Harris is further to the left than Bernie Sanders !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
thats right ! Harris's Senate record is further to the left and more radical than Socialist Bernie Sanders ! how will voters react when that info becomes widely known ! can the left cover for her and convince the public that she is a moderate ?? if she's farther to the left than Sanders maybe we should start calling her Commie La !

thats right ! Harris's Senate record is further to the left and more radical than Socialist Bernie Sanders ! how will voters react when that info becomes widely known ! can the left cover for her and convince the public that she is a moderate ?? if she's farther to the left than Sanders maybe we should start calling her Commie La !


I love it.

That'll stick

Stick to her like glue.
nonsense, Comrade Bern is clearly shown to the left of Harris here....


thats right ! Harris's Senate record is further to the left and more radical than Socialist Bernie Sanders ! how will voters react when that info becomes widely known ! can the left cover for her and convince the public that she is a moderate ?? if she's farther to the left than Sanders maybe we should start calling her Commie La !

Just propaganda to keep the R voters in line. She is nothing more or less than totally controlled by the elite. Just as Joe and Don are.
thats right ! Harris's Senate record is further to the left and more radical than Socialist Bernie Sanders ! how will voters react when that info becomes widely known ! can the left cover for her and convince the public that she is a moderate ?? if she's farther to the left than Sanders maybe we should start calling her Commie La !

You guys said the same thing about Biden, Hillary, Obama, Gore and Bill Clinton

But the truth is "You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
That's because modern day lefts are a party of no action. They want the illusion of doing something but don't actually want to do anything.

Bernie isn't worth a shit. That's why he just talks about how young people should make a living wage working at Starbucks, talks about how capitalism is bad in his books that he sells via to make money off of via capitalism, he always tears into those richer than him and so on. Kamala is even dumber and more worthless so she needs to go even further left to compensate for her lack of ability and value.

That's why they always want more rules, more regulations, more laws, more censorship because they don't want to actually solve any problems or face reality. It's much easier to whip up a new law instead of fixing the problem.

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