Harris Says Abortion Limitations Would Limit the “Choices” Of Men

Wow, your TDS was so overpowering that you accepted the notion of someone completely incapable of leadership a heartbeat away from leadership. You folks really are creatures of emotion devoid of logic.
No TDS, just believing in the system and rarely making choice based on VP on the ticket.
No TDS, just believing in the system and rarely making choice based on VP on the ticket.
Keep telling yourself that. The Biden disaster was foreseen by every single person with three or more working brain cells. Lo and behold, here we are. All because TDS and a whole lot of cheating.
I'm just curious what the VP is doing, besides airing frivolous interviews of nonsense with sycophant media, about any of the actual, real, grievous problems going on in this country that her policies helped create? Anything?
I wrote her the rest of the way off, when she openly laughed at multiple administration policy problems, not being something I would have tolerated if it had been an XO I had selected at and command level, prima fascia evidence they are above their level of competence or usefulness, not ready to support or command. Remember, she has no policies. These are administration policies, Joe's policies (like them or not) and she is not the head of the administration. Her main job is supporting administration policies, in an intelligent way or keeping her mouth shut, while continuing to privately inquire daily as to the health of the president. At best, VPs have been accurately for the most part described as "useful as a warm bucket of spit". She is hardly a smooth savy negotiator, smooth respected diplomat or fulfilling any other necessary niche.
Remember, she has no policies. These are administration policies, Joe's policies

Yes and they are policies that during the 2020 Primaries, she was diametrically DEAD SET against.

Ever see anyone ask Joe or her how she was chosen for VP when she and Joe couldn't have been more far apart on issues?
Spooky. I try not to think about it.

Kammy Harris is one stuck bike pedal away from being Leader of the Free World.

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Yes and they are policies that during the 2020 Primaries, she was diametrically DEAD SET against.

Ever see anyone ask Joe or her how she was chosen for VP when she and Joe couldn't have been more far apart on issues?
Amazing some dumb ass guided Joe to her or possibly picked Kamala for him. I just don't know anymore. Reminds me of the flip side of Sarah, being picked for John McCain. I knew McCain was sick at the time and uncertain if he would make it through 4 years. No way could I vote for John with her most likely following in office, and I liked the heck out of McCain, even though the previous Republican and ministration had shaken my long term financial security to the bone.
Yes and they are policies that during the 2020 Primaries, she was diametrically DEAD SET against.

Ever see anyone ask Joe or her how she was chosen for VP when she and Joe couldn't have been more far apart on issues?
Soros chose them probably, he wants to destroy America.
Soros chose them probably, he wants to destroy America.
Great. The "conspiracy fringe" heard from, on the question of how Joe got Kamala.
Great. The "conspiracy fringe" heard from, on the question of how Joe got Kamala.
Soros has funded many Democrat candidates.

Billionaire mega-donor George Soros is seeding a super PAC with $125 million, an enormous investment that will aid Democratic groups and candidates for the 2022 election cycle and beyond.

George Soros-backed political group supporting candidate in Arkansas prosecuting attorney’s race​

How George Soros funded progressive ‘legal arsonist’ DAs behind US crime surge​

"For the last several years, billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been quietly financing a revolution in criminal justice reform, doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive candidates in district attorney races throughout the country amid movements to abolish bail and defund the police."



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Soros has funded many candidates. Mostly far left Marxists.
Thats what I hear, but the people voted for them. Lots of people throw lots of money around influencing lots of people for lots of different reason. I never met the guy, and don't really give a rat's ass about him either way.
Thats what I hear, but the people voted for them. Lots of people throw lots of money around influencing lots of people for lots of different reason. I never met the guy, and don't really give a rat's ass about him either way.
The candidates don't advertise that they got most of their funding from Soros and his many 'foundations.' Also, Democrat candidates have the luxury of a doting press. Money buys votes in America, you among most should already know this.
To bang or not to bang. That is the question.

I've chosen to bang and gone 47 years without a kid because I chose to bang with a condom.

This crazy ass idea that suddenly because rvw was overturned now means no one uses any protection ever and just raw dogging it left and right is insane. Wrap that rascal or don't bang if you don't have one. It's like contraception has somehow magically been taken out of our vocabulary.

There is never an excuse for not being responsible.
I've chosen to bang and gone 47 years without a kid because I chose to bang with a condom.

This crazy ass idea that suddenly because rvw was overturned now means no one uses any protection ever and just raw dogging it left and right is insane. Wrap that rascal or don't bang if you don't have one. It's like contraception has somehow magically been taken out of our vocabulary.

There is never an excuse for not being responsible.
Yes, they put forth the fairy tale that men are just careless assholes guided by their penises and women are all shrinking violets plucked of their virginity by uncaring men. Most men and women are not like that but, the lie serves them politically. It convinces stupid men and women to kill babies with no thought, and there are a lot of stupid people around these days.
The candidates don't advertise that they got most of their funding from Soros and his many 'foundations.' Also, Democrat candidates have the luxury of a doting press. Money buys votes in America, you among most should already know this.
Money gets exposure. People should not be fooled with poor candidate, but often are on both sides of the fence. I fail to see the difference between him and the people that sold "corporations are people too".
Again - I would encourage everyone to watch the whole interview.
It is fascinating - seriously.
She knows so little about anything. You would think a VP going to an interview would spend hours preparing for it and practicing talking points etc. That is what most politicians do.
She just "wings it". She isn't half smart enough to be able to do that. So her responses range from incoherent word salad to flawed reasoning and farcical claims.
This line about "young boys choices limited" - is a farcical claim.
The father has never had any legal input whatsoever. And doesn't now, and won't later.
It is a ridiculous statement, and she isn't smart enough to realize it
Money gets exposure. People should not be fooled with poor candidate, but often are on both sides of the fence. I fail to see the difference between him and the people that sold "corporations are people too".
Yes, and exposure is all important to a political campaign. People are easily fooled apparently. Even in SF they recalled a Soros backed prosecutor Boudin. While Soros never directly contributed to Boudin's campaign the Soros funded group 'Fair and Just Prosecution" did. Also...

Soros additionally funds a network of liberal organizations that raised Boudin more than $600,000 for his election, according to the Washington Times, and contributed directly to groups fighting to oppose his recall.

Smart Justice California Action Fund donated almost $180,000 to oppose Boudin's recall. The group received funding from the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, which was stood up in 2018 thanks to $3.65 million from Soros.

Soros has developed a political network that is designed to hide direct connections between groups and donors.

A corporation is only a taxable entity. Most corporations turn a profit and contribute to politicians that may be favorable to them. Soros is a different story, his foundations are tax free and all do Soros' bidding. What's funny is that now that Boudin got kicked out, Soros drops him like a hot potato because he doesn't want to be outed. He's a slimy snake.

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