Harris Has Lowest Approval of Any VP In NBC Polling History

This is the problem with affirmative action. Instead of choosing based on merit, you choose based on checking off boxes on a list. Biden specifically said he would choose a woman to be his VP and given that his cabinet has been full of people chosen due to their skin pigmentation, gender delusions, and sadomasochist interests, it's hardly shocking that he would choose a vice-president completely unqualified and out of her element as she has repeatedly demonstrated, based on what she looks like. This administration is the embodiment of the Island of Misfit Toys.
She and the Press Secretary are walking examples of the harm done by Affirmative Action, and thus prioritizing skin color over competence. You end up with idiots in key positions.

And our enemies are watching.
She and the Press Secretary are walking examples of the harm done by Affirmative Action, and thus prioritizing skin color over competence. You end up with idiots in key positions.

And our enemies are watching.
They do not have to destroy a country that is destroying itself.
Why do you ask? You think she that much of a slut? Shame on you!!

I ask because you made the claim.

How would one know that was true unless via personal experience.

Not to mention giving great head does not make a woman a slut.
You want a level playing field? They leave us with little choice but to play their games. And it usually works against them because their people are far worse when it comes to character and integrity.
I just don't see it that way. We may have to bite the bullet and play by their rules that, however unfair, are legal when it comes to taxes, election laws/processes, etc. But we certainly don't have to be as cruel and mean spirited, sexist, racist as they are.
This administration is the embodiment of the Island of Misfit Toys.
True, ^^^^

Whereas the last administration was the embodiment of crooks and criminals.
There was a few indictments in that administration in case you forgot in case you choose to ignore Trump, Stone, Flynn, Bannon, Manafort, Papadoplous, etc.
I just don't see it that way. We may have to bite the bullet and play by their rules that, however unfair, are legal when it comes to taxes, election laws/processes, etc. But we certainly don't have to be as cruel and mean spirited, sexist, racist as they are.
As long as we do not resort to violence. like they do, I say anything else is fair game.
She and the Press Secretary are walking examples of the harm done by Affirmative Action, and thus prioritizing skin color over competence.
Neither one of them has done a single thing to affect your life or cause harm to you. If you think I'm lying, then provide an example of how YOU have been personally affected and caused you harm.

Major deflection is next, because as usual, you have nothing to back up your baseless racist claim.
So it's wrong and saying it's simply a pay back is wrong also? It should all be condemned?

It is nothing but a taste of the medicine they hand out when they slur conservative woman.
Take a look at reality. Who is condemning it on their side?
Neither one of them has done a single thing to affect your life or cause harm to you. If you think I'm lying, then provide an example of how YOU have been personally affected and caused you harm.

Major deflection is next, because as usual, you have nothing to back up your baseless racist claim.
The way this country is being run is hurting everyone. It is the result hiring by color not merit.
She needs to wear one of these:


How the hell can any sane person pick someone that ended-up with 2% in the primary before dropping out of embarrassment?

Makes Tater 25th and impeachment proof I guess. :dunno:
My guess is it makes Joe assassin proof, and sets them up as having the first black woman president when he either dies, or they logically use the 25th on him.

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