certainly selfish under many certain circumstances. Adoptive parents do not always equal good parents either.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

Sounds like you're sharing some personal testimony.

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Or is this just your imagination.

Why are you taking this so personally? We are entitled to OUR opinions that it is wrong, and we gave reasons as to why which you have not been able to refute. Just because you are angry about homosexuals, does not mean that you can take it out on everyone else for expressing their opinions. NO! Everyone does NOT have to agree with homosexuality.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

I don't have any problem with gays getting married, but really I don't think it's a very good idea to bring children into it if you could avoid doing so. It is just rather selfish, don't you think? Putting your needs ahead of those of your child? Wait until your children are grown and better able to understand before dragging them into such a confusing situation.

Seriously- you must not be a parent. I am- I have been happily married to my lovely wife for over 20 years and we have a fantastic child. There is nothing selfish about deciding to be a dedicated parent. Being a good parent requires devotion, time and sacrifice- just planning on sending your children to college requires a huge amount of financial sacrifice and dedication.

I applaud anyone who makes the decision to dedicate their lives to being a good parent. Even more so those who choose to adopt those children abandoned by their 'blood' parents.

It is certainly selfish under many certain circumstances. Adoptive parents do not always equal good parents either.

And unfortunately that does happen- but most parents- gay or straight- go into parenthood for the right reasons- and try to get it right.

Not everyone though.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

Sounds like you're sharing some personal testimony.

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Or is this just your imagination.

Why are you taking this so personally? We are entitled to OUR opinions that it is wrong, and we gave reasons as to why which you have not been able to refute. Just because you are angry about homosexuals, does not mean that you can take it out on everyone else for expressing their opinions. NO! Everyone does NOT have to agree with homosexuality.

Look- if a poster- and that isn't you- wants to post a crap opinion like this pretending it is factual rather than purely his opinion I will call him out on it

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Everyone doesn't have to 'agree' with homosexuality just like everyone doesn't have to agree with Catholicism or Planned Parenthood- but if someone is going to through out crap opinions I will treat them as crap opinions.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

I don't have any problem with gays getting married, but really I don't think it's a very good idea to bring children into it if you could avoid doing so. It is just rather selfish, don't you think? Putting your needs ahead of those of your child? Wait until your children are grown and better able to understand before dragging them into such a confusing situation.

Seriously- you must not be a parent. I am- I have been happily married to my lovely wife for over 20 years and we have a fantastic child. There is nothing selfish about deciding to be a dedicated parent. Being a good parent requires devotion, time and sacrifice- just planning on sending your children to college requires a huge amount of financial sacrifice and dedication.

I applaud anyone who makes the decision to dedicate their lives to being a good parent. Even more so those who choose to adopt those children abandoned by their 'blood' parents.

It is certainly selfish under many certain circumstances. Adoptive parents do not always equal good parents either.

And unfortunately that does happen- but most parents- gay or straight- go into parenthood for the right reasons- and try to get it right.

Not everyone though.

The welfare and happiness of the children comes before the happiness of the gays who wish to adopt, as it should be. Why would anyone want to put a child through that? Gays are constantly complaining about how difficult things are for them, discrimination, all that stuff. WHY would anyone want to put a child through that? WHY? Because they are selfish people who only care about their own happiness and see the child as property instead of a being with feelings.
I just keep thinking about that young boy being raised by lesbians who thinks (or has been convinced) that he wants to be a girl. Is that JUST a coincidence? .

Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

Sounds like you're sharing some personal testimony.

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Or is this just your imagination.

Why are you taking this so personally? We are entitled to OUR opinions that it is wrong, and we gave reasons as to why which you have not been able to refute. Just because you are angry about homosexuals, does not mean that you can take it out on everyone else for expressing their opinions. NO! Everyone does NOT have to agree with homosexuality.

Look- if a poster- and that isn't you- wants to post a crap opinion like this pretending it is factual rather than purely his opinion I will call him out on it

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Everyone doesn't have to 'agree' with homosexuality just like everyone doesn't have to agree with Catholicism or Planned Parenthood- but if someone is going to through out crap opinions I will treat them as crap opinions.

I would agree ... if my opinion was/is crap. But it isn't and you know it (deep inside).
Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

I don't have any problem with gays getting married, but really I don't think it's a very good idea to bring children into it if you could avoid doing so. It is just rather selfish, don't you think? Putting your needs ahead of those of your child? Wait until your children are grown and better able to understand before dragging them into such a confusing situation.

Seriously- you must not be a parent. I am- I have been happily married to my lovely wife for over 20 years and we have a fantastic child. There is nothing selfish about deciding to be a dedicated parent. Being a good parent requires devotion, time and sacrifice- just planning on sending your children to college requires a huge amount of financial sacrifice and dedication.

I applaud anyone who makes the decision to dedicate their lives to being a good parent. Even more so those who choose to adopt those children abandoned by their 'blood' parents.

It is certainly selfish under many certain circumstances. Adoptive parents do not always equal good parents either.

And unfortunately that does happen- but most parents- gay or straight- go into parenthood for the right reasons- and try to get it right.

Not everyone though.

The welfare and happiness of the children comes before the happiness of the gays who wish to adopt, as it should be. Why would anyone want to put a child through that? Gays are constantly complaining about how difficult things are for them, discrimination, all that stuff. WHY would anyone want to put a child through that? WHY? Because they are selfish people who only care about their own happiness and see the child as property instead of a being with feelings.

And that brings us all the way back to the beginning:

Seriously- you must not be a parent. I am- I have been happily married to my lovely wife for over 20 years and we have a fantastic child. There is nothing selfish about deciding to be a dedicated parent. Being a good parent requires devotion, time and sacrifice- just planning on sending your children to college requires a huge amount of financial sacrifice and dedication.

I applaud anyone who makes the decision to dedicate their lives to being a good parent. Even more so those who choose to adopt those children abandoned by their 'blood' parents.
Since most of the children who are gender confused are raised by heterosexuals, it is hard to know what is a coincidence.

Q A Therapists on Gender Identity Issues in Kids NPR

Sounds like you're sharing some personal testimony.

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Are you speaking from personal experience?

Or is this just your imagination.

Why are you taking this so personally? We are entitled to OUR opinions that it is wrong, and we gave reasons as to why which you have not been able to refute. Just because you are angry about homosexuals, does not mean that you can take it out on everyone else for expressing their opinions. NO! Everyone does NOT have to agree with homosexuality.

Look- if a poster- and that isn't you- wants to post a crap opinion like this pretending it is factual rather than purely his opinion I will call him out on it

Gender confusion/homosexuality is a result of several things:

1) High divorce rate where kids are raised by a single parent.
2) Removal of moral standards from the public schools.
3) Uber-Liberal parents who teach their kids that it's "okay" to be gay.
4) Television, television, television!
5) America's (and other nation's) refusal to recognize God and His basic list of moral standards.

Everyone doesn't have to 'agree' with homosexuality just like everyone doesn't have to agree with Catholicism or Planned Parenthood- but if someone is going to through out crap opinions I will treat them as crap opinions.

I would agree ... if my opinion was/is crap. But it isn't and you know it (deep inside).

LOL you are as delusional about me as you are about your homosexual fantasies.
To any and all gays who read this board -

Most people are not Peeping Tom's whose own sexuality is threatened by what consenting adults are doing. Most people do not need to lie about homosexuality in order to feel good about their mindless hate for what they know nothing about - except what some rabid RW site tells them to think.

In short, most people are not sicko homophobes.

Ignore those who are.
Last edited:
Homosexuals will not enter the book of life. Sexual experimentation is a fact of life. Homosexuality = Death... plain and simple.

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